Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery2021.5(1):109-109


Citation:Wang, Z. X.Summary Report of the 2nd Show Cases Symposium on GI Environment and Sustainability[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,2021.5(1):109-109 .DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.01.15 .

DOI: 10

Summary Report of the 2nd Show Cases Symposium on GI Environment and Sustainability

Wang, Z. X.

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100101, China


To foster the transformation for keeping green environment to sustainability, Institute of Geographic Sciences and resources (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), big data working committee of Geographical Society of China (GSC) and Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository (GCdataPR), Regular member of World Data System(WDS) jointly hosted The 2nd Show Cases Symposium on Geographical Indication (GI) Product Environment and Sustainability on February 3, 2021.

  The symposium was monitored by Associate Prof. Wang, Zhenbo, Director of Cooperation Department of IGSNRR. Prof. Liao, Xiaohan, Chair of big data working committee of GSC, and Zhang, Guoyou, Vice President and Secretary General of GSC, delivered speeches. Prof. Liao, indicated that GSNRR will give its full support for this endeavor. Prof. Zhang emphasized that GSC had the advantages of multidisciplinary talents and will provide excellent consulting services.

In the keynote speech, Prof. Liu, Chuang, Director of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository (GCdataPR), addressed that health environment is the key for the health products and health people. She said that several cases in the following demonstrations indicated that only team work together from scientists, engineers, decision makers, enterprises and all of the stakeholders could reach SDGs. She said that now it was time for geographers to put the geographical sciences, technology and solutions for this target. She stressed that our aim was to ensure that consumers enjoy authentic GI products with a healthy environment, and ensure that environmental guards are rewarded in a well-off life

Seven representatives introduced the progress of their cases. Sun, Yongwu reported the case progress in Ningxia Hui autonomous region on ??Tan sheep dry grassland in Yanchi county??; Fu, Jingying demonstrated the ??Rice permanent farmland case?? in Lanjia village, Jilin province; Li, Yanhua reported the ??Hailun soybean black soil case??; Wang, Fangxiong introduced the ??Sea cucumber offshore ranching in Guanglu Island, Liaoning province??. "Sichuan Suining sweet potato subtropical valley case?? was jointly presented by Liu, Gangfei and Tan, Wenfang. Jiao, Ling reported the ??Danchuan millet dry land case??; Duan, Ruting introduced the ??Baoshan arabica coffee Xinzhai village dry-hot valley case??. Zhang, Lifu introduced the ??Application of remote sensing to habitat quality detection of high-quality GI products??.

In summary, Liu, Chuang arranged the follow-up works, and Wang, Zhenbo hopes that everyone seized the opportunity to make their own contributions to transform green waters and green mountains into golden mountains.
