Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2021.5(4):490-500


Citation:Lyu, J. Q.The Contents and Composition of Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the Republic of China[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2021.5(4):490-500 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.04.13 .

The Contents and Composition of Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the Republic of China

Lyu, J. Q.

Luoyang Folk Museum, Luoyang 471000, China


Abstract: A series of Datasets for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China was published, which marks the establishment of a dataset for the inscriptions of Republic of China in Luoyang. It consists of 7 volumes, i.e., 5 normal volumes, 1 special volume for inscriptions in cemetery of Chang family, and 1 addendum volume. There are 670 pieces/sets of various inscriptions with 938,000 Chinese characters, covering inscriptions of the whole Luoyang, namely 9 counties/cities and 6 districts. The contents involve areas such as politics, economics, military affairs, culture, education, religion, law, and folk customs, which is of great significance in history, geography, culture relics, and calligraphy. The dataset includes: 1) digital pictures of 670 pieces/sets of inscription of Republic of China in Luoyang. Files are named with the numbers of inscriptions; 2) descriptions of the dataset for inscriptions of Republic of China in Luoyang, including but not limited to serial number, region, code, name, thumbnail, age, size (cm), specification (height??width), material, type, current location, status, and remarks. The dataset is in the formats of .tif, .jpg and .xls, comprised of 671 files (compressed in a file with the size of 3.13 GB).

Keywords: Luoyang; the Republican period; inscription; statistics



Dataset Availability Statement:

The dataset supporting this paper was published and is accessible through the Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository at: or

1 Introduction

Luoyang, the ancient capital of 13 dynasties in history of China, is a well-known city with a long history and splendid culture. It??s plenty of inscriptions in Mangshan Mountain and Luoyang (Mang-Luo Inscription in short), as one of the most important culture forms, plays a vital role domestically and internationally. However, less attention has been paid to the modern and contemporary inscription, which is also an important component of Chinese cultural relics and heritage. A research team of Luoyang Folk Museum proposed a project in 2015 in terms of the urgent protection to the modern and contemporary inscription. By end of 2021, a series of dataset for Luoyang Inscription during the Republic of China (7 volumes in total) had all been accomplished, including Vol.1, 2 and 3 of the Datasets for Luoyang Inscriptions During the Republic of China published by Ancient Books Publishing House in October 2015[1], July 2016[2] and March 2017[3], respectively, and the album of Chang Family Tombstone, Vol.4 and 5, and the addendum Vol. of the Datasets for Luoyang Inscriptions During the Republic of China published by Thread-Binding Books Publishing House in January 2018[4], November 2018[5], August 2019[6], November 2020[7], which means that the project completed its goal in establishing a dataset for the inscriptions of the Republic of China in Luoyang.

2 Metadata of the Dataset

The metadata of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the Period of Republic of China[8] is summarized in Table 1.


Table 1  Metadata summary of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China  



Dataset full name

Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China 

Dataset short name



Lyu, J. Q., Luoyang Folk Museum,

Geographical region

The 9 cities(counties) and 6 districts of Luoyang, such as Yanshi city, Mengjin county (Mengjin city now), Xin??an county, Yichuan county, Yiyang county, Luoning county, Ruyang county, Songxian county and Luanchuan county, and Jianxi district, Xigong district, Laocheng district, Chanhe Hui district, Luolong district, Jili district (now revoked and merged into Mengjin city now)


From January 1912 to December 1949

Data format

.jpg, .xls



Data size

671 data files, about 4.34 GB (compressed to 8 files, about 3.13 GB) 

Data publisher

Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,


No. 11A, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China

Data sharing policy


Data from the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository includes metadata, datasets (in the Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository), and publications (in the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery). Data sharing policy includes: (1) Data are openly available and can be free downloaded via the Internet; (2) End users are encouraged to use Data subject to citation; (3) Users, who are by definition also value-added service providers, are welcome to redistribute Data subject to written permission from the GCdataPR Editorial Office and the issuance of a Data redistribution license; and (4) If Data are used to compile new datasets, the ??ten per cent principal?? should be followed such that Data records utilized should not surpass 10% of the new dataset contents, while sources should be clearly noted in suitable places in the new dataset[7]

Communication and searchable system


3 Dataset Development

According to the division standard of Chinese historical stages, the Republic of China (1912?C1949), which had a short history, includes two periods of Beiyang Government based in Beijing and Nationalist Government based in Nanjing. During the period, China was a backward country in the world due to political turmoil and social transformation. Luoyang was also diminished from a rich capital city to a small county.

Luoyang??s cultural deposits can date back to the Xia (2100?C1600 BC), Shang (1600?C1100 BC) and Zhou (1100?C256 BC) dynasties, or even the origin of mankind, and reached a period of great prosperity in Han and Tang dynasties. Hence, scholars and experts paid less attention to Luoyang in the Republican period. In fact, we can see a rich and varied blend of Chinese culture during this period. Many of the historical and cultural carriers left from the upper and underclass in that period precipitated in profound cultural connotation and rich emotional implication. Luoyang also has various cultures, and the inscriptions are one of the most important genres. They are of great significance to collect, sort the materials of inscription and establish a specialized dataset for it. Prof. Zhao, Chao at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) wrote the preface for the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the Republic of China[1]. I totally agree with his words of ??traditional culture was preserved in spite of social transformation in the late Qing dynasty and early Republican period??; ??Although there are lots of books and other materials in written formats of the Republican period, inscriptions are  irreplaceable as a mark of culture??; ??These material data are valuable and very much needed in the historical studies??; ??The authors of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the Republic of China, with their keen foresight, identified the intellectual vacuum and filled the gap??.

3.1 The Scope of Luoyang Inscriptions during the Republic of China

(1) The definition of the contents

The inscription in the study refers to a generalized concept?Dwords that are written or curved in something, such as stone tablets, epigraphs, couplets on pillar, horizontal inscribed boards, cliff inscriptions, inscribed poems and words, written statements, resolutions, Buddhism lections and josses, etc.

(2) The exact time of the inscriptions

Each piece is subject to the records of the inscription. In this paper, we only discuss the inscription in the Republican period, namely from January 1912 to September 1949.

(3) Geographic areas of the inscriptions

This paper excludes inscriptions identified by the local people but without a mark of ??Republic of China??. The spatial scope covers 9 counties/cities and 6 districts in Luoyang, namely Yanshi city (presently Yanshi district), Mengjin county (presently Mengjin district), Xin??an county, Yichuan county, Yiyang county, Luoning county, Ruyang county, Songxian county, Luanchuan county, Jianxi district, Xigong district, Old City district, Chanhe River Hui district, Luolong district, and Jili district (presently a part of Mengjin district).

3.2 Investigation and Collection

The author has been focusing on the collection and research of the data regarding to the inscriptions during the Republic of China in Luoyang. The subject was proposed in the early autumn of 2014, after then, the author made the preparation with the assistance of Luoyang Cultural Heritage Bureau, relevant departments of counties/cities such as Yanshi and Mengjin. The project was officially launched in the early spring of 2015, after which we established a research group and an editorial committee for the book, and communicate with the local governments and relevant departments to solve the problems. With 4 years of field investigation of the city, all the rubbing progress of cultural relics had been accomplished by end of 2019.

3.3 Rubbings Sorting and Book Publishing

Several steps of rubbing, sorting and publishing are carried out simultaneously. After the production and data sorting of the rubbings (basic information, calculation, arrangement, planishing, photography??), the author came up with the figures and texts, and finally published it.

3.4 The Compilation of the Dataset

In the dataset, a range of relevant attribute data is detailed and compiled for all recorded inscriptions, including the code, name, age, size specification (height??width), texture, type, current address, preservation condition, notes, etc.

For example, No.145 in Yanshi Inscriptions is named The Monument of Liu, Zhaotang??s Teachings, which, belonging to the type of culture and education and well preserved in Zhongyao village of Gu county, was produced in 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), with its size dimension 180 cm??51 cm, its texture of sapphire, and its notes marking the inscribed Chinese characters on both sides. Table 2?C12, due to limited space, can only list some of the numbers, names, ages and current addresses of the inscriptions. And all recorded infor­mation is offered in the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China.

4 The Contents of the Dataset

The composition of the dataset is divided into 11 groups according to the geographic locations of the discovery and preservation of the tablets: Luoyang City Group, Yanshi Group, Mengjin Group, Xin??an Group, Yichuan Group, Yiyan Group, Luoning Group, Songxian Group, Luanchuan Group and Changguan Family Ceremony Group, etc.

4.1 Luoyang City Inscriptions

The Luoyang City Inscription Group includes 94 stone tablets in Luoyang city (Table 2,  Figure 1). And the data information is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_1.rar.


Table 2  Table of Luoyang City Inscriptions (94 pieces)




Current address


The gold makeup idol inscription of Chuangxiu Mountain Temple

the Decyl Ugly year of the Republic of China (1913)

Luoyang Nine Dynasties Carved Stone Writing Museum


The tomb stone of Zhang, Jingyu

The 3rd years of the Republic of China (1914)

Xiahuang village of Baimasi town of Luolong district


The tomb stone of Xue, Taihe and

his wife Madam Ge

The 4th years of the Republic of China (1915)

Taiping village of Lilu town of Luolong district


The tomb stone of Madam Xue

The 4th years of the Republic of China (1915)

Taiping village of Lilu town of Luolong district






Zhaozhou??s monument to virtue

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Yanqiu village of Xindian town of Luoyang


Wei, Lihuang sermon tablet

During the Republic of China (after 1937)

Memorial Hall of The Eight Route Army Office in Luoyang

Note: For the information about Luoyang City Inscriptions, please refer to the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China, 94 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_1.rar).

4.2 Yanshi Inscriptions

The Yanshi Inscription Group includes 122 stone tablets in Yanshi (Table 3, Figure2). The information about the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_2.rar.


4.3 Mengjin Inscriptions

The Mengjin Inscription Group includes 46 stone tablets in Mengjin (Figure 3, 4, Table 4, Figure 5). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_2.rar.


Table 3  Table of Yanshi Inscriptions (122 pieces)




Current address


Zhang, Zhuoshi tea monument

the Decyl Ugly year of the Republic of China (1913)

Weizhuang natural village of Mugegou administrative village of Mangling township


Suo, Keshan tombstone

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Shiqiao village of Shouyangshai town


The tombstone of Chang, Feng-

chao and his wife Madam Xu

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Jijiagou village of Mangling township


Liang, Tingxun tombstone

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Liang village of Zhuge town






Inscription on the creation of Dawang Temple

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Xuzhuang village of Chengguan town


Inscription on the rebuilding of Dongxi Pavilion in Zhongjie

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Nanzhai village of Dakou township

Note: For the information about Yanshi Inscriptions, please refer to the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China, 122 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_2.rar).





Figure 1  The gold makeup idol inscription of Chuangxiu Mountain Temple

Note: No.1, the Decyl Ugly year of the Republic of China (1913), preserved in Luoyang Nine Dynasties Carved Inscription Museum.

Figure 2  Inscription on the founding of Chenjia Village School

Note: No.112, the 7th year of the Republic of China (1918), 62 cm ??70 cm, preserved in Chenjia
village of Licun town (incomplete).








Figure 3  Luoxue Hereditary Rule stone tablet

Note: No.251, Jimao year of the Republic of China (1939), 59 cm ??160 cm, preserved in Laolongzui natural village of Matun administrative village of Xiaolangdi town.


Figure 4  Chengxianqihou stone tablet

Note: No.252, Jimao year of the Republic of China (1940), 58 cm ??155 cm, preserved in Laolongzui natural village of Matun administrative village of Xiaolangdi town.



Figure 5  Jianbin School history monument

Note: No.237, the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), 60 cm ??76 cm, preserved in Yinggu village of Changdai town.

4.4 Xin??an Inscriptions

The Xin??an Inscription Group includes 45 stone tablets in Xin??an (Table 5, Figure 6, 7). And the data information is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_3.rar.

4.5 Yichuan Inscriptions

The Yichuan Inscription Group includes 83 stone tablets in Yichuan (Table 6, Figure 8). And the data information is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_4.rar.

Table 4  Table of Mengjin Inscriptions (46 pieces)




Current address


The chronicle tablet of rebuilding the east wall of Zuishi Temple

the Decyl Ugly year of the Republic of China (1913)

Zuishi Temple in Miaohou village of Matun town


Si family ancestral tablet

the 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Sanshilipu village of Songzhuang town


The tablet of rebuilding Guansheng Hall

the 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Taiyin village of Huimeng township


The tombstone of great-grandfather Han

the 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Hanzhuang village of Matun town






The tablet of rebuilding Xi Emperor Hall

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Longma Futu temple in Baihe town


The tablet of Dong Gong

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Xiaoliang village of Chaoyang town

Note: For the information about Mengjin Inscriptions, please refer to the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the period of Republic of China, 46 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_2.rar).


Table 5  Table of Xin??an Inscriptions (45 pieces)




Current address


The tablet of rebuilding the Gold Makeup of Geshile Building

The 3rd years of  the Republic of China (1914)

Liangping village of Wutou town


The temple tablet of rebuilding Fangshan King Yue??e

The 4th years of the Republic of China (1915)

Fangshan Temple of Tiemen town


The inscription of combining mosque

The 5th years of the Republic of China (1916)

Tiemen village of Tiemen town


The inscription of Shi, Qudao

The 5th years of the Republic of China (1916)

Shuiyuan villager group of Yumei village of Tiemen town






The tablet of rebuilding of Fan family

The 35th years of the Republic of China (1946)

Shuiyuan villager group of Yumei village of Tiemen town


The tablet of creation of Yu Emperor

The 35th years of the Republic of China (1946)

Fangshan Temple of Tiemen town

Note: For the information about Xin??an Inscriptions, please refer to the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China, 45 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_3.rar).



Figure 6  Wang, Shukai??s moral teaching tablet

Note: No.269, the 8th year of the Republic of China (1919), 125 cm ??68 cm, preserved in Shanbi village of Caocun town.


Figure 7  Rebuilding the school tablet

Note: No.298, the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940),
57 cm ??73 cm, preserved in Miaotou village of Tiemen town.


Table 6  Table of Yichuan Inscriptions (83 pieces)




Current address


Zhipingzhai tablet

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Xingzhuang village of Minggao town


The tablet of rebuilding Zhipingzhai

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Xingzhuang village of Minggao town


The tablet of rebuilding monastery

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Kuanyin Temple in Gaogou village of Yaling Town


The tablet of rebuilding powder painting Kuanyin Hall

The 4th year of the Republic of China(1915)

Weicun village of Jiangzuo town






Zhai, Fazhang virtue tablet

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Zhaishi Ancestral Temple in Pingdeng village of Pingdeng town


The tablet of Li, Liansan??s biography

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Yanghaishan village of Minggao town

Note: For the information about Yichuan Inscriptions, please refer to the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China, 83 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_4.rar).

4.6 Yiyang Inscriptions

The Yiyang Inscription Group includes 104 stone tablets in Yiyang (Table 7, Figure9). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_4.rar.

4.7 Luoning Inscriptions

The Luoning Inscription Group includes 50 stone tablets in Luoning (Table 8, Figure 10). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscription during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_5.rar.

4.8 Ruyang Inscriptions

The Ruyang Inscription Group includes 35 stone tablets in Ruyang (Table 9, Figure 11). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for

Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_5.rar.


Table 7  Table of Yiyang Inscriptions (104 pieces)




Current address


Su, Mingqin tombstone

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Suhe village of Hancheng town


The tablet of rebuilding

Lyvzu Temple

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Shiyan Middle School of Chengguan town


The tablet of Nanliu village??s rebuilding Baiyi Hall

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Nanliu village of Baiyang town


Chen, Fulu??s tombstone

The 1st year of Hongxian (1916)

Longwang village of Xianglushan town






The tablet of rebuilding

Miao Family Temple

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Miao Family Temple in Miao village of Jinping town


The tablet of Hu, Qingyun?? death in the line of duty

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Lifeng village of Baiyang town

Note: For the information about Yiyang Inscriptions, please refer to The Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the Republic of China, 104 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_4.rar).


Table 8  Table of Luoning Inscriptions (50 pieces)




Current address


Li, Xiuqing merit tablet

The 2nd year of the Republic of China (1913)

Yuzhuang village of Chengjao township


Li, Yaoru tombstone

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Yuzhuang village of Chengjao township


The tablet of rebuilding Guandi Temple

The 5th year of the Republic of China (1916)

Zhangwa village of Xi??shan town


The tablet of Jinshi Dongmen Yuxuangong Lineage

The 7th year of the Republic of China (1918)

Dasong village of Dongsong town






Tablet of buying land & building ancestral tomb

The 9th year of the Republic of China (1920)

Hongya village of Jiankou township


Li, Fake and his wife Madam Chai??s tombstone

The 9th year of the Republic of China (1920)

Yuzhuang village of Chengjiao township

Note: For the information about Luoning Inscriptions, please refer to The Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the period of Republic of China, 50 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_5.rar).


Figure 8  Shi family lineage Tablet

Note: No.340, the 13th year of Republic of China, 153 cm??60 cm, preserved in Shi Ancestral Temple in Shuangtou village of Baiyuan Town.

Figure 9  Qiao family??s four clan tablet

Note: No.395, the 1st year of Hongxian(1916), 175 cm??52 cm, preserved in Qiao Ancestral Temple in Wencun Village of Gaocun Township.

Figure 10  Zhang, Yaoguang Constructing School Tablet

Note: No.502, the 9th year of Republic of China, preserved in the Cultural Station in Xi??shandi township.

Table 9  Table of Ruyang Inscription (35 pieces)




Current address


The tablet of building the canal

The 1st year of the Republic of China (1912)

Huangtn village Committee of Xiaodian town


The tablet of Song, Xiuxuan repairing Baidian Temple

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Guangxin Temple in Neibu village of Neibu town


The tablet of Xu monastery??s donation

The 5th year of the Republic of China (1916)

Yuhuang Temple in Neibu village of Neibu Town


The tablet of rebuilding Jixiang Temple

The 7th year of the Republic of China (1918)

Jixiang Temple in Qingqi village of Chengguan town






Zheng, Ganchen tombstone

The 32nd year of the Republic of China (1943)

Yunmeng village of Chengguan town


Fan, Jinglou epigraph

The 36th year of the Republic of China (1947)

Quying village of Caidian town

Note: For the information about Ruyang Inscriptions, please refer to The Dataset for Luoyang Inscription During the Republic of China, 35 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_5.rar).


4.9 Songxian Inscriptions

The Songxian Inscription Group includes 17 stone tablets in Songxian (Table 10, Figure 12). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_5.rar.


Table 10  Table of Songxian Inscriptions (17 pieces) 




Current address


The tablet of rebuilding Jixiang Temple

(Song county)

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Sishang village of Jiuxian town


The tablet of Yuhuangmiao Commune determining agricultural tax

The 8th year of the Republic of China (1919)

Yuhuang Temple in Zhuyuangou village of Yanzhuang town


The tablet of rebuilding Li Altar

The 8th year of the Republic of China (1919)

Guhun Altar in Beiyuan village of Chengguan town


The tablet of raising primary education money

The 8th year of the Republic of China (1919)

Qing??an Temple in Zaoyuan village of Daping town






The tablet of public reading room

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Ercheng Shrine in Chengcun village of Tianhu town


Shi, Ruyi and his wife Madam Zhang??s tombstone

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Qing??an Temple in Zaoyuan village of Daping town

Note: For the information about Songxian Inscription, please refer to The Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the Republic of China, 17 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_5.rar).

4.10 Luanchuan Inscriptions

The Luanchuan Inscription Group includes 43 stone tablets in Luanchuan (Table11, Figure13). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of the Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_6.rar.

4.11 The Inscriptions of Changguan??s Cemetery Stone Carving Art Gallery

The Inscriptions of Changguan??s Cemetery Stone Carving Art Gallery includes 31 stone tablets in this Gallery (Table 12, Figure 14). And information of the dataset is listed in the data file of Info_Inscription.xls of The Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the period of Republic of China[8], its image data is compressed in the data file of Photos_Inscription_7.rar.


Figure 11  The tablet of building the canal

Note: No.545, the 1st year of Republic of China, 103 cm??73 cm, preserved in the Committee of Huangtun village of Xiaodian town.


Figure 12  The tablet of establishing Jiugao No.6 Primary School & accepting heming temple property

Note: No.586, the 20th year of Republic of China, 153 cm??57 cm, preserved in Housi village of Jiugao in Jiudian town.


Table 11  Table of Luanchuan Inscriptions (43 pieces)




Current address


Yuan??s mother, Madam Xi??s tombstone

The 3rd year of the Republic of China (1914)

Wangzhuang village of Zhifang town, Tantou town


The tablet of Wang, wenzhi and His wife Liushi??s virtue

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Tangying village of Tantou town


The tablet of rebuilding Quanshen Temple

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Shibaokou village of Shimiao town


The tablet of rebuilding Wulou shifangmiao Bridge

The 4th year of the Republic of China (1915)

Quanshen Temple in Shimen village of Tantou town






The tablet of rebuilding all the temples in Laojun Mountain

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

The top of Laojun Mountain, Luanchuan county


The tablet of rebuilding the two temples & two rooms beside

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Laojun Mountain in Luanchuan County

Note: For the information about Luanchuan Inscriptions, please refer to The Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions During the Republic of China, 43 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_6.rar).


 Table 12  Table of the inscriptions in Changguan??s Cemetery Stone Carving Art Gallery (31 pieces)




Current address


The tablet of Shao, Ruipeng??s inscription

The 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934)

Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchuan county


The tablet of Fu, Zengxiang??s inscription

The 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934)

Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchuan county


The tablet of Wang, Qing??s inscription and Xie, Wuliang??s handewriting

The 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934)

Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchuan county


The tablet of Li, Peiji??s inscription

The 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934)

Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchuan county






The tablet of Du, Yan??s inscription

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchuan county


The tablet of Lin Dongjiao??s inscription

During the Republic of China (1912?C1949)

Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchuan county

Note: For the information about Inscriptions of Changguan??s Cemetery Stone Carving Art Gallery, please refer to The Dataset for Luoyang Inscriptions during the period of Republic of China, 31 pieces of compressed image data (Photos_Inscription_7.rar).


In the dataset, we use the administrative planning of Luoyang in 2015. Luoyang is then divided into 9 counties/cities, namely Yanshi, Mengjin, Xin??an, Yichuan, Yiyang, Luoning, Ruyang, Songxian, and Luanchuan. The central urban area (including 6 districts) is regarded as a whole, which is put into the front of the list, while the nine counties/cities are listed in the order of the time of their inscriptions. We take the cemetery of Chang family as an independent area and put it at the end.


Fiure 13  Jianting poem tablet

Note: No.636, during Republic of China, 92 cm??58 cm, preserved in Luanchuan Relic Management Center.


Fiure 14  The tablet of Xu, Shichang inscription

Note: No.645, the 24th year of Republic of China (1935), 49 cm??86 cm, preserved in Changguan??s Cemetery in Luanchaun county.


Conflicts of Interest

The author declare no conflicts of interest.


[1]      Editorial Committee of Inscription of the Republic of China in Luoyang. Inscription of the Republic of China in Luoyang (Volume 1) [M]. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 2015.

[2]      Editorial Committee of Inscription of the Republic of China in Luoyang. Inscription of the Republic of China in Luoyang (Volume 2) [M]. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 2016.

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