Article list
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

2023 Vol.7 No.2

  • ISSN:2096-3645
  • CN:10-1493/P
  • First Issue:Mar. 2017
  • Sponsors:IGSNRR/CAS,GSC
  • Editor-in-Chief:GE Quansheng
  • Pub. & Dis.:GCdataPR
  • Data Tool Updated

    2023.7(2):115-128Yao, F. T., Su, N., Gu, H. Y., et al.

    GIES Case Study on Feng County Burdock of the Ancient Yellow River Floodplain

    PDF(447) RICH HTML(274) DATASET(7410)

  • 2023.7(2):129-147Zhang, Z. Q., Wang, K., Song, W., et al.

    GIES Case Study on Feng County Pear of the Ancient Yellow River Floodplain

    PDF(404) RICH HTML(300) DATASET(4454)

  • 2023.7(2):148-157Tan, M. H., Wang, K., Mao, C. X., et al.

    GIES Case Study on Fengxian Apple in the Ancient Yellow River (Dashahe)

    PDF(571) RICH HTML(270) DATASET(4283)

  • 2023.7(2):158-171Mo, X. G., Sun, Z. W., Zhou, X. M., et al.

    GIS Case Study on Lipu Taro-Rice Rotation Permanent Farmland

    PDF(539) RICH HTML(286) DATASET(4275)

  • Data Papers

    2023.7(2):172-179Chen, X., Wang, J. B., He, Q. F., et al.

    The Dataset Curation of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity and Climate Impacts in China in the Following Century

    PDF(675) RICH HTML(272) DATASET(3986)

  • 2023.7(2):180-184Chen, Y. R., Sun, J. Q., Li, X. Y., et al.

    Data Paper on in Situ Vegetation Dataset in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021-2022)

    PDF(736) RICH HTML(260) DATASET(3649)

  • 2023.7(2):185-194Jiang, H., Yao, L.

    Data Paper on the Boundary Dataset Based on Two Algorithms of the Hierarchical Solar Radiation Zones in China

    PDF(407) RICH HTML(268) DATASET(3395)

  • 2023.7(2):195-203Gao, M. J., Li, Y.

    Description to the Historical Records Dataset on Human Activity in the Hexi Corridor of China (from Neolithic to Qing Dynasty)

    PDF(462) RICH HTML(256) DATASET(3334)

  • 2023.7(2):204-214Wu, Z. L., Fang, X. Q., Ye, Y., et al.

    Reconstruction Dataset of Cropland Change in Eastern Part of Northern China’s Farming-Pastoral Zone (Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Ming Dynasities)

    PDF(457) RICH HTML(254) DATASET(3280)

  • 2023.7(2):215-224Yin, Y. M., Zhang, Y. H., Hu, Z. W., et al.

    Data Paper of the Quadrennial Series Dataset of Coastal Aquaculture Distribution of China Based on Landsat Images (1990-2022)

    PDF(564) RICH HTML(332) DATASET(5121)

  • Outreach and Academic Activities

    2023.7(2):225-227Wang, J. Y., Zhao, Z. W., Liu, C.

    GCdataPR Exhibition at the 4th World Data Forum (WDF)

    PDF(514) RICH HTML(258)

  • 2023.7(2):228-231Zhu, Y. Q., Li, L. M., Chi, X. X.

    The 2023 Conference of Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) for the Ancient Yellow River Floodplain Area was Held in Feng County

    PDF(427) RICH HTML(290)
