Case details:

Suining Sweet Potato Subtropical Hills in Qingfeng Village Case on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development (Case 13)

DOI:10.3974/geodc.2022.05.13,CSTR:20146.22.2022.05.13,GCdataPR [2022]13

The case is led by Researcher Tan Wenfang from the Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,and launched by a team jointly composed of Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Suining City,Suining Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center,Suining Natural Resources Bureau of Anju District,Suining Longting Ecological Agriculture Co.,Ltd. The case has been listed as a case of the "Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability " (Case 13).

Suining sweet potato is an annual herbaceous plant, with a mature vine length of over 2 meters, lying flat on the ground at an angle. The root is spindle shaped and the outer skin is earthy yellow. The variety has uniform root tubers, thin skin, light red skin color, meat and egg yellow color, containing a large amount of starch, soluble sugars, various vitamins and amino acids, as well as protein, fat, dietary fiber, calcium, iron and other minerals. It has excellent taste quality, rich nutritional content, and reliable food safety. The main variety of sweet potatoes in Suining is "524 Potato", which was introduced to Suining in the early 1960s. Qingfeng Village in Baima Town, Anju District was one of the first trial planting bases.

Suining sweet potatoes have become an important economic crop in the local area. In October 2021, "Suining Sweet Potato" was certified as a "geographical indication certification trademark" by the China National Intellectual Property Administration. Suining Sweet Potato has formed a unique cultural brand for agricultural cultivation in the hilly area of central Sichuan, and is a precious and important agricultural cultural heritage. After the establishment of the industrial park, the collective income of the village had increased by 100000 yuan annually in 2021. The core area of Suining Sweet Potato Industrial Park covers more than 1000 acres, driving professional cooperatives, family farms, large growers, and farmers in Baima Town, Anju District to plant more than 8000 acres of sweet potatoes. A total of more than 5000 households have joined the Suining sweet potato planting team.

The scope of this case study is Qingfeng Village, Baima Town, Anju District, Suining City, Sichuan Province, with a total area of 4.29 km2 and a geographic coordinate of 105 ° 19’E in the central area 35°30’27” N. The average annual rainfall in Suining is 887.3~927.6 mm, with an average annual sunshine duration of 1300.4~1328.1 hours and an average frost free period of 283~300 days. It belongs to a subtropical humid monsoon climate. The soil in Qingfeng Village is mainly composed of red brown purple soil and brown purple soil, with weak alkaline characteristics. The soil in the case area has high organic matter and available potassium content, which is beneficial for the development of sweet potatoes. Soil heavy metal monitoring indicators meet the national standards for common heavy metals in Class I soil types.

With the support of the Suining Municipal Government, a special committee member for the development of the Suining sweet potato industry has been formed, among which Suining Longting Ecological Agriculture Co.,Ltd is the chairman unit of the Suining Sweet Potato Industry Association. For many years, a model of government, business, and service has been established in business management. This model not only unifies the planting techniques of farmers, improves the quality of sweet potatoes, but also effectively improves the income of potato farmers. With a long planting history, Suining sweet potatoes have integrated with Suining's unique natural conditions in terms of variety selection, adaptive evolution, and planting methods, resulting in the unique high-quality and distinctive characteristics of Suining sweet potatoes. Planting sweet potatoes is a unique "524 sweet potato" variety in the local area, with a 60 year planting history, which is a valuable experience summarized by generations of Qingfeng Village people. Suining Sweet Potato has formed a unique cultural brand for agricultural cultivation in the hilly area of central Sichuan, and is a precious and important agricultural cultural heritage.

The Suining Meteorological Bureau has installed a ten element farmland microclimate observation system in Qingfeng Village, Baima Township. Through real-time, continuous, and dynamic monitoring of meteorological factors such as temperature, rainfall, wind direction and speed, air pressure, humidity, visibility, and lightning, it can achieve minute level encrypted observation and continuously track the growth environment of Suining sweet potatoes annually, providing data reference for scientific planting and disaster prevention. Build a 5G+sweet potato industry demonstration park, use Internet of Things technology to achieve safe storage of sweet potatoes, intelligent irrigation systems, scientific management, research and application of sweet potato mechanization, improve the automation level of sweet potato production, and achieve precise management of intelligent industrial parks.

"Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability " is a science and technology support action plan sponsored by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, led by the Chinese Geographical Society, jointly promoted by the United Nations Consultative Information and Communication Technology Special Committee of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Institute of Geographic Science and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the World Data Center for Global Change Science Research and other units. Its purpose is to integrate basic sciences such as geography, resources, and ecology, as well as information and communication technologies such as geographic information systems, remote sensing and Earth observation, big data and the Internet of Things, with open science as the basic principle, to promote rural revitalization and regional sustainable development.

DATASET: TAN Wenfang, LI Lusen, YANG Xiaolin*, YANG Songtao, CHEN Liping, LONG Xingchun, LI Yan, CHEN Zhi, LUO Chunming, DONG Yuling, ZHANG Shunyin, WANG Zhengxing. Suining Sweet Potato Subtropical Hills in Qingfeng Village Case Dataset on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.

DATAPAPER: Tan, W. F., Li, L. S. , Yang, X. L., et al.GIES Case Dataset on Suining Sweet Potato Subtropical Hills in Qingfeng Village, Baima Town, Sichuan Province of China[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2022.6(2):169-179. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2022.02.02.

Chief Scientist:
TAN Wenfang

TAN Wenfang, female, born in 1968, is a researcher and a scientist in the National Sweet Potato Industry System for Processing Sweet Potato Varieties Improvement. She is also a member of the Potato Branch of the China Grain and Oil Society, a member of the Sichuan Crop Society, the chief researcher in potato breeding during the 14th Five Year Plan period in Sichuan Province, and the deputy director of the Potato Breeding Center at the Crop Institute of the Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She graduated with a master's degree in crop cultivation from Sichuan Agricultural University in July 1995 and has been engaged in research on potato genetics and breeding at the Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences until now. She has participated in major scientific research projects such as the National "948" and "863" programs, the Support Program, the Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Ministry of Agriculture's industry special projects. Received one provincial second prize for scientific and technological progress, developed three sweet potato varieties that have passed national appraisal, 19 varieties approved at the provincial level, granted six patents, obtained eight variety rights, published more than 40 related research papers, and co authored four monographs.

Expert members of the case team:
LI LusenDirector, Agricultural Inspection Center Office of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Suining City, Sichuan Province
YANG XiaolinDeputy Director/Senior Agronomist, Agricultural Safety Center of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Suining City
YANG SongtaoAssociate Researcher, Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
CHEN LipingIntermediate Statistician, Suining Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center
LONG XingchunAgronomist, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Suining City
LI YanNinth level staff, Suining Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center
CHEN ZhiGeneral Manager, Natural Resources Bureau of Anju District,Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Management Unit
LUO ChunmingAgronomist, Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Anju District, Suining City
DONG YulingGeneral Manager, Suining Longting Ecological Agriculture Co.,Ltd
ZHANG Shunyinvillage leadership, Qingfeng Village,Baima Town,Suining City
WANG ZhengxingAssociate Researcher, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Technical Support