Article list
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

2022 Vol.6 No.2

  • ISSN:2096-3645
  • CN:10-1493/P
  • First Issue:Mar. 2017
  • Sponsors:IGSNRR/CAS,GSC
  • Editor-in-Chief:GE Quansheng
  • Pub. & Dis.:GCdataPR
  • GIES Case Study

    2022.6(2):157-168Song, X. F., Yu, J. Q., Qi, W., et al.

    GIES Case Dataset on Panshi Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs) Rice in Permanent Farmland, Jilin Province of China

    PDF(928) RICH HTML(1024) DATASET(6939)

  • 2022.6(2):169-179Tan, W. F., Li, L. S. , Yang, X. L., et al.

    GIES Case Dataset on Suining Sweet Potato Subtropical Hills in Qingfeng Village, Baima Town, Sichuan Province of China

    PDF(705) RICH HTML(940) DATASET(6356)

  • 2022.6(2):180-190Gui, D. W., Fan, J. L., Huo, J. J., et al.

    GIES Case Dataset on Kolar Fragrant Pear in the Kongque River Oasis of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China

    PDF(719) RICH HTML(854) DATASET(6589)

  • Data Papers

    2022.6(2):191-199Hou, W. Y., Jin, J. X., Yan, T., et al.

    A Satellite-Based Dataset of Global Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration with a Spa-tial Resolution of 2° × 2.5° from 1992 to 2020

    PDF(1380) RICH HTML(1098) DATASET(12851)

  • 2022.6(2):200-208MA, J. S., Song, C. Q., Wang, Y. J., et al.

    Dataset of Maximum Extent and Type of Glacial Lake in the Asia (1980s-2019)

    PDF(861) RICH HTML(784) DATASET(7297)

  • 2022.6(2):209-216Ma, Y. X., Sun, J. Q., Hou, Y. S., et al.

    Waterfowl Habitat Dataset of 30 Monitoring Sites in the Qing?hai Lake Basin (2018)

    PDF(797) RICH HTML(734) DATASET(6957)

  • 2022.6(2):217-224Hu, J. F., Gong, Z. N., Zhang, C., et al.

    Development of a Dataset of the Spatial-temporal Distribution of Typical Salt Marsh Vege-tation in the Yellow River Delta (1999–2020)

    PDF(750) RICH HTML(729) DATASET(8087)

  • 2022.6(2):225-233Jiao, Y., Yang, J. C., Li, G. S., et al.

    Spatial-temporal Mean Temperature Dataset in the China–Mongolia–Russia Economic Cor-ridor (1982–2018, 1-km/y)

    PDF(719) RICH HTML(644) DATASET(6696)

  • 2022.6(2):234-240Mou, K. N., Gong, Z. N., Qiu, H. C.

    Development of a Spatial-temporal Distribution Dataset of the Tidal Creek Morphological Charac-teristics in the Yellow River Delta (1998–2018)

    PDF(695) RICH HTML(600) DATASET(6010)

  • 2022.6(2):241-248Shao, Y. T., Wang, J. L.

    Vegetation phenology Dataset in Mongolia (2001–2019)

    PDF(779) RICH HTML(808) DATASET(6738)

  • 2022.6(2):249-256Zhao, Z. L., Li, J., Fang, X. Q., et al.

    Cropland Area Dataset of the Russian Empire/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics during the Past Millennium (1000–2000)

    PDF(838) RICH HTML(779) DATASET(6320)

  • 2022.6(2):257-264Guo, Y., Yao, Y. F., Yan, J. Y., et al.

    Spatial Dataset of 3610 Items of China’s National Intangible Cultural Heritage in Five Packages

    PDF(769) RICH HTML(812) DATASET(11662)

  • 2022.6(2):265-272Zhang, D. P., Jing, H. T., Liu, K., et al.

    Spatial Distribution Dataset of Continuously Disappearing Surface Water in China (1980-2019)

    PDF(849) RICH HTML(764) DATASET(7555)

  • 2022.6(2):273-279Xu, Z., Mi, W. B., Mi, N., et al.

    Surface-soil Physicochemical Properties in Near Industrial Areas in the Yanchi Desert Steppe

    PDF(600) RICH HTML(596) DATASET(7399)

  • 2022.6(2):280-289Gao, Y., Dong, H. W.

    Snow Cover Dataset by Multi-source Data Fusion Algorithm: A Case Study in the North Western United States

    PDF(753) RICH HTML(638) DATASET(6175)

  • 2022.6(2):290-297Liu, F. S., Ge, Q. S., Tao, F. L., et al.

    Maize Ecosystem Dataset in the North China Plain

    PDF(752) RICH HTML(698) DATASET(6371)

  • 2022.6(2):298-308Zhao, C. S., He, F. N., Yang, F., et al.

    Dataset of Land Reclamation in the Continental United States from the 10th to 18th Centuries

    PDF(940) RICH HTML(792) DATASET(6367)

  • 2022.6(2):309-316Qi, D. S., Sun, J. Q., Hou, Y. S., et al.

    Composition of 2018 Monitoring Dataset for Przewalski gazelle in Qinghai Lake Basin

    PDF(778) RICH HTML(706) DATASET(6388)

  • 2022.6(2):317-326Su, J.

    Dataset of Wood Carving, Stone Carving, Colored Painting and Glass Decorative Patterns in Luoyang Shanshan Guildhall of Henan Province, China

    PDF(522) RICH HTML(575) DATASET(5741)
