Journal introduction

Study on Natural and Cultural Heritage

  • Journal information:Study on Natural and Cultural Heritage mainly publishes policies and regulations, science and technology, advanced concepts, problem analysis, innovative methods, and academic achievements covering the protection and utilization of natural heritage, cultural heritage, dual heritage, and intangible cultural heritage. It disseminates advanced ideas and technologies of heritage protection in the world, summarizes and promotes the experience of various heritage protections, and promotes the heritage protection in China. The main columns are: monograph promotion, natural heritage, cultural heritage, museum, intangible cultural heritage protection, heritage tourism, special topics, arguments, work research, heritage education, etc.
  • Indexed in:China
    A Guide to the Core Journals of China (Peking University)
    Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD, Wanfang)
    Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CJFD, CNKI)