Researcher Liu Chuang delivered a keynote speech on technological innovation in GIES at the 37th Ministerial Summit of FAO of the United Nations for Asia and the Pacific


On February 19-22, the 37th Ministerial Summit of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for Asia and the Pacific was held in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Researcher Liu Chuang from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR-CAS) gave a keynote speech on technological innovation in "Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability" (GIES).

The ministerial summit, with the theme of "achieving more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agricultural food systems," was attended by agricultural ministers from 47 member countries in the Asia Pacific region.


In 2021, the Green Agriculture initiative launched by FAO and the flagship project "One Country, One Product"(OCOP) aim to help develop the value chain and sustainable development of special agricultural products, thereby addressing current and potential emerging issues of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition, and contributing to the development of small farmers and family farms. This initiative is global, rooted in national and regional priority plans, and supported through the Food and Agriculture Organization's 2022-2031 strategic framework consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The implementation of "one country, one product" in the Asia and Pacific region will benefit member countries and promote in-depth cooperation among them.


Researcher Liu Chuang, as the Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional Organization Group for OCOP of FAO and the Chief Expert of the Professional Science and Technology Service Team for GIES, was invited to give a keynote speech on the scientific and technological innovation of the GIES method and technology support for the OCOP initiative of FAO. She introduced the successful experience of the scientific, technological, engineering, management, and cultural integration and integration system developed by the IGSNRR-CAS, which focuses on geographical indication products, geographical characteristic products, and geographical traditional product origins, and its application demonstration benefits in China.


Figure 1 Researcher Liu Chuang gave a keynote speech

FAO has highly praised the GIES system, and Assistant Director General Beth Crawford pointed out that FAO attaches great importance to technological innovation. "Science and innovation can help change the food and agriculture system, achieve better production, better nutrition, better environment, and better life, and not let anyone fall behind". She emphasized that the IGSNRR-CAS has made groundbreaking efforts in the application of open science and technology in geographical indication products, environmental protection, and sustainability, and has successfully applied this technology to special agricultural products originating from different geographical, biological, and social environments. By establishing traceability of special agricultural products that connect consumers, it demonstrates its enormous potential for application in the OCOP initiative in the Asia Pacific region. It will provide opportunities to improve producers and production environments, and help enhance the entry of specialty agricultural products into high-end markets.


Figure 2 FAO Assistant Director General Beth Crawford's concluding speech

After the meeting, Researcher Liu Chuang gave an interview to the media of FAO, particularly explaining the specific content of the technological innovation achievements of GIES, the main challenges and solutions faced in the implementation process of the GIES plan, and the role of the promotion and application of GIES in the Asia Pacific region in promoting regional common development.


The delegation of the IGSNRR-CAS to the 37th Ministerial Summit of FAO for Asia and the Pacific was led by Secretary Wang Shenglin, and on behalf of the Institute, a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the two sides was signed with FAO; Researcher Song Xianfang, Chairman of the Institute of Trade Unions, Researcher Wang Zhenbo, Director of the Department of Foreign Cooperation, Researcher Liu Chuang, Executive Vice Editor and Director of the Editorial Department of the Journal of Global Change Data &Discovery, and Ms. Li Limin, Secretary of the Editorial Department, attended the delegation.