Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2017.1(4):490-496


Citation:Liu, C., Zhang, G.Y.; Song, X.F.Summary of the Capacity Building in 100 Universities Program on Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2017.1(4):490-496 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.04.22 .

Summary of the Capacity Building in 100 Universities Program on Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing (2017)

Liu, C.1*  Zhang, G. Y.2  Song, X. F.1

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China??

2. Geographical Society of China, Beijing 100101, China



The Global change research data publishing and sharing received a series of feedbacks since the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository online in June 2014 and the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery published since March 2017. The feedbacks are diverse, including issues related to the strategies, policies, technologies, cases and

capacities, etc., such as why we need the data publishing, how to publish my data, what the relationship between the dataset publishing and the data paper publishing as well as the discovery paper publishing, how to evaluate my data is qualified to be published, how to

protect the knowledge intellective right and how to cite my dataset published and so on. In order to response to the requirements from students, data scientist, professors and even publishers and journalists, the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS) and the Geographical Society of China

initialed the Capacity Building in 100 Universities Program on Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing started in June 2017. The activities of the phase of 2017 were focused on the issues: (1) why the global change research data publishing and sharing (2) key technologies for the data publishing and sharing (3) cases analysis for understand how to publishing, sharing and re-using global change data and (4) the local content and progress on research data. The program was supported by the Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Total 9 universities and institutes hosted the activities, including 5 in Beijing and 1 in Antananarivo of Madagascar, Jinan of Shandong Province, Xining of Qinghai Province and Yinchuan of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. More than 930 researchers and students joined the program, including more than 30 persons from Madagascar and more than 20 persons from South Africa, Kennya, Tanzania, Mongolia, Nepal, Ukraine and Indonesia. The activities were led by the Principle Investigator Group of Communication for Geography of the World. The summary items of each of the activities are listed at the Table 1 to Table 9.

Table 1  The 1st Meeting at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)


The  1st Meeting


The 2017 national conference of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing


29 June 2017


Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS) (Beijing)


IGSNRR/CAS and Geographical Society of China




Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences


• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS, Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

• Zhang, Guoyou. Vice President of Executive Secretary General of the Geographical Society of China

• Song, Xianfang. Director of Academic Journal Center of Institute of IGSNRR/CAS


• Xu, Guanhua. Former Minister of Ministry of Sciene and Technology of China, and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Zheng, Do. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Lu, Dadao. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS, and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Zhang, Songmei. Chief Engineer and Deputy Director General of National Remote Sensing Center of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China

• Yang, Zixiu. Project Manager of Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Chen, Jun. Chief Engineering of the National Geoinformatic Center of China

• Ge, Quansheng. Director General and Professor of IGSNRR/CAS and Editor-in-Chief of

Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery


More than 150 professors and scientists participate the conference, they are from Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Xian, Guangzhou, Dalian, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, et al.


Summary report by Professors Jiang, D., Song, X. F. and Zhang, G. Y. was published at the

Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, Vol.1 No.2

Table 2  The 2nd Meeting at the University Of Antananarivo, Madagascar (Antananarivo)


The 2nd Meeting


International training workshop on open and reuse scientific data in developing countries, Madagascar, 2017


September 7-8, 2017


University of Antananarivo, Madagascar (Antananarivo city, Madagascar)


Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) Task Group on Preservation of and Open Access to S&T Data in/for/with Developing Countries (PASTD)

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences


University Of Antananarivo, Madagascar


• Tao, Zui. Assistant Professor of Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Erath, Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Nicolas Raft Razafindrakoto, Professor of University Of Antananarivo, Madagascar


• Zhou, Xiang. Professor and Director of Major Research Program, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Co-Chair of CODATA Task Group on PASTD and Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

• Mika Odido??Co-chair of Capacity Building subgroup of CODATA - PASTD and IOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States, UNESCO Multi-Sectoral Office in Nairobi, Kenya

(To be continued on the next page)



The 2nd Meeting


• Ambinintsoa Lucie Noasilalaonomenjahary, Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests, Madagascar

• Simon Hodson, Executive Director of Committee on Data for Science and Technology


More than 30 teachers, graduated students and researchers from 6 universities of Madagascar jointed the event


Summary report was published by Zhou, Xiang., Tao, Zui, Nicolas Raft Razafindrakoto and Mika Odido at the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, Vol. 1 No.2

Table 3  The 3rd Meeting at Beijing Normal University (Beijing)


The 3rd Meeting


Geographic science development driven by big data


September 13, 2017


Faculty of Geographic Sciences of Beijing Normal University (Beijing)


Geographical Society of China??Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Faculty of Geographic Sciences of Beijing Normal University


Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences


• Wu, Jianjun. Associate Dean and Professor of Faculty of Geographic Sciences of Beijing Normal University


• Song, Changqing. Executive Dean and Professor of Faculty of Geographic Sciences of Beijing Normal University

• Liu, Baoyuan. Vice President of Geographical Society of China

• He, Shujin. Executive Director of Academic Journal Center of IGSNRR/CAS


• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS, Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: The Role of Global Change Research Data Publishing and Sharing for Geography in the Big Data Era

• Liu, Ronggao. Professor and Director of Breach of Natural Resources and Environmental Data of IGSNRR/CAS

Title of Presentation: New technology for big data processing

• Chen, Lijun. Senior Engineer of National Geoinformatics of China, Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: The GlobeLand 30 dataset development and sharing

• Cheng, Changxiu. Professor and Director of Data Analysis Center of Faculty of Geographic Sciences of Beijing Normal University

Title of Presentation: Progress of Data Analysis Center of Faculty of Geographic Sciences of Beijing Normal University


More than 60 professors and graduate students jointed the event


The summary report was published at Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017,

Vol. 1 No. 2

Table 4  The 4th Meeting at Qinghai Normal University (Xining City)


The 4th Meeting


Geographic science development driven by big data


October 13, 2017


Qinghai Normal University (Xining City)


Geographical Society of China


(To be continued on the next page)



The 4th Meeting


School of Geographic Sciences, Qinghai Normal University


Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Liu, Fenggui. Professor and Dean of School of Geographic Sciences, Qinghai Normal University


Fu, Bojie. President of Geographical Society of China, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhang, Guoyou. Vice President and Executive Secretary General of Geographical Society of China

Ma, Deming. Vice President of Qinghai Normal University


• Jiang, Dong. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

Title of Presentation??Practices on Global Change Research Data Sharing

• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation??Data Quality - the Key of Data Publishing

• Xu, Xinliang. Professor and Deputy Director of Natural Resources and Environmental Data Center of IGSNRR/CAS and Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Land Use and Land Cover Data of China

• Chen, Qiong. Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Department of Geoinformatics of School of Geographic Sciences of Qinghai Normal University

Title of Presentation: Progress of Geographical Data Management of Qinghai Normal University


More than 200 students and teachers from Qinghai Normal University jointed the event

Table 5  The 5th Meeting at Science Press (Beijing)


The 5th Meeting


Big data from academic journals


October 16, 2017


Science Press (Beijing)


Geographical Society of China, IGSNRR/CAS


Science Press


Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences


He, Wenwen. Director of Department of Communication and Academic Journals, Science Press


• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Re-thinking the Strategy of National Platform of China for Open Access to Academic Journals and related Research Data

He, Shujin. Executive Director of Academic Journal Center of IGSNRR/CAS

Title of Presentation: Progress of Academic Journals Integration in IGSNRR, CAS

• Wang, Qunying, Liu, Chunfeng. The Cases Presentation from Journal of Natural Resources and Journal of Progress of Geography


More than 50 journal editors from Chinese Academy of Sciences jointed the meeting and there were more than 80 remote participates

Table 6  The 6th Meeting at Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Erath,

Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)


The 6th Meeting


Innovative applications of remote sensing in the big data era


October 19, 2017


Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Erath, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)


Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Environmental Remote Sensing Committee of Geographical Society of China

Editorial Office of Journal of Remote Sensing


Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Erath, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Zhou, Xiang. Professor and Director of Major Research Program, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Co-Chair of CODATA Task Group on PASTD and Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository


• Gu, Xingfa. Executive Deputy Director of Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Remote Sensing

Title of Presentation??Spectrum Earth: A New Opportunities of Big Remote Sensing Data Applications

• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS, Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation??Methodology for Data Encyclopedia Items on Geography of the World

• Chen, Lijun. Senior Engineer of National Geoinformatics of China, Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: The GlobeLand 30 Dataset Development and Sharing


More than 50 scientist and graduated students from Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences joined the event

Table 7  The 7th Meeting at IGSNRR/CAS


The 7th Meeting


Data publishing and sharing in developing countries


October 20, 2017


IGSNRR/CAS (Beijing)


International Cooperation Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences




Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Geographical Society of China

CODATA Task Group of Preservation of and Open Access to S&T Data in/for/with Developing Countries (PASTD)


Zhu, Yunqiang. Professor and Director of Earth Data Sharing Breach of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences??Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository


• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS, Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Guidelines of Implementation of Data Sharing Principles in Developing Countries

• Shi, Ruixiang. Assistant Professor of IGSNRR/CAS and Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Procedure of Global Change Research Data Publishing and Sharing

• Muliaro Wafula??Professor and Director of Data Center of Jemo Kennyata Agriculture and Technology of Kenya

Title of Presentation: Development of Data Center in Jemo Kennyata Agriculture and Technology of Kenya


More than 20 participates joined the event, they came from South Africa, Kennya, Tanzania, Mongolia, Nepal, Ukraine and Indonesia

Table 8  The 8th Meeting at School of Resources and Environment of Ningxia University


The 8th Meeting


Big data application for Yellow River geography


November 13, 2017


School of Natural Resources and Environment of Ningxia University (Yinchuan City)


Geographical Society of China

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ningxia Association for Science and Technology

Geographical Society of Ningxia


School of Natural Resources and Environment, School of Environmental Engineering of Ningxia University


Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Zhang, Mingxin. Professor of School of Natural Resources and Environment of Ningxia University


Zhang, Guoyou. Vice President and Executive Secretary General of Geographical Society of China

Wang, Jianyu. Associate Dean and Associate Professor of School of Natural Resources and Environment of Ningxia University

Zhong, Yanxia. Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology of Ningxia University


• Zhou, Shangyi. Deputy Secretary General of Geographical Society of China and Professor of Beijing Normal University

Title of Presentation: Big Data and the Three Dimensional Content: Data Application in Human Geography

• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Guidelines of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing

• Wang, Wenrui. Associate Professor of School of Natural Resources and Environment, Lanzhou University

Title of Presentation: A Case Study—Methodology of the Dataset Development for Tourism Activities’ Impact to the Vegetation in the Sangke Prairie (2013)

• Zhong, Yanxia. Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology of Ningxia University

Title of Presentation: Progress of Big Geographical Data in Mingxia University


More than 200 students and professors joined the event


The summary report was published at:

Table 9  The 9th Meeting at Shangdong Normal University (Jinan City)


The 9th Meeting


Innovative education and research in integrating geography, environment and ecosystems driven by big data


December 6, 2017


Changqing Lake Compass of School of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University (Jinan City)


Geographical Society of China??IGSNRR/CAS


School of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University


Communication Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences

(To be continued on the next page)



The 9th Meeting


Xing, Hanfa. Associate Professor and Director of Big Geographical Data Development and Research Center, School of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University


• Wu, Quanyuan. Professor and Director of Department of Geography, Shandong Normal University

• Wang, Xincheng. Professor and Dean of School of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University


• Liu, Chuang. Professor of IGSNRR/CAS Principle Investigator of Communication of Geography of the World and Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Global Change Research Data Publishing and Sharing

• Zhou, Xiang. Professor and Director of Major Research Program, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Co-Chair of CODATA Task Group on PASTD and Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Methodology and Application of Spectrum Earth

• Xu, Xinliang. Professor and Deputy Director of Natural Resources and Environmental Data Center of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Associate Chief Editor of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository

Title of Presentation: Introduction to the Time Series of Land Ecosystem Classification Dataset of China in Five-Year Increments

• Xing, Hanfa. Associate Professor and Director of Big Geographical Data Development and Research Center, School of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University

Title of Presentation: Progress of Big Data Development and Application in Shandong Normal University


Around a hundred of students and professors joined event


The summary report of the meeting was published at: 1024/2697.htm
