Article list
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

2023 Vol.7 No.1

  • ISSN:2096-3645
  • CN:10-1493/P
  • First Issue:Mar. 2017
  • Sponsors:IGSNRR/CAS,GSC
  • Editor-in-Chief:GE Quansheng
  • Pub. & Dis.:GCdataPR
  • Data Papers

    2023.7(1):1-7Ding, R., Shi, W. J.

    Development of Dataset of Climate Change Impacting Grain Yield in Tibet of China (1993-2017)

    PDF(665) RICH HTML(368) DATASET(5760)

  • 2023.7(1):8-18Wu, X., Shi, W. J., Tao, F. L.

    Dataset of Spatial Pattern in the Forest Water Retention in China Based on Meta-analysis

    PDF(635) RICH HTML(313) DATASET(8795)

  • 2023.7(1):19-24Wang, J., Zhang, F., Shi, Q. D.

    Surface Water Level Change in the Lower Reaches of Keriya Rive (2013–2014)

    PDF(668) RICH HTML(352) DATASET(5476)

  • 2023.7(1):25-32Xing, L. G., Zhang, Y., Kan, A. K., et al.

    Development of the Spatial Scope Dataset of Zang-Qiang- Yi Corridor

    PDF(628) RICH HTML(379) DATASET(5050)

  • 2023.7(1):33-39Cao, H., Song, W. X., He, J.

    Artificial Surface Dataset of Urban Changes in 6 Cities in GMS (1990–2015)

    PDF(522) RICH HTML(339) DATASET(5683)

  • 2023.7(1):40-47Qu, Y., Wu, F. Y., Li, B.

    Dataset of Regional Economic Resilience and Industrial Evolution Path in China’s Coastal Areas (2002?2017)

    PDF(834) RICH HTML(313) DATASET(4343)

  • 2023.7(1):48-55Huang, J., Gao, Y.

    Accessibility Evaluation 1-km Ruster Dataset Development of Public Charging Stations for New Energy Vehicles in Beijing (2020)

    PDF(547) RICH HTML(341) DATASET(4757)

  • 2023.7(1):56-64Zhao, M. X., Yao, Y. X., Mejia, A., et al.

    Dataset on Household Food Ingredients and Source Areas of Urban Residents in Yantai, Lanzhou, Xinxiang, and Jiujiang Cities of China (2020)

    PDF(571) RICH HTML(373) DATASET(4140)

  • 2023.7(1):65-74Liu, H. M., Zhou, T. Y., Gou, P.

    10-Year NDVI Dataset Development in 361 Cities of China (250-m, 1990–2020)

    PDF(609) RICH HTML(409) DATASET(8660)

  • 2023.7(1):75-82Wu, J. W., Liu, Q., Liu, W. J., et al.

    Remote Sensing Image Based Dataset of Chengdu Facility Agriculture Spatial Distribution Dataset (2010, 2020)

    PDF(670) RICH HTML(351) DATASET(6080)

  • 2023.7(1):83-88Huang, K. X., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y. F., et al.

    Industrial Upgrading Dataset Development for the Cities of Pearl River Delta of China (1999?2018)

    PDF(508) RICH HTML(321) DATASET(4553)

  • 2023.7(1):89-93Wang, X., Wang, X. Y., Yang, X. Y., et al.

    In Situ Vegetation Dataset from 28 Plots in Qinghai Lake Basin (2019)

    PDF(476) RICH HTML(315) DATASET(6080)

  • 2023.7(1):94-101Li, X. Y., Sun, J. Q., Chen, Y. R., et al.

    Monitoring Dataset on Waterbirds in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021?2022)

    PDF(664) RICH HTML(337) DATASET(3702)

  • 2023.7(1):102-107Liu, Y., Chen, H. L , Xiao, W. J., et al.

    Dataset of Tourism Geography Sentiment Evaluation Model Application in Cities of Greater Bay Area of China (2008-2021)

    PDF(591) RICH HTML(337) DATASET(4114)

  • Ranking of Comprehensive Data Impact Score

    2023.7(1):108-111The Geographical Society of China

    Ranking of Comprehensive Data Impact Score (CDIS) of the Datasets Published in GCdataPR (2018-2022)

    PDF(595) RICH HTML(326)

  • 2023.7(1):112-114The Geographical Society of China

    Ranking of Comprehensive Data Impact Score (CDIS) of the Journal Partners (2018-2022)

    PDF(587) RICH HTML(313)
