Article list
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery

2020 Vol.4 No.1

  • ISSN:2096-3645
  • CN:10-1493/P
  • First Issue:Mar. 2017
  • Sponsors:IGSNRR/CAS,GSC
  • Editor-in-Chief:GE Quansheng
  • Pub. & Dis.:GCdataPR
  • Covid-19 Data Services

    2020.4(1):1-10Sioen, G. B., Daszak, P., Ebi, K., et al

    Emerging Viruses Are a Global Health Concern Requiring Science-based Solutions and Local Action

    PDF(9829) RICH HTML(1818)

  • 2020.4(1):11-15Bao, J. G.

    The Impact of COVID-19—How will Tourism Situation in China at the Post-pandemic Stage?

    PDF(2441) RICH HTML(1630)

  • 2020.4(1):16-23Wang, J. L., Han, X. H., Bu, K., et al.

    Knowledge Service System on Disaster Risk Reduction and its Application in Social Media Analysis

    PDF(1321) RICH HTML(1544)

  • Data Papers

    2020.4(1):24-30Tang, L., Ma, J. W., Shao, Z. Y., et al.

    Global Land Slope Frequency Dataset

    PDF(1515) RICH HTML(1736) DATASET(11877)

  • 2020.4(1):31-37Ma, Y. G., Liu, S. H.

    Time Series of Land Surface Phenology Dataset in Central Asia (1982–2015)

    PDF(1355) RICH HTML(1646) DATASET(9459)

  • 2020.4(1):38-45Lin, L., Kong, X. Z., Li, N., et al.

    Dataset of OLR Abnormal Signals in Nepal (2009-2018)

    PDF(1159) RICH HTML(1518) DATASET(9552)

  • 2020.4(1):46-51Zhang, Y., Ma, T. L.

    SAM Table Dataset for Four Municipalities of China (2012, 2015)

    PDF(1282) RICH HTML(1318) DATASET(9507)

  • 2020.4(1):52-59Chen, Y. L., Huang, X. Y., Lu, D. S., et al.

    4868 Sample Plots Dataset for Land Cover Validation in Fujian Province of China (2019)—Content and Procedure

    PDF(1208) RICH HTML(1463) DATASET(10256)

  • 2020.4(1):60-67Zhang, J., Di, L., Chen, Z. N., et al.

    In Situ Sample Dataset of Stem Sap Flow of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantation in the Loess Plateau

    PDF(1243) RICH HTML(1452) DATASET(8310)

  • 2020.4(1):68-74Chen, Y. R., Tu, T. Q., Song, W. X

    Middle and Primary Public School Districts Dataset in Nanjing Urban Area (2008, 2018)

    PDF(1930) RICH HTML(1628) DATASET(9061)

  • 2020.4(1):75-85Wang, J. P., Mamat, A., Ma, Y. X.

    Spatial Pattern Dataset and Analysis of Land Use and Ecosystem Services in Yarkant River Basin (1978-2018)

    PDF(1240) RICH HTML(1440) DATASET(9240)

  • Global Change Data Encyclopedia

    2020.4(1):86-87Zhang, Y. H., Liu, C., Shi, R. X.

    Channel Islands

    PDF(1151) RICH HTML(1206) DATASET(8181)

  • 2020.4(1):88-89Lv, T. T., Tao, Z., Shi, R. X., et al.

    North Island, New Zealand

    PDF(1225) RICH HTML(1176) DATASET(9386)

  • 2020.4(1):90-91Guo, C. F., Li, D. L., Zhang, W., et al.

    VitiLevu, Fiji

    PDF(1159) RICH HTML(1180) DATASET(8721)

  • 2020.4(1):92-93Wang, J. Q., Yang, A. B., Zhang, F., et al.

    Pulau Bangka, Indonesia

    PDF(1207) RICH HTML(1120) DATASET(8851)

  • Review

    2020.4(1):94-100Shi, R. X. Ma, J. H. Liu, C., et al.

    Statistics and Analysis of the Global Change Research Data Publishing & Sharing (2019)

    PDF(1209) RICH HTML(1230)
