Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2017.1(2):246-248


Citation:Jiang,D.,Song,X.F.,Zhang,G.Y.The New Milestone of Scientific Data Sharing in China[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2017.1(2):246-248 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.02.22 .

A New Milestone of Scientific Data Sharing in China

Jiang, D.1*  Song, X. F.1  Zhang, G. Y.2

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;

2. The Geographical Society of China, Beijing 100101, China



“It is a New Milestone of Scientific Data Sharing in China!” Professor Xu, Guanhua, the former Minister, the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China (MOST), and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) gave high praise to the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository and the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery at the First National Conference on Global Change Research Data Publishing and Sharing on 29 June, 2017, in Beijing.

The First National Conference on Global Change Research Data Publishing and Sharing was co-organized by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), CAS and Geographical Society of China (GSC) in Beijing. More than a hundred high level scientists, journalists, data managers on research data joined the conference. Professor Song, Xianfang, Director of the Science Communication Center of IGSNRR, Prof. Zheng, Du, Academician of CAS, co-chaired the opening session of the conference.

Figure 1  Academician Xu, Guanhua delivered his speech??It is a new milestone of scientific data sharing in China

Prof. Xu, Guanhua said, “Scientific data sharing is one of the critical issues for science and technology development in China, it had been nagging us for so many years”; “MOST launched the National Scientific Data Sharing Program in 2003, more than ten years passed, it is a little optimism”. “Professor Liu, Chuang’s team is the innovator most worth applauding, who calls and encourages the enthusiasm of scientists to publish their high quality data by peer review data publishing and sharing”.

Prof. Liu, Chuang, Editor-in-Chief of GCdataPR (Global Change Data Publishing & Repository), Executive Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Global Change Data & Disco-

very, reported that since the GCdataPR launched in June 2014, more than 500 scientists from more than 150 organizations and 11 countries published more than 300 datasets; more than 550,000 visitor and 30,000 users (IP) from more than 70 countries of the world downloaded the datasets. The new bottom up mechanism by data publishing linking metadata, data products and data papers is the new method for the trusted data sharing. It is welcomed by both data authors and data users. Prof. Ge, Quansheng, Director General of IGSNRR/CAS and the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery indicated that for meeting the needs from the China Glo-

bal Change Study Program, IGSNRR/CAS will do all its best to support the GCdataPR and the Journal in data publishing, long term preservation and open access.   

Professors He, Changchui from the National Remote Sensing Center of MOST, Zhang, Yili from IGSNRR/CAS, Liu, Yansui from Beijing Normal University, Chen, Jun from the National Geomatics Center of China, Zhou, Xiang from Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science and experts from Bureau of Science Communication, Computer Network Information Center, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, enthusiasm of scientists, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China , Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, National Climate Centre, Capital Normal University, Nankai University, Tongji University, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, Institute of Disaster Prevention, Shenyang Institute of Atmospheric Environment, Clarivate Analytics Technology information service co. LTD, etc.

The representatives of the GCdataPR journal partners were also attended the conference. Thy are from Journal of Natural Resources, Journal of Resources and Ecology, Resources Science, Acta Ecologica Sinica, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology , Journal of Meteorology and Environment, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Journal of Meteorological Research, Advances in Polar Science, Journal of Lake Sciences, Geo-Information Science, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Progress in Geophysics, Acta Geographica Sinica, Journal of Geographical Sciences, Progress in Geography, Chinese Geographical Science, Wetland Science, Chinese Geographical Science, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences and Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery.

Figure 2  Prof. Ge, Quansheng, Vice President of GSC and Director General of IGSNRR/CAS presented the certificate on “National Outstanding Geographer” to Prof. Liu, Chuang

Professors Zhang, Guoyou, Vice President and Executive Secretary General of Geographical Society of China, Ms. Yang, Zixiu, Chief of Publication of Bureau of Science Communication, CAS, Ms. Zhang, Songmei, Deputy Director General of NRSCC/MOST delivered their speeches for the congratulations to the new milestone.

Dr. Guo, Xiaofeng, Chief of DOI management of China, Prof. Li, Guoqing, Executive Committee member of World Data System, Prof. Zhou, Xiang, Co-chair of CODATA Task Group in Developing Countries, Prof. Liu, Qinhuo, on behalf of China GEO, Dr. Shen, Liangliang from Clarivate Analytics presented a copy of logos of DOI, WDS, CODATA, China GEOSS and DCI (Data Citation Index) to GCdataPR for recognizing and remarking the GCdataPR’ qualifications at the above national and international communities. 

Taking the GCdataPR and the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery as an example, Dr. Li, Chenyang, Director of National Geological Data Center and Digital Library of National Geological Archiving Center of China (NGAC), expressed that the NGAC will publish their data pretty soon following the GCdataPR model.

Based on the statistics of global change data publishing and sharing during the last three years, National Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing Rankings was

announced at the conference. Five catalogues of the rankings are identified; they are: Best Institution Ranking, Best Foundation Ranking, Best Journal Ranking, Best Browsed Dataset Ranking and Best Downloaded Dataset Ranking. Prof. Xu, Guanhua presented the certificates to each of the Top 5 rankings. In which, the Top 1 in the rankings are: Institute of

Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Science in the Best Institution Ranking, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Best Foundation Ranking, Journal of Natural Resources and Journal of Geographical Progress in the Best Journal Ranking, “1 km Grid Population Dataset of China” in the Best Browsed Dataset Ranking and the “Time Series of Land Ecosystem Classification Dataset of China in Five-Year Increments” in the Best Downloaded Dataset Ranking.

The annual awards ceremony from Geographical Society of China was also held at the conference. Professor Mao, Hanying from IGSNRR/CAS received the “China Geographical Science Achievement Award”, Prof. Liu, Chuang was awarded the “National Outstanding Geographer”, Dr. Chen, Wei got the “National Young Geoscientist Award of China”, and Dr. Chen, Hong was awarded the “National Excellent Teacher in Geography”. 

 “No matter how far the destination is, you will get there, only if you head for it; no ma-

tter how difficult the objective is, you will achieve that, only if you make great efforts.” After more than 20 years continues efforts from scientists, data managers and government officers, global change data sharing in China now is on the way of an open and sustainable development.

Figure 3  Group photo of the conference participates
