Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2021.5(4):511-511


Citation:The editorial office of Journal of Global Change Data & DiscoveryProfessor GUO Huadong was given the Science Sustainability Award issued by the International Science Council[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2021.5(4):511-511 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.04.15 .



Academician Guo, Huadong was Honored the ISC ??The Science for Sustainability Award??

Editorial office of Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery


Academician Guo Hua
Dong (photo by Wang, J. L.)


The International Science Council (ISC) announ­ced on 13th October 2021 that the Science for Susta­in­ability Award was given to Guo, Huadong, who has led the develop­ment of a platform to integrate Big Earth Data for monitoring and predicting progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Profe­ssor Guo, Chairman of the Steering Committee of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Reposi­tory, regular member of the World Data System of the International Science Council (ISC) and Director of International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals. He is professor of Aerospace Information Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was honored Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Finnish Academy of Sciences and Academy of Sciences in Developing Countries. He is a fellow of Geographical Society of China.

Prof. Guo is a leading scientist in remote sensing and digital earth studies. He is founder of the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE) and served as secretary general and then president. He also led to establish and serve as director of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Cultural and Natural Heritage (HIST) of UNESCO. He was the President of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) International Science Council, previously served as the science advisor on sustainable development to the secretary-general of the United Nations. He was Director of Institute of Remote Sensing, and Secretary General of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Now, he dedicates his knowledge and ability to the big data for SDGs using data-driven methodology. He is Editor-in-Chiefs of the Journal of Big Earth Data, Digital Earth and Scientific Data of China.

The International Science Council was founded in 1931 with headquarter in Paris, France. It is a non-governmental organizations, and the largest scale, highest level, most comprehensive international science organization. It brings together over 200 international scientific unions and associations as well as national and regional organizations.

The Science for Sustainability Award is the first-ever edition of the ISC Awards, which recognize excellence in the advancement of science as a global public good.
