Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2020.4(4):417-417


Citation:Liang, X. F., Yi, H. Y.Cover Story—Dr. Jiang in Wuhan Hospital (January 2020)[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2020.4(4):417-417 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.04.16 .

DOI: 10


Cover Story??Dr. Jiang in Wuhan Hospital (January 2020)

Liang, X. F.1,2  Yi, H. Y.1,2 

1. Chinese Preventive Medicine Association Beijing 100021, China;

2. Consultative Committee on Life Sciences and Public Health for the United Nations, China Association for Science and Technology, Beijing 100863, China



Dr. Jiang in Wuhan Hospital (January 2020)

Dr. Jiang, R. M.


Dr. Jiang, Rongmeng, member of National Expert Committee on Infectious Diseases of China, is Chief Physician of Ditan Hospital in Beijing. He is one of key persons of the National Expert Group response to the COVID-19 in China. He has been engaged in clinical diagnosis and treatment for more than 25 years. As a clinical doctor, he tries hard to guide and treatment in infection prevention and control during the outbreak of infectious diseases, including avian influenza, pneumonic plague, Ebola and SARS in Sierra Leone, Madagascar and China.

After the outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia, he participated in formulation of more than 10 diagnostic criteria and prevention programs in response COVID-19. He had been in Wuhan for treat and cure new coronavirus pneumonia patients from January 9 to June 15, 2020. He is one of doctors, who spend so long time in Wuhan during the COVID-19 pandemic. After then, he went to Xinjiang, Yunan, Shangdong provinces for the clinical treatment, where the COVID-19 new cases arise.

He is a responsible, knowledgeable and skillful doctor, he was awarded the ??National Advanced Individuals?? honor for his outstanding response to the epidemic.



Citation??Liang, X. F., Yi, H. Y. Cover story??Dr. Jiang in Wuhan Hospital (January 2020) [J]. Journal of Global Change

Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(4): 417.

