Time Series of Land Ecosystem Classification Dataset of China in Five-Year Increments
XU Xinliang1LIU Jiyuan1ZHANG Zengxiang2ZHOU Wancun3ZHANG Shuwen4LI Rendong5YAN Changzhen6WU Shixin7SHI Xuezheng8
1 State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences2 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences3 Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences4 Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences5 Wuhan Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences6 Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences7 Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography Chinese Academy of Sciences8 Nanjing Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Sciences
Published:April 2015
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Key Words:
China,ecosystem classification,spatial changes,five yearly step,time series
Time Series of Land Ecosystem Classification Dataset of China in Five Yearly Steps is consisted of 7 land ecosystem types of China. They are: farmland ecosystem, forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, wetland ecosystem, resident ecosystem, desert ecosystem and others. The raster data is in 100 meters pixels. The time series of data products indicate that the wetland changes of China are not very much during the last 25 years, the resident including urban ecosystem increased from 1.65%(1990)to 2.09%(2010);the farmland ecosystem increased from 18.65%(1990)to 18.80%(2010). However, grassland ecosystem decreased from 31.98%(1990)down to 31.56%(2010)and forest ecosystem decreased from 23.74% down to 23.64%(2010).The fluctuating fugues are shown for each ecosystems during the 25 years.Browse
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Data Citation:
XU Xinliang, LIU Jiyuan, ZHANG Zengxiang, ZHOU Wancun, ZHANG Shuwen, LI Rendong, YAN Changzhen, WU Shixin, SHI Xuezheng. Time Series of Land Ecosystem Classification Dataset of China in Five-Year Increments[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2015.01.01.V1.
Xu, X. L., Liu, J. Y, Zhang, Z. X., et al. A Time Series Land Ecosystem Classification Dataset of China in Five-Year Increments (1990–2010) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(1): 52–59. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.01.08.
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