Case details:

Baoshan Coffee Xinzhai Village Dry-Hot Valley Case on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development (Case 2)

DOI:10.3974/geodc.2021.05.02,CSTR:20146.22.2021.05.02,GCdataPR [2021]02

The case is led by teacher Duan Ruting from Baoshan University,and launched by a team jointly composed of Baoshan University,the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Baoshan Chunzheng Coffee Industry Development Co.,Ltd, Coffee Association of Yunnan Province,Baoshan Quality and Technical Supervision Comprehensive Testing Center,Meteorological Bureau of Longyang District. The case has been listed as a case of the "Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability " (Case 2).

Coffee Arabica is an evergreen shrub that began large-scale cultivation in Xinzhai Village, Lujiangba, Baoshan, Yunnan in 1952. Baoshan Xinzhai Village is located in Lujiang Town, Longyang District, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, on the eastern foot of Gaoligong Mountain and the west bank of the Nujiang Grand Canyon. The ecological and geographical environment of the dry and hot river valley formed by two mountains sandwiched by one river (Gao Ligong Mountain and Nu Mountain sandwiched by the Nu River).

Coffee not only survived but also developed a unique flavor, becoming an important economic crop in the local area. Baoshan Coffee Arabica was protected by National Geographic Indication Products in 2016 and was selected as one of the first batch of China Europe Geographical Product Protection List in 2020. Xinzhai Village is known as the "number one coffee village in China". In 2021, the coffee production in Xinzhai Village was 4000 tons, with a production value of 120 million yuan and a per capita benefit of 22000 yuan.

Xinzhai Village not only has concentrated and contiguous coffee gardens, but also has formed a vertical ecological zone due to the altitude spanning from 760 meters to 1640 meters. The coffee varieties are mainly the Cartham series and the Tiebica variant.

Coffee growth requires a clear dry season for flowering, followed by gradual maturation of coffee beans during the rainy season. In Xinzhai Village, coffee beans gradually mature from October to mid April of the following year and can be picked at any time. The last time, whether mature or not, all are picked. The absolute highest temperature in the Xinzhai Village area is 40.4 ℃, the absolute lowest temperature is 0.2 ℃, and the annual average temperature is 21.3 ℃. The active accumulated temperature is 7800 ℃, which is greater than or equal to 10 ℃. There is basically no frost throughout the year, and precipitation is concentrated in June and October. It belongs to a typical South Asian tropical dry hot valley climate type. The soil in this area is mainly composed of dry red soil, with high potassium content and weak acidity in the soil layer. This soil has strong permeability, water and fertilizer retention, and can provide nutritional elements for coffee.

In 2018, Xinzhai Village installed a real-time meteorological observation system for coffee production gradients. The system consists of 5 stations, covering a height range of 760 to 1640 meters for coffee cultivation in Xinzhai Village.

All coffee businesses in Xinzhai Village have added an "agricultural product traceability system" and established a coffee traceability system.

There are currently 5 coffee enterprises established in Xinzhai Village, among which Baoshan Chunzheng Coffee Industry Development Co., Ltd is the chairman unit of Yunnan Coffee Industry Association. For many years, Xinzhai Village has adopted a "company+base+professional cooperative+farmer" model in terms of business management, strictly following the standard of "Geographical Indication Product - Baoshan Coffee Arabica ". Xinzhai Village has established an ecological coffee farm that integrates deep coffee processing, cultural exhibition, sightseeing tourism, and product sales, as well as a comprehensive industry of high-quality coffee from Gaoligong Mountain, a "coffee journey" from "seeds" to "cups".

"Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability " is a science and technology support action plan sponsored by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, led by the Chinese Geographical Society, jointly promoted by the United Nations Consultative Information and Communication Technology Special Committee of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Institute of Geographic Science and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the World Data Center for Global Change Science Research and other units. Its purpose is to integrate basic sciences such as geography, resources, and ecology, as well as information and communication technologies such as geographic information systems, remote sensing and Earth observation, big data and the Internet of Things, with open science as the basic principle, to promote rural revitalization and regional sustainable development.

DATASET: DUAN Ruting, LIU Yingtao*, FU Cuili, HU Kang, YANG Yuhan, ZI Xueming, JIA Hansi, LIU Chao, LI Xiaobo, WANG Zhengxing*. Baoshan Coffee Xinzhai Village Dry-Hot Valley Case Dataset on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.

DATAPAPER: Duan, R, T., Liu, Y. T., Fu, C. L., et al. GIES Case Dataset on Baoshan Arabica Coffee Dry-Hot Valley in Xinzhai Village, Yunnan Province of China[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2021.5(3):261-274. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.03.05.

Chief Scientist:
DUAN Ruting

DUAN Ruting, The Secretary of the Party Committee of Baoshan University, focusing on the fundamental task of "cultivating virtue and talent", attaches great importance to improving teaching quality, bravely shoulders heavy responsibilities in work, and is full of enterprising spirit, which has been widely praised. In 2015, won the first prize in the Yunnan division of the second National University (Undergraduate) Micro Course Teaching Competition and the National Excellent Award; Actively conducting research on regional economy and planning, publishing multiple papers in publicly available publications nationwide, daring to try, following national strategies, serving local economies, possessing strong industry practices and joint local experience, exploring the integrated development of government, enterprise, research, and education. As the team leader, She collaborated with theInstitute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences to create the "Baoshan Coffee Xinzhai Village Dry-Hot Valley Case". Stood out in the national application cases, obtained the qualification for the first batch of high-quality geographical product demonstration landing and listing in China, and was authorized to use case examples, trademarks, logos, and digital QR codes.and was included in the action plan of the "Innovation China" Professional Science and Technology Service Team of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. The case has received strong support from the Baoshan Municipal Party Committee and Government, as well as the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association. It is currently being promoted and used in Baoshan coffee products. To protect geographical indications, promote rural revitalization, and promote sustainable development, the case actively contributes to enhancing the brand influence and product added value of Baoshan coffee. It has become a new model for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Baoshan and a new demonstration for the research of the entire Baoshan coffee industry chain.

Expert members of the case team:
LIU YingtaoDirector of the Office, Gaoligongshan Research Institute of Baoshan University
FU Cuililecturer, Baoshan University
HU Kangstudent, Baoshan University
YANG YuhanAssistant Engineer, Meteorological Bureau of Longyang District, Baoshan City
ZI XuemingAssistant Engineer, Meteorological Bureau of Longyang District, Baoshan City
JIA HansiAssistant Engineer, Meteorological Bureau of Longyang District, Baoshan City
LIU ChaoDeputy Director, Baoshan Quality and Technical Supervision Comprehensive Testing Center
LI XiaoboGeneral Manager, Baoshan Chunzheng Coffee Industry Development Co.,Ltd, President of the Coffee Association of Yunnan Province
WANG ZhengxingAssociate Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Technical Support