Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2020.4(3):314-314


Citation:Liang, X. F., Yi, H. Y.Cover Story—Ma’ Group Carried Out the Epidemiological Investigation in Wuhuan Hospital in March 2020[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2020.4(3):314-314 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.03.14 .

DOI: 10


Cover Story??Ma?? Group Carried Out the Epidemiological Investigation in Wuhuan Hospital in March 2020

Liang, X. F.1,2  Yi, H. Y.1,2 

1. Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Beijing 100021, China;

2. Consultative Committee on Life Sciences and Public Health for the United Nations, China Association for Science and Technology, Beijing 100863, China


Cover photo (Doctors in Wuhan hospital in March 2020)

 Dr. Liu, W. D.

Prof. Xiang, N. J.

Prof. Ma, C.

In response to the outbreak of the coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), on 25 January 2020 the National Health Commission of P. R. China immediately rallied experts from Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to support Wuhan. As an important member of the national team in the frontline for coronavirus pneumonia analysis, prevention and control, Prof. Ma, Chao, Doctor Liu, Wendong and Prof. Xiang, Nijuan carried out detailed epidemiological investigations in the patients?? wards. The photo on the left was taken in Wuhan hospital on 23 March 2020.

Dr. Liu, Wendong, Chief Physician of the Jiangsu Provincial Center of Disease Control and Prevention, was honored with a Medal for his meritorious service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both Dr. Liu and Prof. Xiang, Nijuan, from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, were awarded the ??National Advanced Individuals?? honor for their outstanding response to the epidemic. Prof. Ma, Chao from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is a member of the Consultative Committee on Life Sciences and Public Health for the United Nations (CCLH), the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), as well as the representative candidate for the 10th CAST National Congress; he is an expert in immunization program and vaccine preventable diseases. On 3 March 2020, all three experts?? groups were awarded the ??National Advanced Team?? honors for their work in COVID-19 prevention and control.


Citation??Liang, X. F., Yi, H. Y. Cover story??Ma?? group carried out the epidemiological investigation in Wuhuan

hospital in March 2020 [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(3): 314.

