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Grid Dataset of Extreme Temperature Index in China (1961-2020) (V1.0)

CHEN Qiuyuan1ZHANG Yu*1LIU Xiaoyu1LIAN Qinlai1XU Jianjun1
1 South China Sea Institute of Marine Meteorology,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China


Published:May 2024

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Key Words:

climate change,ETCCDI,Extreme Climate Index,SimmEX


In the context of global warming, extreme weather and climate events occur frequently. In order to unify the definition of extreme climate events in different countries and regions, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) established the Expert Group on Climate Change Detection and Index (ETCCDI), which provided 27 representative extreme temperature and precipitation indices to regulate research on global extreme climate events. The authors used the daily dataset of basic meteorological elements from China's national ground meteorological station (V3.0) to calculate 16 extreme temperature indices defined by ETCCDI in China, including annual/monthly maximum daily temperature (TXx), annual/monthly minimum daily maximum temperature (TXn), annual/monthly maximum daily minimum temperature (TNx), annual/monthly minimum daily minimum temperature (TNn), warm day percentage (TX90p), cold day percentage (TX10p), warm night percentage (TN90p), cold night percentage (TN10p), summer days (SU), hot night days (TR), and frozen days (ID), Frost days (FD), continuous warm days (WSDI), continuous cold days (CSDI), daily temperature range (DTR), and growth period length (GSL). Then they adopted the angular distance weight interpolation method to obtain the grid dataset of extreme temperature index in China (1961-2020) (V1.0). The resolution is 0.25°x0.25°. The dataset includes: (1) annual data of 16 extreme temperature indices; (2) monthly data of 13 extreme temperature indices. The dataset is archived in .nc format, and consists of 29 data files with data size of 1.43 GB (compressed into one file with 353 MB).

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (72293604, 42130605); Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Bureau (JCYJ20210324131810029)

Data Citation:

CHEN Qiuyuan, ZHANG Yu*, LIU Xiaoyu, LIAN Qinlai, XU Jianjun. Grid Dataset of Extreme Temperature Index in China (1961-2020) (V1.0)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2024.


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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 SimmEX_1961-2020_1.0.rar 361952.26KB