Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2020.4(4):315-324


Citation:Wang, Z. Y., Liu, Y. X. Y.Global Soil Moisture Retrievals Fusion Dataset (2015–2019)[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2020.4(4):315-324 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.04.01 .

DOI: 10

Global Soil Moisture Retrievals Fusion Dataset (2015?C2019)

Wang, Z. Y.1  Liu, Y. X. Y.2,3,*

1. School of Civil and Surveying & Mapping Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China;

2. Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 501170, China;

3. Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), Guangzhou 511458, China



Abstract: In order to improve the spatial-temporal data quality of satellite based global soil moisture retrievals, the authors developed the Global Soil Moisture Retrievals Fusion Dataset (2015?C2019) based on multi-source satellite fusion products and using the Soil Moisture Active Passive retrievals to interpolate the spatio-temporal series of the ECV data, and then reprojected, resampled, and weighted the calculation to produce a Global Soil Moisture Retrievals Fusion Dataset (Global SM). The dataset was validated by comparing the values with ground observations from 134 monitoring stations across eight soil moisture networks in Europe. The data quality was improved by approximately 20%. The dataset is 6.71 GB and consists of 1,737 files; it is archived in .tif format in 1,737 data files with the data size of 6.71 GB.

Keywords: soil moisture; global scale; daily data; 2015?C2019

Dataset Availability Statement:

The dataset supporting this paper was published and is accessible through the Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository at:

1 Introduction

Soil moisture??the volume of liquid water contained in a unit volume of soil??is a key physical quantity of global climate change, land surface hydrological processes, and the carbon cycle[1?C4]. It affects vegetation growth by controlling the soil heat capacity, surface evaporation, and vegetation transpiration[5?C7]. Therefore, obtaining accurate soil moisture data is necessary for assessing terrestrial ecosystem successions as well as the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles; it can also provide early warnings of drought and flood disasters and improve estimations of crop yield[8?C11].

Satellite remote sensing technology can obtain continuous time-series data of land surface soil moisture on the global scale. Massive satellite soil moisture retrievals provide unprecedented opportunities for global climate evolution analysis[12?C13]; however, these datasets have large numbers of null areas because of satellite gaps, radio frequency interference, vegetation optical thickness, and freezing seasons[14?C16]. Different microwave bands (e.g., C-band, X-band, K-band, Ka-band, L-band) have different sensitivities to surface soil moisture[17]. To improve the time-space sequence integrity and data quality of satellite soil moisture retrievals, the European Space Agency developed the Essential Climate Variable Soil Moisture product (ECV SM) by fusing multi-source satellite remote sensing data of global surface soil moisture since 2010[18?C20]. Compared with single-band satellite soil moisture retrievals, ECV SM has the longest time series, and its spatial sequence integrity and data accuracy have been significantly improved. However, the spatial coverage of this product is relatively low compared with that of other assimilation retrievals. Accordingly, integrating new satellite soil moisture retrievals can effectively improve the spatial integrity and data quality of ECV SM. To improve the integrity and accuracy of ECV SM retrieval data[21], we integrated ECV SM with the L-band Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) dataset from 2015 to 2019[22]. After reprojecting, resampling, and interpolating the data, we produced the daily Global Soil Moisture Retrievals Fusion dataset (Global SM)[23?C26]with a resolution of 0.25?? from March 31, 2015, to December 31, 2019.

2 Metadata of the Dataset

The metadata summary of the dataset[27] is summarized in Table 1, which includes the dataset full name, short name, authors, year, temporal resolution, spatial resolution, data format, data size, data files, publisher, and sharing policies, etc.

3 Methods

3.1 Data Sources

ECV SM fuses multi-source active (ERS-1, ERS-2, MetOp-A, ASCAT) and passive microwave retrievals (SMMR, SSM/I, TMI, AMSR-E, AMSR-2, Windsat, SMOS)[21] to form a global daily soil moisture dataset. SMAP is a global daily soil moisture retrieval dataset from 2015 to 2019; it is based on the L-band passive microwave radiometer inversion, with a spatial resolution of 36 km ?? 36 km[22]. Many studies have shown that the sensitivity of the L-band to surface soil moisture is better than that of other microwave bands, and its ground penetration depth is closest to the depth of the soil moisture ground monitoring sensor. NASA has improved the SMAP satellite sensor and its inversion algorithm to enhance its anti-jamming capability of ground man-made radio frequency interference. The verification inferred a higher accuracy and stronger spatio-temporal adaptability of SMAP SM retrievals relative to that of the other satellite soil moisture retrievals in ECV[23, 29?C31].

We verified and evaluated the ECV SM and ascending and descending SMAP SM observations by comparing the data with ground-based measurements from 134 monitoring stations across eight soil moisture measurement networks in Europe. The data of the eight European in-situ networks applied in this study were acquired from the International Soil Moisture Network[32]. The basic attributes of each in-situ measurement are listed in Table 2.


Table 1  Metadata summary of the ??Reprocessing dataset of global soil moisture product (2015?C2019)??



Dataset full name

Reprocessing dataset of global soil moisture product (2015?C2019)

Dataset short name



Liu, Y. X. Y. ABB-3889-2020, Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangdong Academy of Sciences,

Geographical region

Global: 90 ??S?C90 ??N, 180 ??W?C180 ??E



Temporal resolution


Spatial resolution

0.25?? ??0.25??

Data format


Data size

6.71 GB

Data files

This dataset includes 1,737 files. The dataset consists of daily data files from March 31, 2015 to December 31, 2019, named in the form of SM-yyyymmdd.tif. For example, SM-20160101.tif is the global soil moisture fusion data on January 1, 2016


National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents of China (BX20200100); National Earth Observation Data Center of China (NODAOP2020002); Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (GML2019ZD0301)

Data publisher

Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,


No. 11A, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China

Data sharing policy

Data from the Global Change Research Data Publishing &Repository includes metadata, datasets (in the Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository), and publications (in the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery). Data sharing policy includes: (1) Data are openly available and can be free downloaded via the Internet; (2) End users are encouraged to use Data subject to citation; (3) Users, who are by definition also value-added service providers, are welcome to redistribute Data subject to written permission from the GCdataPR Editorial Office and the issuance of a Data redistribution license; and (4) If Data are used to compile new datasets, the ??ten per cent principal?? should be followed such that Data records utilized should not surpass 10% of the new dataset contents, while sources should be clearly noted in suitable places in the new dataset[28]

Communication and searchable system




Table 2  Information of the eight European in-situ measurement networks



Number of Stations

Regional Climate

Land Cover Types




Temperate marine climate

Cropland and shrubland




Mediterranean climate

Cropland and forest




Climate of sub-frigid coniferous forest

Woody savanna




Temperate marine climate

Cropland and forest




Temperate continental climate

Grassland and marshland




Temperate marine climate

Cropland and forest




Temperate continental climate

Cropland and forest




Mediterranean climate

Diverse land cover

3.2 Data Processing

This study aimed to improve the integrity and accuracy of ECV SM retrieval data. To evaluate the quality of SMAP and ECV SM retrievals, we compared the data with the in-situ observations. Moreover, to ensure the quality and stability of the ground measurements, only ground records covering > 12 hr in one day were considered valid, and the daily in-situ soil moisture was calculated as the arithmetic averages of all sites in every network. In this study, the correlation coefficient (R), bias, and unbiased root mean square error (ubRMSE) were the error parameters used to verify the accuracy of the ECV and SMAP data. Our results suggest that SMAP is a high-quality data source for ECV interpolation due to its higher accuracy. Secondly, to enhance the data coverage percentage, we obtained daily SMAP soil moisture data by calculating the arithmetic averages of the ascending and descending SMAP observations. Moreover, we conducted projection transformation and spatial resampling to enhance the spatial consistency of the ECV SM and SMAP SM datasets. Thirdly, we used Python to read and traverse the ECV daily data to identify the null areas. Finally, we used the SMAP daily SM retrieval consistent with ECV spatial properties to interpolate the ECV SM data and produce the Global SM dataset. Finally, this study evaluated and verified the spatial integrity and accuracy of the Global SM data. The data development process is shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1  Flowchart of the soil moisture retrieval fusional algorithm


4 Data Results and Validation

4.1 Data Composition

The global soil moisture retrievals fusion dataset (2015?C2019) includes a total of 1,737 files and consists of daily global coverage data files from March 31, 2015, to December 31, 2019 (named in the form of SM-yyyymmdd.tif). The dataset has a spatial resolution of 0.25?? ?? 0.25?? (approximately 25 km ?? 25 km). The soil moisture unit in the dataset is m3žm?C3, and its value range is [0,1].

4.2 Data Results

Figure 2 compares the ECV SM with the global soil moisture retrievals fusion dataset (2015?C2019) for January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, 2016. The soil moisture temporal and spatial distribution characteristics were highly consistent with the regional seasonal cycle and ranged from 0 to 0.5 m3žm?C3. The dataset was significant improved in its spatial coverage. In winter and spring, the surface temperature was constantly below 0 ??C, with




Figure 2  Comparison Maps of ECV SM data (January (a), April (c), July (e), and October (g)) with the Global SM results (January (b), April (d), July (f), and October (h)) (Unit: m3žm?C3)


frozen soil in the high latitude regions. Greenland and Antarctica were covered with snow and ice throughout the year; however, the soil moisture value in those area was absent, as microwaves can only measure the content of liquid water in soil.

4.3 Data Validation

4.3.1 Integrity Assessment

Figure 3 compares the spatial coverage of the original ECV SM and the Global SM datasets. After data fusion, the spatial coverage of the Global SM improved by approximately 20% compared with the original ECV SM. Moreover, the Global SM filled the ECV SM null values in the Amazon rainforest and the Congo Basin rainforest. The Global SM therefore effectively analyzes the continuity of soil moisture on both temporal and spatial scales. Furthermore, we observed high soil moisture coverage in the middle and low altitudes (at approximately 60??S?C60??N) and in areas of low vegetation coverage, as microwaves cannot effectively penetrate ice and vegetation (> 5 kgžm?C2).



Figure 3  Spatial coverage of ECV SM (a) and Global SM (b) data (Unit: %)


4.3.2 Accuracy Evaluation

We verified and evaluated the ECV SM and ascending and descending SMAP SM observations by comparing the data with measurements from 134 ground-based monitoring stations across the eight European soil moisture networks (Figures 4?C6). The horizontal lines in the boxplots represent the maximum, upper four quantile, median, lower four quantile, and



Figure 4  Boxplots of correlation coefficients for ECV SM and SMAP SM retrievals


Figure 5  Boxplots of bias for ECV SM and SMAP SM retrievals



Figure 6  Boxplots of RMSE for ECV SM and SMAP SM retrievals


minimum values. The dotted line represents the average of an array, and the red points represent the outliers. The correlation coefficient and bias of SMAP were stronger than those of ECV SM, while the ubRMSE of SMAP was equivalent to that of ECV[33]. This suggests that the SMAP SM retrievals are reliable, of high quality, and can effectively improve the integrity of the ECV SM data[34].

We used in-situ data to verify the accuracy of the Global SM, and the results are shown in Table 3. The accuracy of the Global SM was equivalent to that of ECV SM, but the Global SM performed better in the REMEDHUS, FR_Aqui, RSMN, and SMOSMANIA networks. The Global SM can therefore effectively capture the amplitude and temporal variations of soil moisture and accurately fit the in-situ measurements. Overall, the Global SM can precisely reflect the distribution and variability of in-situ measurements.

To further analyze the correlation between the Global SM and in-situ data distributions, the curve of the probability distribution function (PDF) of the in-situ, original ECV SM, and Global SM datasets is shown in Figure 7. The three soil moisture datasets showed a normal distribution, but the ECV SM distribution (red line) was notably clustered and the curve of PDF of the Global SM was more closed to it of the in-situ data.


Table 3  Evaluation results of the Global SM data

In-situ Measurements


























































Figure 7  Soil moisture PDF curves of ECV SM data, Global SM data, and in-situ measurements

5 Discussion and Conclusion

Using SMAP SM retrievals to fill in null ECV SM data points, we produced a daily global soil moisture dataset with a resolution of 0.25?? ?? 0.25?? from March 31, 2015, to December 31, 2019. To ensure data quality, we verified the ECV SM, ascending and descending SMAP SM, and the Global_SM datasets by comparing their values with 134 in-situ measurements across eight European ground-based networks. We found that the Global_SM dataset showed equivalent values and evolutionary spatio-temporal tendencies to that of the in-situ measurements. Moreover, the accuracy and spatial coverage integrity of the Global_SM dataset were significantly improved.

We assumed that the in-situ data represented the ??ideal true value??, but its spatial resolution varied from the raster pixels with a resolution of 0.25?? ?? 0.25????especially in underlying surfaces with complex properties. Therefore, the validation results based on the in-situ data can to some extent prove the quality of the Global_SM dataset but are not entirely equivalent to the dataset??s accuracy.

Satellite soil moisture retrievals commonly have null areas. However, our study demonstrates that the use of high-precision SMAP retrievals to interpolate the null areas of the ECV SM data is an effective method for producing a global soil moisture dataset with high spatial coverage. We suggest that future research attempt to retrieve soil moisture data by mapping the relationship between soil moisture and multi-source surface parameters (such as precipitation, temperature, vegetation index) based on mathematical models.

Author Contributions

Liu, Y. X. Y. designed the dataset algorithms. Wang, Z. Y. contributed to the data processing and analysis and also drafted the manuscript.


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