Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2023.7(2):225-227


Citation:Wang, J. Y., Zhao, Z. W., Liu, C.GCdataPR Exhibition at the 4th World Data Forum (WDF)[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2023.7(2):225-227 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2023.02.11 .

GCdataPR Exhibition at the 4th World Data Forum (WDF)

Wang, J. Y.1  Zhao, Z. W.1  Liu, C.2

1. Consultative Committee on Information Technology of China Association for Science and Technology (CCIT/CAST), Beijing 100036, China;

2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China




The fourth session of the UN World Data Forum, co-hosted by the United Nations (UN) and National Bureau of Statistics of P. R. China and People??s Government of Zhejiang Province, was held in Hangzhou from 24 to 27 April, 2023. The theme of the conference is ??Towards Data that Empowers Our World??. More than 2,000 representatives from UN organizations, 140 National Bureau of different countries and related government departments, academia, non-governmental organization, private sectors and the media attended the Forum, and nearly 20,000 delegates attended the meeting online. The Consultative Committee on Information Technology of China Association for Science and Technology (CCIT/CAST) organized members to attend the Congress and set up a booth, the latest achievements of the Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository??, including case clusters of Geographical Indications Environmental & sustainability (GIES), is an important part of this exhibition.

The main agenda of this conference includes the opening and closing ceremonies, 6 plenary meetings, 72 parallel forums, exhibitions, and special events. Chairmen Xi, Jinping of P. R. China sent a congratulatory letter to the 4th United Nations World Data Forum. He pointed out that China is willing to work with all countries to deepen international data cooperation under the global development initiative, use ??Data governance?? to help implement the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, and build an open and win-win environment for international cooperation on data to promote common development and progress of all countries. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, delivered a video message, pointing out that the conference highlights the great value of timely, open and quality data. The responsible use of data is the cornerstone of a sustainable future, and let us find new ways to harness and apply this vital resource to create a better tomorrow for all. ??By bringing together a diverse range of global data and statistics practitioners, this forum can help develop the solutions, partnerships and ways to better use data for decision-making that we need to move the world faster towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals??, said Li, Junhua, the UN??s under-secretary-general for economic and social affairs, in a speech to the General Assembly.

The conference set the following four major themes: enhancing innovation and cooperation to produce better and more inclusive data; accomplices mining data to lead and control data to achieve better decision-making and enhance data credibility; strengthening data ethics; grasping new trends and seeking new cooperation, building a good data ecology. The themes discussed at the high-level plenary meeting were: the use and value of data, how innovation can be used to promote timely and comprehensive disaggregation of data, and how to strengthen the protection of privacy at the level of public data transparency, the difficulty of building partnerships in different data production systems while strengthening data infrastructure is a domestic capacity-building issue for data statistics.


Figure 1  The fourth session of the UN World Data Forum was held in Hangzhou, China, from 24 to 27 April, 2023


The closing ceremony adopted the Hangzhou Declaration. The aim is to accelerate the process of implementing the Cape Town Sustainable Development Data Global Action Opportunity. Amina, deputy secretary-general of the United Nation, speaking in a video message at the closing ceremony, Mohammed said: ??Today we are seeing data being discussed at a political level and are beginning to recognize the value of data as a strategic asset, this is where we make better decisions to guide our relationship with the planet, and we urgently need to invest in better data to ensure that no one is left behind??.

Consultative Committee on Information Technology of China Association for Science and Technology (CCIT/CAST), which is made up of domestic experts and scholars in the field of information and communications, represents the non-governmental organization of the Chinese information and technology community on the United Nations stage, established in April 2006, the Secretariat is located in the Chinese Institute of Electronics. The current president is Professor Gong, Ke, immediate past president of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations. Relying on the consultative status of the China Association for Science and Technology in the Economic and Social Council Non-governmental Organization of United Nations, CCIT has organized experts to participate in events hosted by the United Nations in the field of information and communications, to show case Chinese experience and propose Chinese solutions, helping to achieve the UN??s Sustainable Development Goals. The theme booth, designed by CCIT, is shown in the 2023 World Data Forum Global View Booth. The content of this exhibition mainly covers CCIT??s participation in global science and Technology Governance, COVID-19 knowledge and data hub, case cluster of GIES, and CCIT consultation results in the field of data application and governance.



Figure 2  The achievement exhibition on the GCdataPR at the 4th World Data Forum (WDF) by Consultative Committee on Information Technology of China Association for Science and Technology (CCIT/CAST)



Figure 3  Data publishing and sharing drew the attention of participants at the fourth session of the United Nations World Data Forum 2023

