Paddy Rice Distribution Data in Southeast of China (2001-2013)
Qiu Binwen1
1 Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining &Information Sharing of Ministry of Education,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou,350002
Published:Jul. 2016
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Key Words:
MODIS,paddy rice,spatiotemporal variations,southeast of China,Environmental monitoring and assessment
Monitoring the paddy rice is important for the crop yield estimation. The study area covers 9 provinces, including Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and Shanghai Municipality in southeast of China. Based on the data integration between the MOD09A1 in 500m resolution and in situ sample data, three types of the patty rice, including the single rice, the double rice and the rice plus other crops in the year of 2001,2004,2006,2009 and 2013 were identified. The data indicated that the paddy rice area were decreased, especially the double rice area decreased from 32,113.50km2 (2001) to 16,665.25km2 (2013), almost half of the double rice area decreased (48.11%) during the thirteen years. The dataset is archived in .xslx and .tiff formats with the data size of 5.11MB. The analysis paper was published at the Journal of Environmental monitoring and assessment, No.1, Vol.188, 2015.
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (41471362)
Data Citation:
Qiu Binwen. Paddy Rice Distribution Data in Southeast of China (2001-2013)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.
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