  • Work flow of clinical microbiology laboratory under the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 Work flow of clinical microbiology laboratory under the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 #8621_0


    Author:Gong Yali

    Abstract: The burn microbiology laboratory of the author's unit is a second-level biosafety laboratory, which is mainly responsible for handling clinical microbial samples from our department and other departments in the hospital. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019, in order to ensure the normal development of daily work and the safety of medical staff, the microbiology laboratory has actively adjusted the daily work flow. The specific work flow is summarized as follows to provide reference for the safety protection of peer in clinical microbiology laboratory.

    Journal:Chinese Journal of Burns

    Publishing Time:2020,36(00):E008-E008


  • Recommendations for obstetric anesthesia during the COVID-19 epidemic Recommendations for obstetric anesthesia during the COVID-19 epidemic #8601_0


    Author: Group of Obstetric Anesthesia of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology

    Abstract: Obstetric anesthesia is an important part of clinical anesthesia during the COVID-19 epidemic. Obstetric anesthesia management faces challenges such as difficulty in evaluation, in managing patients with emergent or fluctuating conditions, and in taking care of both the mother and the fetus/newborn. Obstetric anesthesia should focus on the following aspects. First, detailed evaluation of COVID-19 should be carried out. Except for epidemic-related evaluation, the effect of physiologic changes during pregnancy and complex condition of the parturient and critical condition on COVID-19 evaluation should be considered. The possible effects of maternal lung conditions on the fetus should be paid attention to simultaneously to determine the optimal timing for delivery, delivery mode and degree of protection. Second, tight infection control of the environment, staff and devices is necessary. Delivery of the suspected or diagnosed cases of novel coronavirus infection should be performed in an isolation delivery room or in a negative pressure operating room. Anesthetic personnel should be minimized, and skilled anesthetists should be arranged in priority. Medical staff should wear personal protective equipment according to standards. Third, the keypoint of optimizing anesthesia management is to maintain sufficient oxygenation and stable circulation. For neuraxial anesthesia, coughing and hypotension should be minimized. For general anesthesia, protection from infection during airway management is essential. Fourth, humanistic care should be implemented, and psychological health education and psychological crisis intervention should be conducted for parturients. Fifth, though no evidence supported the vertical transmission yet, the newborn of the suspected or diagnosed mother of novel coronavirus infection should be isolated, and breastfeeding is not permitted until the mother recover. To minimize the risk of infection and optimize clinical safety, multi-discipline-based teamwork by the obstetricians, anesthetists, neonatologists, infect-control experts and intensive care unit staff on infection control and maternal-fetal management is important.

    Journal:Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology

    Publishing Time:2020,40:E012-E012


  • Expert consensus on training for operating room nurses during COVID-19 epidemic Expert consensus on training for operating room nurses during COVID-19 epidemic #8587_0


    Author: Sun Yuhong

    Abstract: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of respiratory infectious disease. Currently, the epidemic is spreading across China and in some countries outside China. However, healthcare workers on the clinical frontline is not fully aware of this new type of disease. Therefore, practical and feasible training programs shall be developed by combining effective training forms and complete curriculum based on the actual situation to train medical personnel at all levels. The authors work together with expert teams combating the epidemic in Beijing and even the whole country to formulate this expert consensus, with a view to providing a practical solution for the development of operating room-related training during epidemic prevention and control, so that scientific and reasonable curriculum settings can be made available and training can proceed orderly.

    Journal:Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing

    Publishing Time:2020,26:E013-E013


  • Interpretation of pathological changes for "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 by the National Health Commission (Trial Version 7)" Interpretation of pathological changes for "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 by the National Health Commission (Trial Version 7)" #8457_0



    Abstract:国家卫生健康委员会发布《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》,首次将病理变化纳入其中。这些病理变化信息是基于当时所获得的有限病例病理观察(重庆和武汉共7例遗体穿刺、5例系统尸检)结果,经过多名病理专家和临床专家讨论总结并达成共识,是目前较为全面的新型冠状病毒感染疾病(COVID-19)病理变化的总结,是COVID-19诊疗方案的重要指导性指标。本文根据COVID-19病理学研究结果,结合严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的病理变化,对两种疾病的多器官病理变化进行了比较分析,发现COVID-19与SARS导致的机体病理变化大致相同,主要病变发生在肺、免疫系统(脾脏、淋巴结)及各器官的血管,但SARS肺、脾脏及各器官的血管病变严重且广泛,而COVID-19 Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞的增生不如SARS显著,肺内支气管内甚至肺泡腔内可见较多支气管栓,SARS则少见,这可能是通气和换气功能障碍的直接而重要的病理基础,关于COVID-19病理变化,由于掌握的材料有限,尚需将来积累更多的尸体解剖资料予以补充,目前相关的病理变化信息仅供参考。.


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  • Cluster investigation Technical Guidelines for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19), China (1st Trial Version) Cluster investigation Technical Guidelines for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19), China (1st Trial Version) #8304_0





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  • Health protection guideline of passenger transport stations and transportation facilities during novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak Health protection guideline of passenger transport stations and transportation facilities during novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak #8256_0



    Abstract:During the coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak, the transportation industries are faced with the more burdensome tasks of outbreak prevention and control as well as ensuring smooth transportation. It is important to organize transportation in order to restore the order of production and life, ensure the normal economic and social operation, and control the outbreak in the whole society. From the perspective of health, this guideline puts forward technical requirements on the operation management, personnel requirements and health protection of passenger transportation places such as aviation, railway, subway, bus, taxi, ship, etc., which reduces the impact of the NCP outbreak on the transportation industry and personal health risks. 在新冠肺炎流行期间,交通运输行业面临的疫情防控和保通保畅运工作任务更加繁重,有序做好返程人员运输组织工作对恢复生产生活秩序、保障经济社会正常运转以及做好全社会疫情防控工作均具有十分重要的意义。本指南从卫生健康角度对客运场所及航空、铁路、地铁、公交、长途车、出租车、船舶等交通运输工具的运行管理、人员要求及卫生防护等方面提出了技术要求,降低新冠肺炎流行对交通运输行业的影响和人员的健康风险。.


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  • Expert consensus on preventing nosocomial transmission during respiratory care for critically ill patients infected by 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia Expert consensus on preventing nosocomial transmission during respiratory care for critically ill patients infected by 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia #8210_0



    Abstract:Definite evidence has shown that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) could be transmitted from person to person, so far more than 1,700 bedside clinicians have been infected. A lot of respiratory treatments for critically ill patients are deemed as high-risk factors for nosocomial transmission, such as intubation, manual ventilation by resuscitator, noninvasive ventilation, high-flow nasal cannula, bronchoscopy examination, suction and patient transportation, etc, due to its high possibility to cause or worsen the spread of the virus. As such, we developed this consensus recommendations on all those high-risk treatments, based on the current evidence as well as the resource limitation in some areas, with the aim to reduce the nosocomial transmission and optimize the treatment for the COVID-19 pneumonia patients. Those recommendations include: (1) Standard prevention and protection, and patient isolation; (2) Patient wearing mask during HFNC treatment; (3) Using dual limb ventilator with filters placed at the ventilator outlets, or using heat-moisture exchanger (HME) instead of heated humidification in single limb ventilator with HME placed between exhalation port and mask; avoid using mask with exhalation port on the mask; (4) Placing filter between resuscitator and mask or artificial airway; (5) For spontaneous breathing patients, placing mask for patients during bronchoscopy examination; for patients receiving noninvasive ventilation, using the special mask with bronchoscopy port to perform bronchoscopy; (6) Using sedation and paralytics during intubation, cuff pressure should be maintained between 25-30 cmH(2)O; (7) In-line suction catheter is recommended and it can be used for one week; (8) Dual-limb heated wire circuits are recommended and only changed with visible soiled; (9. For patients who need breathing support during transportation, placing an HME between ventilator and patient; (10) PSV is recommended for implementing spontaneous breathing trial (SBT), avoid using T-piece to do SBT. When tracheotomy patients are weaned from ventilator, HME should be used, avoid using T-piece or tracheostomy mask. (11) Avoid unnecessary bronchial hygiene therapy; (12) For patients who need aerosol therapy, dry powder inhaler metered dose inhaler with spacer is recommended for spontaneous breathing patients; while vibrating mesh nebulizer is recommended for ventilated patients and additional filter is recommended to be placed at the expiratory port of ventilation during nebulization. 自首例新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊以来,已有大量人传人的病例,其中超过1700例医护人员遭受了感染。对危重症患者进行呼吸治疗时有大量高危操作,例如气管插管、简易呼吸器辅助通气、无创正压通气、高流量鼻导管治疗、气管镜检查、吸痰以及转运等均可引起或加重患者气道内呼出病毒的大量传播。因此,我们根据目前最佳证据以及国内现有条件制定了本防范建议,旨在降低医护人员感染风险的同时为患者提供最佳治疗。.


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  • Pulmonary rehabilitation guidelines in the principle of 4S for patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Pulmonary rehabilitation guidelines in the principle of 4S for patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) #8168_0



    Abstract:A recent epidemic of pneumonia cases in Wuhan China was caused by a novel coronavirus with strong infectivity, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The article provides the pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) methods in the principle of 4S (simple, safe, satisfy, save) for patients with pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, shows how to establish a ventilative and convectional PR environment to prevent the spread of virus through droplets, how to guide the patients to carry out PR, how to carry out respiratory muscle training, effective cough, expectoration, sneeze, general exercise, digestive function rehabilitation and psychological rehabilitation, and how to clean and disinfect the PR environment. 2019新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎具有高度传染性,本文结合4S(simple,safe,satisfy,save)呼吸康复内容和2019新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊治标准,对2019-nCoV所致的肺炎患者提供可行的呼吸康复指引。.


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  • Expert recommendations on the management of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer during epidemic of COVID-19 (Trial version) Expert recommendations on the management of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer during epidemic of COVID-19 (Trial version) #8142_0



    Abstract:The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a public health emergency of major international concern. Given the systemic immunosuppressive state caused by malignancy and anticancer treatments, patients with advanced lung cancer may be at a higher risk of COVID-19 infection. During epidemic of COVID-19, a guideline for the optimal management of patients with advanced lung cancer urgently needs to be proposed to distinguish the symptoms of COVID-19 and the side effects of antitumor drugs. This network questionnaire survey was conducted on the lung cancer group of the Chinese Thoracic Society, Chinese Medical Association; the lung cancer group of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology Youth Committee; and the Chinese Respiratory Oncology Collaboration. 321 valid questionnaires were received. Based on the guidelines on lung cancer and the results of the questionnaires, a consensus was reached. During the epidemic of COVID-19, We recommended that patients with advanced NSCLC should be treated as outpatients as possible at the nearest medical center; Patients who need to be hospitalized for antitumor treatment should be excluded from COVID-19 infection; More intensive attention should be paid to identification of COVID-19-related symptoms and adverse reactions caused by the malignancy or antitumor treatments. Stronger personal protection should be made for advanced NSCLC patients; An intentional postponing of antitumor treatment should be considered according to patient performance status. Treatment strategies should be made according to different types of advanced NSCLC patients and efficacy and toxicity of drugs. 新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)仍在蔓延,疫情防控任务任重而道远。结合当前疫情,考虑晚期肺癌患者的特殊性,我们对中华医学会呼吸病学分会肺癌学组、CSCO青委肺癌组、中国呼吸肿瘤协作组委员等进行网络问卷调查,共收到来自全国各地专家有效问卷321份。结合国内外肺癌相关指南与本次问卷结果,制订本指引(试行)。对于目前新冠肺炎疫情期间,晚期非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)患者管理、抗肿瘤药物使用的策略、具体注意事项、药物不良反应与新冠肺炎疑诊患者的鉴别诊断要点等方面给予了建议和推荐。建议就近就医、门诊诊疗为主;因病情需要住院患者,应排除合并新型冠状病毒感染后方能住院进行抗肿瘤治疗;建议重视COVID-19相关症状与肿瘤本身或治疗导致的不良反应的鉴别;重视防护和合并感染者的救治;可根据个人情况适当推迟返院时间;同时需针对不同类型NSCLC患者选择不同的诊疗策略,平衡药物疗效与毒性。.


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  • Expert consensus on the use of corticosteroid in patients with 2019-nCoV pneumonia Expert consensus on the use of corticosteroid in patients with 2019-nCoV pneumonia #8137_0





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  • Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in children: experts' consensus statement Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in children: experts' consensus statement #8131_0




    Journal:World journal of pediatrics

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  • Expert consensus for bronchoscopy during the epidemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection (Trial version) Expert consensus for bronchoscopy during the epidemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection (Trial version) #8104_0



    Abstract:Infection with 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets, airborne transmission and direct contact. However, conducting bronchoscopy on patients with 2019-nCoV is a high-risk procedure in which health care workers are directly exposed to the virus, and the protection and operation procedures need to be strictly regulated. According to the characteristics of bronchoscopy, it is necessary to formulate the procedure, requirements and precautions when conducting bronchoscopy in the current epidemic situation. Relevant standards for preventing from infections should be strictly implemented in the operation of bronchoscopy. It needs to emphasize that bronchoscopy should not be used as a routine means for the diagnosis of 2019-nCoV infection sampling. The indications for bronchoscopy for other diseases should be strictly mastered, and it is suggested that bronchoscopy should be postponed for those patients who is not in urgent situation. 2019新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus,2019-nCoV)感染感染主要通过呼吸道飞沫传播、空气传播及接触传播,结合支气管镜操作的特点,制订了当前疫情下支气管镜诊疗操作的流程、要求及注意事项。进行支气管镜诊疗操作时须严格执行传染病防控相关标准,强调了支气管镜检查不作为诊断新冠感染采样的常规手段,在按要求做好防护的基础上,严格掌握支气管镜诊疗适应证,如非病情急需,建议暂缓检查。.


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  • ISUOG Interim Guidance on 2019 novel coronavirus infection during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals ISUOG Interim Guidance on 2019 novel coronavirus infection during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals #8058_0

    Department of Obstetrics and Gyna...




    Journal:Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology

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  • Expert consensus on Pulmonary Function Testing during the epidemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 Expert consensus on Pulmonary Function Testing during the epidemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 #8024_0



    Abstract:Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and close contact. Pulmonary function testing procedures have been associated with an increasing risk of COVID-19 transmission among patients/subjects and medical staffs. Effective prevention and control strategies must be compulsorily implemented to prevent nosocomial infection. This recommendation is intended to be followed by healthcare workers (HCWs) of pulmonary function testing laboratory when COVID-19 is in epidemic. Based on the features of pulmonary function testing, precaution principles and strategies are developed in three aspects of management for HCWs, operating procedure, environment and equipment. Indications of pulmonary function testing should be followed strictly. It is strongly recommended to suspend the test for the confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 during the contagious stage, and to postpone the test for other patients if it is not imperative. Medical personnel should mandatorily adhere to the standard stratification of precaution measures. Patients/Subjects should be isolated in a separate area for testing. Disposable in-line filters must be used during pulmonary function testing. Cleaning and disinfection procedures for environment and equipment in pulmonary function testing laboratory should be paid more attention. 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)主要通过呼吸道飞沫传播及密切接触传播。肺功能检查可增加医务人员和受检者发生COVID-19传播的风险,必须严格执行有效的预防和控制措施以防止院内感染。为了指导肺功能检查室医务人员做好防控工作,本指引结合肺功能检查的特点,制订了当前疫情下肺功能检查在医务人员管理、检查流程管理和检查环境物品管理3个方面的要求及注意事项。主要强调在疫情流行期间,必须严格掌握肺功能检查的适应证,强烈建议COVID-19确诊病例或疑似病例在传染期内暂缓检查,其他病患如非病情急需也暂缓检查;肺功能室医务人员应严格执行标准分级防护措施;受试者应在单独区域进行隔离检查;检查时必须使用一次性呼吸过滤器;并重视肺功能检查环境和设备的清洁消毒。.


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  • Consensus of Chinese experts on protection of skin and mucous membrane barrier for health-care workers fighting against coronavirus disease 2019 Consensus of Chinese experts on protection of skin and mucous membrane barrier for health-care workers fighting against coronavirus disease 2019 #8014_0




    Journal:Dermatologic therapy

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