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30 m Grid Dataset of Potential Forestation Land and Its Climatic Potential Productivity in China

XU Jinyong1
1 Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Mar. 2023

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Key Words:

Potential forestation land,Climatic potential productivity,China


Based on integrating analysis to the GLC_FCS30 and GlobeLand30 in 2020 and the Miami climatic potential productivity, the 30 m Grid Dataset of Potential Forestation Land and Its Climatic Potential Productivity in China was developed. The dataset includes the following data: (1) spatial distribution of potential forestation land; (2) Miami climatic potential productivity; (3) spatial distribution of potential afforestation land and reforestation land; (4) areas above the timberline; (5) land sources for potential forestation land; (6) change trends of climatic potential productivity; (7) climatic conditions classification; (8) slope conditions; (9) path distance to the nearest road; (10) the potential forestation land area in each province of China; (11) statistics of forest area (30 m grid number) changes with slope in China. The dataset is archived in .tif, .xlsx and .txt formats, and consists of 68 data files with data size of 7.52 GB (Compressed into 7 files with 4.77 GB). The analysis paper based on the dataset will be published in coordination with Acta Geographica Sinica, Vol. 78, No. 3, 2023.

Foundation Item:

Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA19090119)

Data Citation:

XU Jinyong.30 m Grid Dataset of Potential Forestation Land and Its Climatic Potential Productivity in China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.


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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 1_Fig3-Potential_forestation_land.rar 664700.39KB
2 2_Fig5-MIAMI_MEAN_for_potential_forestation_land.rar 1713647.20KB
3 3_4_Fig4_Fig2a-Potential_afforestation_reforestation-Above_treeline.rar 453293.19KB
4 5_Fig2b-Land_source.rar 705528.34KB
5 6_7_Fig2c_Fig2d-MIAMI_change_trend-Climate_condition.rar 440790.77KB
6 8_Fig2e-SRTMv3_slpoe_reclass5.rar 875923.05KB
7 9_10_11_Fig2f_Tab1_Fig6.rar 136475.24KB

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Geographical Society of China


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