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MODIS-based Monthly Dataset of POC Flux in the Bottom of the Global Ocean Euphotic Layer (2003-2018)

XIE Futai1ZHOU Xiang1TAO Zui1LV Tingting1WANG Jin1LI Ruoxi1
1 Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Dec. 2020

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Key Words:

global,ocean,POC,2018,Monthly,Remote Sensing


MODIS-based monthly dataset of POC flux in the bottom of the global ocean euphotic layer (2003-2018) was developed based on the e-ratio data and the NPP data. In which, the e-ratio data was calculated using monthly MODIS sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll concentration (Chl) and euphotic zone depth (Zeu) data with the estimation model (Dunne et al. 2005). The dataset is monthly data with a spatial resolution of 9 km. Each data file includes two parameters: poc_flux and pe_ratio, the former is POC flux and the latter is e-ratio. The dataset is archived in .hdf data format, and consists of 192 data files with data size of 13.3 GB (compressed into 16 files, 4.48 GB). The research paper based on this dataset was published in Remote Sensing, Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019.Browse

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2018YFE0124200);Chinese Academy of Sciences (2020)

Data Citation:

XIE Futai, ZHOU Xiang, TAO Zui, LV Tingting, WANG Jin, LI Ruoxi.MODIS-based Monthly Dataset of POC Flux in the Bottom of the Global Ocean Euphotic Layer (2003-2018)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

XIE Futai, ZHOU Xiang, TAO Zui, et al. MODIS-based monthly dataset of particulate organic carbon flux in the bottom of the global ocean euphotic layer (2003–2018) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021, 5(1): 11–18.


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     [2] Dunne, J. P., Armstrong, R.A., Gnanadesikan, A., et al. Empirical and mechanistic models for the particle export ratio. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 2005, 19.
     [3] Tao, Z., Yan, W., Sheng, M., et al. A Phytoplankton Class-Specific Marine Primary Productivity Model Using MODIS Data. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens. 2017, 10, 5519–5528.
     [4] Tao, Z., Zhou, X., Xie, F. T., et al. Time Series of Monthly Global Marine NPP Dataset Based on MODIS and SABPM Model (Since 2003)[DB/OL].Global Change Data Repository,2019.DOI:10.3974/geodb.2019.05.01.V1.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 GlobalMarinePOC_2003.rar 297544.46KB
2 GlobalMarinePOC_2004.rar 297247.81KB
3 GlobalMarinePOC_2005.rar 294817.59KB
4 GlobalMarinePOC_2006.rar 295015.15KB
5 GlobalMarinePOC_2007.rar 293279.64KB
6 GlobalMarinePOC_2008.rar 292932.82KB
7 GlobalMarinePOC_2009.rar 289377.69KB
8 GlobalMarinePOC_2010.rar 292613.52KB
9 GlobalMarinePOC_2011.rar 295651.10KB
10 GlobalMarinePOC_2012.rar 292601.86KB
11 GlobalMarinePOC_2013.rar 293983.54KB
12 GlobalMarinePOC_2014.rar 292858.43KB
13 GlobalMarinePOC_2015.rar 288016.05KB
14 GlobalMarinePOC_2016.rar 293867.63KB
15 GlobalMarinePOC_2017.rar 300637.23KB
16 GlobalMarinePOC_2018.rar 295006.29KB

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