Journal introduction

Journal of Resources and Ecology

  • Sponsored by:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences; China Society of Natural Resources; Ecological Society of China
  • Superintended by:Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • ISSN:1674-764X
  • CN:11-5885/P
  • Language:English
  • Frequency:Bimonthly
  • Editor-in-chief:LI Wenhua
  • https:
  • Journal information:Journal of Resources and Ecology's mission is to create a platform for the promotion of international academic exchange. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive representation of resources and ecology research, and to present the state of the art in scientific research, important progress in regard to the key issues involved, and the results of cutting-edge research in the fields of natural resources and ecology. Publication of JRE represents an important addition to other journals in the interdisciplinary research areas of resources and ecology.
  • Indexed in:China
    Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
    Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD, Wanfang)
    Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED, CNKI)

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