Journal introduction

Journal of Remote Sensing

  • Sponsored by:Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • Superintended by:Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • ISSN:1007-4619
  • CN:11-3841/TP
  • Language:Chinese
  • Frequency:Bimonthly
  • Editor-in-chief:GU Xingfa
  • https:
  • Journal information:Journal of Remote Sensing has published a large number of articles on the latest domestic scientific research achievements and articles of key research projects supported by the state, according to the demand of remote sensing (RS) in different periods of China. It has played a great role in the development of remote sensing science and technology and personnel training in China, and become the most influential academic journal in the field of remote sensing and geographic information science (GIS) in China. As the only national–level comprehensive academic journal in the field of remote sensing in China, Journal of Remote Sensing is committed to reporting high-level research results, periodic research briefs, and high-level reviews in the field of RS and related disciplines in China. Journal of Remote Sensing focuses on the basic theory of RS, the development of RS technology, the application of RS in the fields of resources and environment and disaster monitoring, such as agriculture, forestry, hydrology, geology and mining, ocean, surveying and mapping, GIS, and the combination and application of RS, GIS and GPS.
  • Indexed in:China
    Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
    Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD, Wanfang)
    Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CJFD, CNKI)
    Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED, CNKI)
    A Guide to the Core Journals of China (Peking University)

    Engineering Index (EI, USA)
    Scopus (Netherland)
    Index Copernicus (IC, Poland)
    Abstracts Journal (AJ, USA)
    JST's Bibliographic Databases (Japan)
    Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (UPD, USA)
    Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, USA)