Aru Islands, Indonesia
LIU Chuang1SHI Ruixiang1CHEN Lijun2ZHANG Yinghua1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 National Geomatics Center of China,Beijing 100830,China
Published:Jul. 2019
Visitors:8318 Data Files Downloaded:34
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Key Words:
Aru Islands,Indian Ocean,Alafra Sea,Indonesia,Pulau Trangan,data encyclopedia
Aru Islands is located in the north of Alafra Sea, Indian Ocean. It is separated from New Guinea Island 115 km at its northeast. Aru Islands belongs to Malugu Province, Indonesia. Its geo-location is between 7°6′6″S and 5°19′34″S, 134°3′1″E and 134°54′31″E. The boundary between Asian and Oceanian regions is in its west from north to south. The Aru Islands is composed of 828 islands (the smallest island is 199 m2). The main islands are Pulau Workai, Pulau Wolvat, Pulau Wokam, Pulau Wasir, Pulau Warmar, Pulau Warilau, Pulau Udjir, Pulau Turturdjuring, Pulau Trangan, Pulau Tabar, Pulau Pendjuring, Pulau Penambulai, Pulau Ngoba, Pulau Mimien, Pulau Meirang, Pulau Mariri, Pulau Maikoor, Pulau Lutur, Pulau Lelamtuti, Pulau Leer, Pulau Kumul, Pulau Kulur, Pulau Kola, Pulau Kobroor, Pulau Koba, Pulau Karaweira Besar, Pulau Karang, Pulau Enu, Pulau Djursian, Pulau Djeudin, Pulau Djeh, Pulau Djedan, Pulau Buwar, Pulau Bengori, Pulau Barakan, Pulau Babi, Pulau Aun, Pulau Aduar and Babi. The total area of the Aru Islands is 8070.09 km², and the coastline is 4416.38 km. The Pulau Trangan Island is the largest one in the Aru Islands, with the area of 2382.30 km², and the coastline of 649.08 km. The dataset was developed based on the Google Earth and the Oceanic maps and references. The dataset is consisted of 17 data files and archived in the .kmz and .shp data formats with the data size of 36.1 MB (Compressed to 14.7 MB in two files).
Foundation Item:
Chinese Academy of Sciences (2018)
Data Citation:
LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang, CHEN Lijun, ZHANG Yinghua. Aru Islands, Indonesia[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.
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AruIslands.kmz |
5662.46KB |
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AruIslandsshp.rar |
9476.53KB |