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Data List
  • Dataset Title: Antarctic Ice Sheet Freeze-thaw Dataset (1999-2019)
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.01.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): LIU Yong ,ZHOU Chunxia ,ZHENG Lei ,WANG Zemin
    Key Words: Antarctic ice sheet,snowmelt,data fusion,Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,Global Ecosystem and Environment Observation Analysis Research Cooperation
  • Dataset Title: Spatiotemporal Dataset of Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration in the Yellow River Estuary and Adjacent Waters (1997-2018)
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.02.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): Li Peng ,KE Yinghai* ,ZHOU Demin ,CHEN Mengmeng ,BAI Junhong
    Key Words: Yellow River Estuary,suspended particulate matter concentration,multi-source remote sensing,long time series,Marine Pollution Bulletin
  • Dataset Title: Prince Edward Island
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.03.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): HU Ke ,HAN Nianlong ,LIU Chuang ,SHI Ruixiang
    Key Words: Prince Edward Island,Canada,data encyclopedia
  • Dataset Title: Graham Island
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.04.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): HU Ke ,HAN Nianlong ,LIU Chuang ,SHI Ruixiang
    Key Words: Graham Island,Canada,data encyclopedia
  • Dataset Title: New Siberian Island
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.05.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): HU Ke ,HAN Nianlong ,LIU Chuang ,SHI Ruixiang
    Key Words: New Siberian Island,Novosibirsk,Russia,data encyclopedia
  • Dataset Title: Pan-Antarctic Emperor Penguin Colony Dataset (2000, 2014, 2018)
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.06.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): ZHANG Miao ,LI Xianglan
    Key Words: Pan Antarctica,emperor penguin,colony,2000-2018,Global Ecosystem and Environment Observation Analysis Research Cooperation
  • Dataset Title: Dataset of NDVI Change Trends and Impact Factors in Inner Mongolia (2000-2015)
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.07.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): CHEN Kuan ,CHAO Luo Meng*
    Key Words: Inner Mongolia,NDVI,impact factors,2000-2015
  • Dataset Title: China‘s Research on COVID-19 Video Report (No.6): Artificial Intelligence Applications
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.08.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): GONG Ke ,YUAN Xiaojie ,LIANG Xiaofeng ,LIU Chuang* ,TAO Xiaofeng ,YI Heya ,XU Zheping
    Key Words: COVID-19,China’s Research,CAST-CCIT,CAST-CCLH,video report,Artificial Intelligence Applications
  • Dataset Title: Bali Island
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.09.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): WANG Le ,HAN Nianlong ,LIU Chuang ,SHI Ruixiang
    Key Words: Bali Island,Denpasar,Indonesia,data encyclopedia
  • Dataset Title: Chichagof Island
    DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2020.05.10.V1
    Published: Aug. 2020
    Author(s): WANG Le ,HAN Nianlong ,LIU Chuang ,SHI Ruixiang
    Key Words: Chichagof Island,Alexander Islands,Pacific Ocean,USA,data encyclopedia
Total 2 pages,1 of 10