Case details:

Conghua Litchi Jiangpu Street Subtropical Low Hills Case on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development (Case 8)

DOI:10.3974/geodc.2021.12.08,CSTR:20146.22.2021.12.08,GCdataPR [2021]08

The case is launched by a team jointly composed of Scholl of Geography and Remote Sensing of Guangzhou University,Guangzhou Conghua District Agriculture and Rural Bureau,Guangzhou Conghua Hualong Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Co.,Ltd. The case has been listed as a case of the "Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability " (Case 8).

The case area of Jiangpu in Conghua is located in the eastern part of Conghua District in the central Guangdong region of Guangzhou, with longitude 113 º 17 ′ -114 º 04 ′ E and latitude 23 º 22 ′ -23 º 56 ′ N. The area is 131 km2. Belonging to the transitional zone between central subtropical and southern subtropical regions, the climate type is subtropical monsoon climate. The average precipitation from 2000 to 2020 was 1992.7 mm, the annual average temperature was 21.5 ℃, and the annual average sunshine time was 1588.1 hours.

Rich in light, heat, and water resources, it is suitable for the growth and development of lychee. Conghua is connected to the mountains in northern Guangdong in the north and the the Pearl River Delta Plain in the south, which is the middle zone of the transition from mountains to plains. The main soil types in Jiangpu are lateritic red soil, which is conducive to organic matter accumulation and is slightly acidic, as well as tidal soil formed by river and groundwater movement, both of which are suitable for planting lychees.

Lychee belongs to the Sapindaceae family and the lychee genus is an evergreen tree. Jinggang Hongnuo is an excellent new variety of lychee selected by the School of Horticulture of South China Agricultural University from excellent individual lychee plants. This variety is resistant to cracking fruit, lychee downy mildew, thick flesh, round crown, vigorous tree vigor, with an average length of 8.98 cm and a width of 3.11 cm on leaves, and a petiole length of 0.62 cm. The main vein is obvious, and the lateral veins are not obvious. The leaf edges are microwave shaped, and the leaves are green. The leaf shape is similar to "Nuomici".

Guangzhou Conghua Hualong Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Co.,Ltd was established in 1998 and is a key agricultural leading enterprise in Guangdong Province, a leading agricultural enterprise in Guangzhou City, a national high-tech enterprise, a new research and development institution in Guangzhou City, and a "two high and four new" demonstration enterprise. Its output value is over 80 million yuan, and it deeply cultivates the lychee planting industry, driving more than 3000 households. It mainly exports to European and American markets and supplies domestic supermarkets. The company has a standardized production base of 3500 acres, including lychees, and has obtained certification for export registration and green food production base. The cooperative base covers more than 8000 acres. Under the guidance and guidance of the Conghua government and the Conghua Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Hualong, a lychee management enterprise in Conghua, has made years of efforts to establish a mature industrial model. As of 2021, the annual production of lychee in the entire region of Conghua is 65000 tons, with a total output value of 2 billion yuan.

In order to better monitor and manage the habitat of lychee, in June 2020, the Conghua Government and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture joined forces with Guangzhou Conghua Hualong Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Co.,Ltd to apply technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and drones to build a 5G+intelligent lychee orchard. The Internet of Things technology was used to achieve intelligent water and fertilizer integration, achieve digital lychee planting, scientific management, research and application of hilly and mountainous orchard mechanization, improve the automation of orchard production, and achieve precise management of lychee intelligent orchards that improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance experience.

Conghua is a famous "hometown of lychees" in China, with records of lychee cultivation dating back over 200 years. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Conghua had over 10000 acres of lychee planting area, which was an important source of income for local farmers. After decades of tepid development, the country began to shift its focus to economic development in 1978, vigorously developing the lychee planting industry in Conghua. By 1981, the planting area had grown to 24100 acres, ranking among the seven key lychee counties in China. The development boom, mainly focused on cultivating lychees in the mountains, has rapidly risen. By 1996, the planting area of lychee in the entire region had increased to 109000 acres, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries of the State Council approved Conghua as a lychee production base city (county). From then on, lychee production has developed towards scale, industrialization, and standardization.

DATASET: WANG Jinnian, LUO Yiyun, TAN Zixuan, OUYANG Jianzhong, LIU Ruibo, ZHU Ziwen, LIU Haidong, JIANG Jifeng. Conghua Litchi Jiangpu Street Subtropical Low Hills Case Dataset on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.

DATAPAPER: Wang, J. N., Luo, Y. Y., Tan, Z., X., et al.GIES Case Dataset on Conghua Litchi in Subtropical Hills in Jiangpu Town, Guangdong Province of China[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2021.5(4):399-409 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.04.04.

Chief Scientist:
WANG Jinnian

WANG Jinnian, Doctoral, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. Winners of leading talents in the "Hundred Talents Plan" of Guangzhou University, and selected leaders in the National "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" National Special Support Program for High level Talents; Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of York, Canada; Senior Visiting Scholar at the International Center for Earth Science Information Networks (CIESIN) in the United States, and Senior Visiting Scholar at the French Academy of Agricultural Sciences INRA. In 2016, he was selected as an academician of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), and in 2017, he was selected as a member of the IAA Presidium; Received the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Asian Association for Remote Sensing (AARS) in 2019. He has led and completed dozens of national level major scientific research projects, formulated one national standard (GB/T 32453-2015), obtained more than 30 invention patents, published monographs such as "Beijing No.1 Small Satellite Data Processing Technology and Applications", "Environmental Supervision Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Technology and Applications", authored "Standardization Research on Domestic Satellite Data Products and Services", and "Standardization Research on Practical Work Norms and Verification Technology Testing Methods for Domestic Satellite Data Products". "The quantitative monitoring technology for key elements of land and sea environment based on multi-source autonomous satellite remote sensing" won the first prize of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Progress (2013), "The key technology and demonstration of comprehensive processing of domestic military and civilian Earth observation satellite constellation data" won the first prize of Xinjiang Science and Technology Progress (2014), "The key technology and application of quantitative remote sensing for domestic land satellites" won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress (2016), and "The key technology and equipment of configurable adaptive array 3D LiDAR" won the first prize of Guangxi Technology Invention (2020). He formerly served as the Deputy Director of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Executive Director of the National Engineering Laboratory for Remote Sensing Satellite Applications, and Deputy Chief Designer of the National High Resolution Earth Observation System Major Science and Technology Special Application System. Engaged in aerospace remote sensing technology and application work for a long time. He currently serves as the Director of the Innovation Center for Intelligent Applications of Remote Sensing Big Data at Guangzhou University, Vice President of Guangdong Digital Guangdong Research Institute, Secretary General of the Environmental Remote Sensing Branch of the Chinese Geographical Society, Vice Chairman of the China High tech Industrialization Research Association, Chinese representative of the Asian Remote Sensing Association, member of the Presidium of the China Remote Sensing Committee, and Executive Director of the China Remote Sensing Application Association.

Expert members of the case team:
LUO Yiyungraduate student, Scholl of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University
TAN Zixuangraduate student, Scholl of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University
OUYANG JianzhongGeneral Manager, Guangzhou Conghua Hualong Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Co., Ltd
LIU RuiboVice General Manager, Guangzhou Conghua Hualong Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Co., Ltd
ZHU Ziwengraduate student, Scholl of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University
LIU HaidongDeputy Director, Guangzhou Conghua District Agriculture and Rural Bureau
JIANG Jifenggraduate student, Scholl of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University
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