Kong Karls Land
SHI Ruixiang1LIU Chuang1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Published:Dec. 2022
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Key Words:
Kong Karls Land,the Arctic Ocean,Svalbard Archipelago,Norway,data encyclopedia
The Kong Karls Land is located in the eastern of Svalbard Archipelago, between Greenland Sea and Barents Sea in the Arctic Ocean. It is in Norway, and the geo-location is between 78°38′19″N and 79°1′13″N, 26°21′40″E and 30°24′35″E. The Kong Karls Land consists of 158 islands (area of the smallest is 81 m²). Among them, the three largest islands are Kongs Island, Svensk Island and Abel Island. The total area of the Kong Karls Land is 350.73 km², and the length of the coastline is 311.98 km. The dataset was developed based on Google Earth images around 2015. The dataset is archived in .kmz and .shp data formats, and consists of 17 data files with data size of 1.99 MB (Compressed into 2 files with 1.37 MB).
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
SHI Ruixiang, LIU Chuang. Kong Karls Land[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2022.12.04.V1.
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     [2] Liu, C., Shi, R. X., Zhang, Y. H., et al. 2015: How many islands (isles, rocks), how large land areas, and how long of shorelines in the world? —Vector data based on Google Earth images [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2019, 3(2): 124-148. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2019.02.03.
     [3] SinoMaps Press. Atlas of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark [M]. Beijing: SinoMaps Press. 2008.
     [4] Planet Map Press. World National Atlas [M]. Version 2. Beijing: Planet Map Press, 2004.
     [5] Editorial Group of the Chinese-foreign Language Handbook of Global Geographical Names. Chinese-foreign Language Handbook of Global Geographical Names [M]. Beijing: SinoMaps Press. 1999.
Data Product:
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Data Name |
Data Size |
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1 |
KongKarlsLand.kmz |
530.38KB |
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KongKarlsLandshp.rar |
878.87KB |