Journal introduction

Mountain Research

  • Sponsored by:Institute of Moutain Hazards and Environment, Chinsese Academy of Sciences; Geographical Society of China
  • Superintended by:Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • ISSN:1008-2786
  • CN:51-1516
  • Language:Chinese
  • Frequency:Bimonthly
  • Editor-in-chief:DENG Wei
  • https:
  • Journal information:Mountain Research focuses on the interaction fields related to mountain research and development in natural sciences and humanities, covering science, engineering, economics, sociology, agriculture, forestry and other disciplines. It publishes the latest research results of the theory, application technology, research and experimental methods on the utilization and protection of mountain resources, mountain environment evolution, mountain engineering construction, prevention and control of mountain disasters (collapse, landslide, debris flow, soil erosion, mountain torrents, etc.), social development and urban planning in mountainous areas, sustainable development and industrial restructuring in mountainous areas, etc., as well as the practical experience of large-scale projects. Meanwhile, irregular columns, such as academic column, academic contention, new book introduction and book review, are also set according to the needs of national scientific research and the guidance of science and technology.
  • Indexed in:China
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    Chinese Core Journals of Natural Science (International Core Journal Research Association)
    Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
    Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD, Wanfang)
    Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED, CNKI)
    Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CJFD, CNKI)

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