Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2021.5(3):358-362


Citation:Zhu, Y. Q., Sun, Y. W., Liu, C., et al.2021’ Conference of Big Data on Geographical Indications for Environment and Sustainability was Held in Yanchi[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2021.5(3):358-362 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.03.15 .

2021?? Conference of Big Data on Geographical Indications for Environment and Sustainability was Held in Yanchi

Zhu, Y. Q.1*  Sun, Y. W.2  Liu, C.,1  Su, N. 1

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;

2. Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Yanchi county, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yanchi 751500, China


Abstract: The 2021?? conference of big data on geographical indications for environment and sustainability (GIES) was held on September 23 and 24, 2021 in Yanchi county, Ningxia Hui autonomous region of China. The conference was co-sponsored by the Big Data Working Committee of the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the government of Yanchi county. The first GIES case of Yanchi Tan sheep dry grassland in Huamachi town was formally launched. The conference was listed at the program of Farmers?? Harvest Festival of Yanchi county. Three common understandings were made at the conference: developing a guideline for the implementation of the Data Security Law of the People??s Republic of China and SDGs; taking a join action for the 2021-2030 decadal initiative on GIES and adopting eight action lines for implementation of the initiative.

Keywords: big data; geographical indications; GIES; Yanchi; GSC confernece





The 2021?? conference of big data on geographical indications for environment and sustainability (GIES) was held on September 23 and 24, 2021 in Yanchi county, Ningxia Hui autonomous region of China. The conference was co-sponsored by the Big Data Working Committee of the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the government of Yanchi county.

The joint organizers of the conference include the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Yanchi county, Yanchi Tan Sheep Production Industry Development Group Ltd., World Data Center for Global Change Scientific Research Data Publishing System and the Project of Technology and Application of Ecological Civilization of the Beauty China Program. The joint team include Wanjigou Village Community of Huamachi town, Yanchi county; Geographical Society of Ningxia Hui autonomous region; Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS); School of Geography and Planning, Ningxia University; Consultant Committee on ICT for the United Nations of China Association for Science and Technology (CCIT/CAST); Task Group of Preservation of and Open Access to S&T Data for/in/with Developing Countries, International Commission on Scientific and Technical Data (PASTD/CODATA); Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Feng county, Jiangsu province; National Earth System Science Data Center of China; Geological Archive of China Geological Survey; School of Geographic Sciences, Liaoning Normal University; Beijing Tianhang Huachuang Technology Co., Ltd.; Zhongguancun Belt and Road Industry Promotion Association and Panshi Lanjia Rice Planting Professional cooperative in Jilin province. Nearly 100 representatives from universities, research institutes, data centers, local governments, business leaders, academic groups, village representatives and science communication from Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Jiangsu provinces, Ningxia Hui autonomous region and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region attended the conference.

Mr. Gong, X. F., mayor of Yanchi delivered his welcome speech. Mr. Wang, H. N., the assistant to mayor of Yanchi county indicated that it was the honour of Yanchi people to host the conference during the Farmers?? Harvest Festival of the county. He said that the first case of GIES program, Yanchi Tan sheep arid grassland in Huamachi township case, was an example for the achievement of SDGs, especially in dry region. It should benefit local socio-economic development, as well as the environment and life of people.

After the opening ceremony of the Farmers?? Harvest Festival, the ceremony of the Yanchi Tan sheep arid grassland case was officially launched at Huamachi township of Yanchi county. Mr. Bai, Y. J., director of the Huamachi township reported the case progress in both grassland protection and application and the Tan sheep industry development. He said that Tan sheep had a long history in Huamachi township, more than 70% income of the township people were from the Tan sheep in 2020. Protect the grassland ecosystem and the Tan sheep germplasm resource were keys of the case. Prof. Liao, X. H., director of the Big Data Committee of GSC, Prof. Zhang, G. Y., vice president and secretary general of GSC, Prof. Liu, C., director of World Data Center on Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository (GCdataPR), Mr. Ming, Z. A, deputy mayor of Yanchi county and Mr. Zhou, Y. S., director of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Yanchi, jointly presented the case certificate to the Humachi township (code number is GCdataPR[2021]01, DOI:geode.2021.05.01 and CSTR:20146.22.2021.05.01).


Figure 1  The certificate of best practice on GIES to Huamachi township



Figure 2  The conference participants witnessed the launch of Yanchi Tan sheep try grassland case on September 23, 2021 (Huamachi township, Yanchi county, Ningxia Hui autonomous region of China)


Prof. Liu, C. made a presentation on the implementation roadmap of a 2021-2030 decadal initiative on GIES. Prof. Zhu, Y. Q., vice chair of Big Data Committee, GSC and Prof. of IGSNRR/CAS reported the progress of the Project of Technology and Application of Ecological Civilization of the Beauty China Program. Mr. Sun, Y. W., deputy director of Tan sheep Station of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Yanchi county, senior livestock specialist reported the result and role of the Yanchi Tan sheep try grassland case.

Prof. Mi, W. B. from School of Geography and Planning, Ningxia University delivered another case study in Helan Mountain on wine grape.

Prof. Liu, Q. H., vice chair of Big Data Committee, GSC and Prof. of Aerospace Information Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIR/CAS), reported on computing environment for public remote sensing products. Mr. Zhang, X. Q., Chief of Africa Affairs of Zhongguancun Belt and Road Industry Promotion Association, gave a video report on GIES in African countries.

With the development of big data science and technology, young geographers are becoming the main force in the field of big geographical data research and application. In the morning of the 24th, a forum contributed by early career and women scientists was held. Dr. Liu, Y. X. Y. of the National Earth System Science Data Center, Dr. Chen, Z. G. of the National Earth Observation Science Data Center, Dr. Zhang, B. of Chinese Geological Science Data Publishing System, Dr. Shi, R. X., World Data Center of Global Change Scientific Research Data Publishing System, and Dr. Zhu, X. G., Beijing Tianhang Huachuang Technology Co., Ltd. respectively reported the progress of their research and discoveries. The participates identified the challenges and opportunities on big data in geography. Associate Prof. Fu, J. Y. from IGSNRR/CAS and leader of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dr. Wang, S., post-doctor fellow of IGSNRR/CAS summarized that it was the time for youth to have innovative methodology to meet needs from society in local-regional-national and global scales in the era of big data society. The opportunities for youth in big data geography were not only technology, but computational system with SDGs. Prof. He, C. C., Liu, C., Zhang, Q. S. and Zhang, M. X., representatives as the senior scientists provided comments and suggestions.



Figure 3  Associate Prof. Fu, J. Y. Chaired the Early Career Forum on Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Big Data Society


In order to implement the ??Data Security Law of the People??s Republic of China?? from the perspective of Geographical Society of China, Dr. Chen, L. J., vice chair of the Big Data Committee of GSC and senior engineer of the National Geographic Information Center, provided a report about the implementation guidelines of the law. Prof. Liu, C., secretary general of Big Data Committee of GSC, led the discussions. The conference decided:

(1) the Big Data Committee of GSC approved the framework of the Implementation Guideline of the ??Data Security Law of the People??s Republic of China??. Dr. Chen, L. J. and Prof. Zhu, Y. Q. will lead the team to modify the draft based on the discussions. After it is finished, it will be submitted to General Assembly of GSC for approvement.

(2) the Big Data Committee of GSC evaluated the GIES initiative, and agree to continue play the leading role in this action. Not only, it will keep the corporation with IGSNRR/CAS, WFEO, and partners to take the action through the following action lines.

Action Line 1: Call data driven geographical science on quality geographical products, including geographical indications, geographical specific products and geographical civilization products, which could pay more attention to the regional and local geography.

Action Line 2: Build an innovative mechanism for the cooperation; the stakeholders should include research institute, universities, governments, private sectors, scientific communities, publishers and citizens.

Action Line 3: Protect intellectual properties of the quality geographical products (geographical indications, geographical specifications, geographical civilizations).

Action Line 4: Implement FAIR principles for safety and reliable data and knowledge publishing and sharing.

Action Line 5: Take infrastructure and platform of big data and internet of things as one of priorities of the action;

Action Line 6: Promote case studies by an integrating methodology in geography;

Action Line 7: Encourage geographers return and contribute to their hometown with knowledge and any possible ways.

Action Line 8: Enhance international cooperation and collaboration.

In the afternoon of 24th September, all participants visited the wine product base in eastern foot of Helan Mountain, the products of Helan Montain wine was listed in the China-EU geographical indications agreement.
