Case details:

Geographical Indications Environment and Sustainability (GIES) in Fengxian Pear Ancient Yellow River Floodplain (Case 15)

DOI:10.3974/geodc.2023.05.15,CSTR:20146.22.2023.05.15,GCdataPR [2023]15

The case is launched by a team jointly composed of Jiangsu Normal University,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,The People’s Government of Fengxian County,Fengxian County Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Research Institute of Pomology of Xuzhou,Institute of Food Science and Technology of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Dashahe Town Agricultural and Rural Office,Xuzhou Ningxing Food Co.,Ltd,Fengxian County Baoling Green Fruit Professional Cooperative,Dashahe Town Runze Fruit and Vegetable Family Farm,China University of Geosciences (Beijing),Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Guilin University of Technology. The case has been listed as a case of the "Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability " (Case 15).

The Ancient Yellow River Floodplain is a special and complex geographical unit, formed as a result of the Yellow River's flooding, diversion, sedimentation, and wind erosion over the years. The unique ancient yellow floodplain habitat in Fengxian County, has nurtured soil conducive to fruit tree cultivation, creating a unique environment for the development of pears in Fengxian County. Fengxian pear has a planting history of over 200 years, and its century long inheritance has made it an international high-quality brand. The main varieties of pear in Fengxian include Bai Su pear, Huang Guan pear, et al. Among them, Fengxian Baisu pear has become a geographical indication product with regional characteristics due to its large size, thin skin, abundant juice, fine meat, high sugar content, smooth surface, and advanced planting methods and management models.

DATASET: ZHANG Zhongqi*, SONG Wei*, YANG Chenlu, GAO Fuyong, XU Xiuli, SHI Wenjiao, DUAN Yuquan, LI Dehai, LI Xiaobing, LI Baifeng, HOU Liyun, YU Hao, SHENG Shuangqing, LI Shuchang, WEI Xi. Dataset of Geographical Indications Environment and Sustainability (GIES) in Fengxian Pear Ancient Yellow River Floodplain[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.

DATAPAPER: Zhang, Z. Q., Wang, K., Song, W., et al.GIES Case Study on Feng County Pear of the Ancient Yellow River Floodplain[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2023.7(2):129-147 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2023.02.02 .

Chief Scientist Photo:
Resume of Chief Scientist:
ZHANG Zhongqi, male, PhD, associate professor, master's supervisor. In 2007, he graduated from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment with a master's degree, and in 2010, he graduated from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing Institute of Soil Research with a doctor's degree. His main research direction is resource and environmental information science. At present, he has presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation project, 2 State Key Laboratory Foundation projects, 2 Jiangsu Provincial University Natural Science Foundation projects, and participated in the research of the National 973 Project and the Chinese Academy of Sciences carbon project. In recent years, more than 20 papers have been published in core domestic and foreign journals such as Soil Tillage and Research, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Environmental Earth Science, Pedosphere, Acta Ecologica Sinica, and Acta Pedologica Sinica.
Expert members of the case team:
ZHANG ZhongqiProfessor, Jiangsu Normal University
WANG KunSenior Agronomist, Feng County Public Data Center
SONG WeiAssociate Researcher, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
YANG ChenluDeputy Director, The People’s Government of Fengxian County
GAO FuyongDeputy Director, Fengxian County Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Research Institute of Pomology of Xuzhou
XU XiuliDirector, Research Institute of Pomology of Xuzhou
SHI WenjiaoResearcher, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
DUAN YuquanAssociate Researcher, Institute of Food Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
LI DehaiDirector, Dashahe Town Agricultural and Rural Office
LI XiaobingGeneral Manager, Xuzhou Ningxing Food Co.,Ltd
LI BaifengGeneral Manager, Fengxian County Baoling Green Fruit Professional Cooperative
HOU LiyunGeneral Manager, Dashahe Town Runze Fruit and Vegetable Family Farm
YU Haopostgraduate, China University of Geosciences(Beijing)
SHENG Shuangqingpostgraduate, Lanzhou Jiaotong University
LI Shuchangpostgraduate, Lanzhou Jiaotong University
WEI Xipostgraduate, Guilin University of Technology
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