Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2022.6(1):149-152


Citation:Zhu, Y. Q., Liu, C., Wang, Z. B., et al.Data Driven Multi-Stakeholders’ Cooperation for SDGs——Summary Report on Events of the 1st GIES New Year Fair and the Launching of ANSO Action[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2022.6(1):149-152 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2022.01.20 .

Data Driven Multi-Stakeholders?? Cooperation for SDGs????Summary Report on Events of the 1st GIES New Year Fair and the Launching of ANSO Action

Zhu, Y. Q.1  Liu, C.1  Wang, Z. B.1  Zhang, G. Y.2  Song, X. F.1  Cao, J. H.3  Zhang, Q.4


1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;

2. Geographical Society of China, Beijing 100101; 3. ANSO Office, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;

4. Rear-service Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Keywords: data driven; geographical indications; GIES; New Year Fair; ANSO


CSTR: 20146.23.2022.01.20

The summary meeting on Data driven multi-stakeholders?? cooperation for SDGs, the 1st GIES New Year Fair and launching of ANSO action was held on February 16, 2022 in Beijing. The meeting was jointly hosted by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS), Geographical Society of China (GSC) and International Union of scientific organizations along the Belt and Road (ANSO), Rear-service Association, CAS. The Big Data Working Committee of Geographical Society of China, the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository of the World Data System and the Life Service Co., Ltd. jointly co-organized the meeting.

There were two sessions of the meeting. The first one was summary of the 1st GIES New Year Fair and the second one was the ANSO GIES action lunching.

Professor Song, X. F., Employees?? representative of IGSNRR/CAS, chaired the meeting. Mr. Wang, S. L., Deputy Director General of IGSNRR/CAS, delivered a welcome speech. He warmly congratulated the successful holding of ??the 1st GIES New Year Fair??. He stressed that the environment protection and sustainable development of geographical indicators is practical way to transform the scientific research of big data, which is of great significance for promoting the development of geographical science, boosting the protection of local environment, the health of quality geographical product market and better life in local places.

Mr. Zhang, Q., CEO of the Life Environment Service Co., Ltd., announced the performance of the geographical products at ??the 1st GIES New Year Fair??, Three products were selected by consumers the Most Favorite Products (MFP). They were: Thousands Reservoir Fishes from the case of Panshi Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs) Fishing Life (case 7), Danchuan Millet from the case of Zezhou Millet (Danchuan Millet) Gaodu Red Clay (case 10) and Organic Black Rice from the case of the Yang County Black Rice and Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon) Habitat in Caoba Village (case 5).

As a part of the ??1st GIES New Year Fair??, the ??1st Panshi Thousand Reservoir Fishing Festival (winter)?? was held on January 14-16, 2022 in Panshi, Jilin. Mr. Qi, W., Deputy Mayor of Panshi, indicated that the winter fishing was an important traditional custom in Panshi. He highlighted that through this Festival, Panshi city has integrated the development concept of ??tradition leading and green development?? with the variety, quality, brand of quality geographical products and humanistic activities, which has strongly promoted the revitalization of Panshi rural areas.

Consumer representatives, Mrs. Xiong, H. and Li, S. H., believed that this activity was very valuable; it meets the needs of scientists for the high-quality products with geographical knowledge and tracing availability. Academician and geographer Zheng, D. and Prof. Mao, K. B. from Institute of Agricultural Regionalization of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, indicated that it was good experiences to evaluate the cases though peer review and publication of data and articles.

Dr. WANG, Z. B. Director of the External Cooperation Department of IGSNRR/CAS, Chaired the session of the Launching of ANSO-GIES Action

Prof. Cao, J. L., Director of Executive Committee of Alliance of International Science Organization (ANSO) made the presentation about the ANSO and its partners and programs. He emphasizes that the GIES program should be one of the recent important tasks of ANSO, in which geographical sciences and big data as well as the internet of things technology should be used widely for reaching the 2030 SDGs. Mrs. Li, Y. Y. and Yao, P., managers of Sino Foreign Economic Cooperation (Beijing) Science and Trade Co., Ltd., jointly reported on Azerbaijan??s non concentrated reduced pomegranate juice in the foothills of the great Caucasus. Prof. Gui, D. W. from Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported the case of Korla Aromatic Pear, Xinjiang. He said that there was an urgent need to emphasize the intellectual property protection for geographical indications. The GIES program should be an efficient technology for tracing and protecting the GI protects?? original environment.

Mrs. Zhang, X. Z., Secretary of Asian Geographical Society (AGS), Prof. Zhou, S. Y., Chair of Cultural Geography Committee of CGS, Prof. Li, Y. Secretary of Geography for Future Earth Committee of International Geographical Union (IGU), and Prof. Liu, Y. S., Academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) made presentations.

Prof. Liu, C., Secretary General of the Big Data Working Committee of Geographical Society of China, made a summary of the meeting. She traced the food print of GIES program, and then outlined the priority tasks in the coming years. She indicated that geographical sciences and ICT technology should be integrated with the targets of SDGs in local, regional and global scales. To identify GIES cases within ANSO and build ANSO-GIES network could be our priority tasks in the coming years.  

The ??1st GIES New Year Fair?? was officially launched at IGSNRR/CAS on December 31, 2021. Prof. Liao, X. H., Director of Big Data Working Committee of Geographical Society of China, Academicians Tong, Q. X., Guo, H. D., Fu, B. J., He, C. C., Mrs. Wang, P. P, Mayor of Panshi, Jilin province, Mr. Su, L. W., Mayor of Yucheng, Shandong province, etc. attended the opening ceremony of the fair.




Figure 1  Opening of the 1st GIES New Year Fair (IGSNRR/CAS, Dec. 31, 2021)


Figure 2  Exhibition of the 1st GIES New Year Fair (CAS, Beijing, Jan. 2022)


As a part of the ??1st GIES New Year Fair??, the ??First Panshi Thousand Reservoir Fishing Festival (winter)?? was held on January 16, 2022 in Panshi, Jilin. More than 20,000 people from Beijing, Changchun and most of the villages of Panshi city joined the festival in person, and most of them and their families were really enjoying the festival and the quality fishes.



Figure 3  The flag on ??Panshi Thousand Reservoir Fish?? in Chinese calligraphy by Prof. Ge, Q. S., Director of IGSNRR/CAS and Vice President of the CGS (January 16, 2022, Panshi, Jilin)


Figure 4  The fish king from the first net in the ??First Panshi Thousand Reservoir Fishing Festival (winter)?? (January 16, 2022, Panshi , Jilin)


The ??1st GIES New Year Fair?? was lasted from 31 Dec. 2021 to February 15, 2022 (full moon of January in Chinese Lunar Calendar, it is also called the Lantern Festival) for 47 days. Thousands of people from big cities to local villages have benefited from this event, not only high quality geographical products, but geographical knowledge and big data technology applications. 27 media agencies in China have reported on this Fair, including: Xinhua, China.Com, Guangming.Com, ChinaSafeFood.Com, the technology communication center of CAST (China Association for Science and Technology), People??s Information, Today??s Headlines, Jilin Municipal Bank, and etc.

All of author and co-authors of the case attended the meeting. Prof. Song, X. F., Principle


Figure 5  The GSC team in the ??First Panshi Thousand Reservoir Fishing Festival (winter)?? (January 16, 2022, Yaji reservoir, Panshi, Jilin)



Figure 6  The peer review and evaluation meeting for the Panshi Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs) rice case was held during the ??First Panshi Thousand Reservoir Fishing Festival (winter)?? on January 15, 2022 in Panshi, Jilin province of China


Investigator of the case reported how to use open science methodology for the case studies, including making the trusted data and knowledge public available and how to link scientific knowledge with the environment protection and regional sustainable development.

The team of the Panshi Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs) Rice Case is a joint action team consisted of 30 author and co-authors from research institutes including Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; universities such as College of Plant Science, Jilin University; governments, including Panshi Municipal People??s Government, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Panshi city, as well as all of the local government including Futai town, Niuxin town, Jichang town, Baoshan county, Songshan county, Hulan county, Yantongshan town, Quchaihe town, Chaoyangshan town, Fu??an sub-district, Mingcheng town, Shizui town, Hongqiling town, Yima town, Shizui town, Heishi town and economic development zone; as well as companies, including Panshi Supply and Marketing Investment (Group) Co. and Beijing Tianhang Create Technology Co., Ltd.


Figure 7  Prof. Cao, J. H., Director of ANSO, delivered a speech on ANSO-GIES Luanching

Figure 8  Group photos of participants in the ??Data driven multi-stakeholders?? cooperation for SDGs?? (IGSNRR/ CAS, February 16, 2022)

