Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2023.7(3):341-342


Citation:Shi, R. X., Wang, L. Q.The 39th Symposium of Capacity Building in 100 Universities/Towns Program on Geographic Big Data was Held at HTB, Xinjiang of China[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2023.7(3):341-342 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2023.03.14 .

The 39th Symposium of Capacity Building in 100 Universities/Towns Program on Geographic Big Data was Held at HTB, Xinjiang of China

Shi, R. X.1  Wang, L. Q.2

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;

2. Hotan Administration of Xinjiang Tarim River Basin Management Bureau, Hotan 848099, China


DOI: 2023.03.14



Figure 1  The 39th symposium of Capacity Building in 100 Universities/Towns Program on Geographic Big Data

On August 2, 2023, the 39th symposium of Capacity Building in 100 Universities/Towns Program on Geographic Big Data held at HTB, Xinjiang of China was successfully hosted at the Hotan Administration of Xinjiang Tarim River Basin Management Bureau (HTB). More than 20 professors, directors and staff members participated in the symposium. The meeting was chaired by Wang, Liquan, deputy secretary and director of the Yulong Kashgar River and Karakash River Management Office. He extended a warm welcome to the experts from the Geographic Big Data Working Group of the Geographical Society of China, and provided a brief overview of HTB??s core activities and personnel. Mr. Reheman Kadir, Deputy Director, expressed his hope that the experts could share their experiences in data publishing and application, as well as the development of ecological projects in Xinjiang. This sharing of knowledge would provide valuable guidance for optimizing water resource allocation, improving data utilization, and enhancing mana­gement practices within HTB.

Prof. Liu, Chuang, secretary-general of the Geographic Big Data Working Group of the Geographical Society of China (GSC), delivered a presentation titled Publication and Application of Global Change Research Data. During her presentation, she introduced the background, contents, data policies, standards and services of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository. Prof. Liu highly praised the data publication on the upper reaches of the Hotan River (including the Karakash River and Yulongkash River, which are tributaries of the Hotan River) and the basin boundary, elevation classification, as well as the scope and area of the Hotan Oasis, Daliyaboyi Oasis, and Minfeng Oasis (2015) as entries in the data encyclopedia. These data shows the achievements of the HTB in the management of Hotan River resources (Hotan is between the Kunlun Mountains, Karakoram Mountains, and the Taklamakan Desert). The HTB has significant contributions to ensuring the peaceful existence and sustainable development of the 2.6 million people residing in the Hotan region. Then Prof. Liu introduced ??habitat protection and sustainable development of Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability?? sponsored by the Geographical Society of China and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In conclusion, she claimed that there is special geographical environment and unique geographical products in Hotan, which are valuable natural resources for high-quality regional development and environmental protection and sustainability.

Prof. Gui, Dongwei. presented on Issues and Methods on Ecological Engineering Construction in Xinjiang. He introduced the construction of ecological civilization, elaborated on the characteristics of the ecological environment in Xinjiang, the problems in the construction of ecological engineering in Xinjiang, and the problems and suggestions for the efficient utilization of Hotan water resources. Prof. Gui emphasized the need for further clarification of the concept and boundaries of ecological civilization construction in Xinjiang, as well as the recognition of disparities between arid and humid regions, and the resulting variations in ecological civilization practices; In the process of ecological civilization construction, the scientific basis for calculating the output value of water resources and the precision of ecological engineering execution in arid areas need to be strengthened. How to scientifically practice ecological civilization construction and achieve precise ecological restoration in arid areas has become an urgent problem to be solved. Regarding the efficient utilization of Hotan water resources, Prof. Gui emphasized the importance of first comprehensively assessing the current state and value of water resource utilization in Hotan, establishing detailed records to guide future endeavors. In conclusion, he provided specific recommendations on how scientific research can support the initiatives of the Hotan Administration and enhance the capabilities of its employees.

Commencing with the specific tasks of the HTB, Secretary Reheman Kadir and Director Wang, L. Q., emphasize the paramount importance of categorizing operational data into distinct levels and further enhancing this endeavor in the future; organize data that can be publicly disclosed and has clear property rights for publication and sharing, in order to promote the rational utilization and optimized allocation of water resources. After the meeting, led by Director Wang, Prof. Liu and others conducted on-site inspections of the Yulong Kashi River channel and riverbed. Prof. Liu said that every published data in the Hotan basin was imbued with the diligent spirit of experts and leaders from the HTB. We not only publish data from the Hotan Basin, but also promote the professionalism of experts and leaders from the HTB.

Figure 2  The inspection of the Yulongkashi River, a tributary of the upper reaches of the Hotan River

In order to implement the national big data strategy in the field of global change scientific research, the Geographical Society of China and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly carried out the activity of Capacity Building in 100 Universities/Towns Program on Geographic Big Data. This initiative was inaugurated in June 2017 and has organized more than 30 reporting sessions in more than ten provinces in China, as well as foreign universities and villages in Asia and Africa. It has played a positive role in implementing the national big data strategy and promoting scientific data sharing.
