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GIES Case 2 Video on Baoshan Arabica Coffee Dry-Hot Valley in Xinzhai Village, Yunnan Province of China

DUAN Ruting1LIU Yingtao1FU Cuili1HU Kang1YANG Yuhan2ZI Xueming2JIA Hansi2LIU Chao3LI Xiaobo4,5WANG Zhengxing6
1 Baoshan University,Baoshan 678000,China2 Meteorological Bureau of Longyang District,Baoshan 678000,China3 Baoshan Quality and Technical Supervision Comprehensive Testing Center,Baoshan 678000,China4 Baoshan Chunzheng Coffee Industry Development Co.,Ltd. BAoshan 678000,China5 Coffee Association of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650228,China6 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101


Published:Sep. 2022

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Key Words:

Baoshan,Xinzhai Village,Arabica coffee,dry-hot valley,GIES,video,Case 2


The Baoshan Arabica Coffee Xinzhai Village Case on Dry-Hot Valley was listed on the Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES Case No.2), which is part of Innovation China program. By open science technology and digital technology, the video shows the ecosystem and the socio-economic development of the coffee plantations in Xinzhai Village, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province of China. Coffee came to Yunnan across China’s southwest boundary around 1900s, and mainly served missionaries or locals for personal consumption in following years. In early 1950s, coffee began to be planted in large scale in Xinzai Village of Baoshan Prefecture. Baoshan Coffee is a unique flavor (partly benefited by the dry-hot climate of Nujiang Valley), and was honored the Geographical Indications in 1996 and the China-EU Protected Geographical Indication List in 2021. Xinzhai Village was recognized the Top Coffee Village of China, because of its territory, plantation scale and the vertical gradient from 760 m to 1,640 m. The video is archived in .mp4 format, it takes 4:59 minutes.

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

DUAN Ruting, LIU Yingtao, FU Cuili, HU Kang, YANG Yuhan, ZI Xueming, JIA Hansi, LIU Chao, LI Xiaobo, WANG Zhengxing.GIES Case 2 Video on Baoshan Arabica Coffee Dry-Hot Valley in Xinzhai Village, Yunnan Province of China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 GIES_Case02_CN_L.mp4 366135.73KB
2 GIES_Case02_CN_S.mp4 35054.66KB

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Geographical Society of China


Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in/for/with Developing Countries (PASTD)

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Digital Linchao GeoMuseum