Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2020.4(2):205-206


Citation:Editorial Office of Journal of Global Change Data & DiscoveryHonor and Responsibility—Congratulations to Professor Fu, Bojie for His Honorary Fellowship of RGS-IBG 2020[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2020.4(2):205-206 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.02.16 .

DOI: 10

Honor and Responsibility
??Congratulations to Professor Fu, Bojie for His Honorary Fellowship of RGS-IBG 2020

The Editorial Office of Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

The Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) recognized 22 scholars (organizations) for recognizing their outstanding contributions to geographical research, fieldwork and teaching, and public engagement in geographical society on May 18, 2020. Among them, Professor Fu, B. J., Dean of the Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, the Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, was awarded the Honorary Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding support for the society and geography.

The editorial office of Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery sincerely delivers its congratulations to Professor Fu, B. J. for the honor and appreciations very much to RGS-IBG for its meticulous working, specifically to all of its staffs?? for their excellent work at home in such a special COVID-19 pandemic. This encouraging news could sweep away the haze of the epidemic in the minds of geographers and give them the confidence to defeat the epidemic. We believe that honor is fruit of sweet loves integrating with bitter dedications. Professor Fu obtained his bachelor and master??s degrees in Department of Geography of Shaanxi Normal University, Ph. D. degree from Department of Geography of Peking University. He has dedicated his enthusiasm, knowledge, ability and experiences to geography for almost four decades. He pays more attention to the research on landscape ecology and environment of the Loess Plateau where he was born (Figure 1). Several publications of his research on Loess Pleteau had more impacts, including ??Hydrogeomorphic-ecosystem responses to natural and anthropogenic changes in the Loess Plateau of China??, ??Revegetation in China??s Loess Plateau is approaching sustainable water resource limits??, and ??Reduced sediment transport in the Yellow River due to anthropogenic changes??.

Since 2011, a series of honors came to him, including Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Alexander von Humboldt Medal.

Honor means responsibility. He was appointed to be Dean of Faculty of Geography of Beijing Normal University and elected to take the responsibility of Vice President of the International Geographical Union, Vice President of International Association for Ecology, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Geography and Sustainability. In most recent years, he focused his research on the Sustainable Development Goals and ecosystem services (Figure 2). His points were shown at the most resent publications, such as, ??Classification-coordination-collaboration: a systems approach for advancing Sustainable Development Goals??, and ??Unravelling the complexity in achieving the 17 sustainable-development goals??. He indicated that a new geographical method to reach the SDGs is by grouping the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development framework into three categories, they are: essential needs, expected objectives and governance.



Figure 1  Fu, B. J. visited the Loess Plateau
in 2019


Figure 2  Academician Fu, B. J. attended the IPBES conference in 2013


When the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery was launched in 2017, he was invited to serve as an Associate Chief Editor. The new journal is focused on the global change research data paper publishing and matching with the Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository. Both journals are twin of the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository (GCdataPR), which is regular member of World Data System of International Science Council, and China GEO Data Publishing Center. There is new challenge in global change research data publishing and repository, which is how to link research publications with the openly available of the original datasets. He realized and emphasized that open knowledge and open data were the critical issues for scientific discoveries and SDGs.

Today, being awarded Honorary Fellowship by the RGS-IBG 2020, is a new milestone for him in his academic career. It goes without saying that he is one of those who were productive and charismatic leaders in geography of the world. His first decision after he got the honor was to sign the ??Common Understanding and Joint Action on Open Knowledge and Research Data?? between the Journal of Geography and Sustainability and the Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository??. A new vision on big-data-driven geography is coming.

Congratulations to Professor Fu, B. J.!


Written by Professor Liu, C.

Editor-in-Chief, Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository

Executive Associate Chief Editor and Director of Journal of Global Change Data &


