Article list
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

2019 Vol.3 No.1

  • ISSN:2096-3645
  • CN:10-1493/P
  • First Issue:Mar. 2017
  • Sponsors:IGSNRR/CAS,GSC
  • Editor-in-Chief:GE Quansheng
  • Pub. & Dis.:GCdataPR
  • Review

    2019.3(1):1-9Shi, R. X., Ma, J. H., Liu, C., et al.

    Statistics and Analysis of the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing (2018)

    PDF(1824) RICH HTML(1498)

  • 2019.3(1):10-18Ma, J. H., Liu, C., Shi, R. X.

    Cover Design of the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery in both Chinese and English

    PDF(1343) RICH HTML(1592)

  • New Data Technology

    2019.3(1):19-26Bi, S. W., Rao, S. W.

    A Segmentation Algorithm for Quantum Remote Sensing Image Data

    PDF(1458) RICH HTML(1613)

  • Data Papers

    2019.3(1):27-33Tian, H. F., Niu, Z., Liu, Q. H., et al.

    The Vegetation Coverage Datasets Covering Ten Interconnection Projects of the Belt and Road Ini-tiative (2017)

    PDF(1454) RICH HTML(1900) DATASET(10868)

  • 2019.3(1):34-41Chen, P. F.

    Monthly NPP Dataset Covering China’s Terrestrial Ecosystems at North of 18°N (1985–2015)

    PDF(3451) RICH HTML(3151) DATASET(31128)

  • 2019.3(1):42-47Han, Q. Q., Niu, Z. G.

    China Intertidal Zone Dataset Based on Tidal Correction

    PDF(1516) RICH HTML(2369) DATASET(12361)

  • 2019.3(1):48-53Gong, H., Huang, M.

    A Global Mountain Torque Dataset Based on Reanalysis of Three Previous Compilations

    PDF(1436) RICH HTML(1831) DATASET(11425)

  • 2019.3(1):54-58Wang, X. L., Hou, X. Y.

    Raster Dataset of Extreme Temperature in the Coastal Area of China

    PDF(1748) RICH HTML(1865) DATASET(11565)

  • 2019.3(1):59-68Liu, Q. S., Chen, H., Chen, J., et al.

    Relationship Dataset and Analysis Between Cultivated Land Transformation and Economic Growth in Guizhou Province, China (2007–2016)

    PDF(1251) RICH HTML(1926) DATASET(11419)

  • 2019.3(1):69-75Li, S. F., Ye, Y. Y.

    A Dataset of Regional Three-dimensional Development Density in the Pearl River Delta Megalopolis of China

    PDF(1286) RICH HTML(1922) DATASET(12296)

  • 2019.3(1):76-82Gu, Y. Y., Qiao, X. N., Lin, N. F.

    Urban Development Level Dataset Based on Nighttime Light Images for Taihu Lake Basin

    PDF(1468) RICH HTML(1914) DATASET(11443)

  • Global Change Data Encyclopedia

    2019.3(1):83-88Liu, C., Zhang, Y. H., Shen, Y., et al.

    Greenland, Kingdom of Denmark

    PDF(1336) RICH HTML(1493) DATASET(11119)

  • 2019.3(1):89-90Gou, Z. J., Liu, F. G.

    Gyaring Lake, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China

    PDF(1528) RICH HTML(1654) DATASET(11524)

  • 2019.3(1):91-92Gou, Z. J., Liu, F. G.

    Ngoring Lake, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China

    PDF(1365) RICH HTML(1551) DATASET(11486)

  • 2019.3(1):93-94Chen, Q. Q., Gou, Z. J., Liu, F. G.

    Haidingnuoer Lake, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China

    PDF(1252) RICH HTML(1476) DATASET(10750)

  • EU-China cooperation

    2019.3(1):95-100Wu, J. F., Yao, W. Q., Li, P. F.

    Progress of Dragon Program (Phase 4) Between European Union and China

    PDF(1325) RICH HTML(1612)

  • 2019.3(1):101-102Zhang, S. M., Li, Q. Q., Zhang, C.

    The 2018 Remote Sensing Advanced Training Course of ESA-MOST was Held in Shenzhen, China

    PDF(1350) RICH HTML(1476)

  • Characters Introduction

    2019.3(1):103-104Ge, Q, S., Liao, X. H., Yue, H. Y., et al.

    Dr. Barbara J. Ryan Invited to be the Associated Chief Editor of the Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

    PDF(1262) RICH HTML(1453)
