Standardized Anomaly Dataset of Global Marine Net Primary Productivity (1998-2019)
SUN Yuqi1,2XUE Cunjin*2,3HONG Yalan4XU Yangfeng2,5LIU Jingyi2,6
1 China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China2 Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China3 Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China4 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,Beijing 101100,China5 China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266580,China6 CETC Key Laboratory of Aerospace Information Applications,Shijiazhuang 050081,China
Published:Oct. 2020
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Key Words:
Marine net primary production,global,anomaly
Marine net primary production (MNPP) is an index that measures the photosynthesis capacity of marine phytoplankton. The standardized anomaly dataset of global marine net primary productivity (1998-2019) was developed based on the monthly NPP data of the SeaWiFS.R2014 from January 1998 to December 2002 and the MODIS.R2018 from January 2003 to December 2019. The seasons were divided based on the three months composite March to May, June to August, September to November and December to February. The data results show that the abnormal change pattern of marine primary productivity is closely related to the evolution of ENSO events. The dataset includes the following global data from 1998 to 2019: (1) yearly NPP; (2) 3 months composite NPP; (3) yearly NPP standardized anomaly data; (4) 3 months composite NPP standardized anomaly data; and (5) monthly NPP standardized anomaly data. The spatial resolution of the data is 9 km x 9 km. The dataset is archived in HDF4 format, consists of 484 data files with data size of 16.82 GB (compressed into 16 data files with 4.81 GB).
Foundation Item:
Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA19060103);Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2017YFB0503605); National Natural Science Foundation of China (41671401)
Data Citation:
SUN Yuqi, XUE Cunjin*, HONG Yalan, XU Yangfeng, LIU Jingyi. Standardized Anomaly Dataset of Global Marine Net Primary Productivity (1998-2019)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.
SUN Yuqi, XUE Cunjin, HONG Yalan, et al. Standardized anomaly dataset of global marine net primary productivity (1998–2019) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021, 5(2): 162-174.
Data Product:
ID |
Data Name |
Data Size |
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1 |
1_NPP_Year_1998_2019.rar |
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2 |
2_NPP_Season_1998_2003.rar |
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3 |
2_NPP_Season_2004_2009.rar |
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4 |
2_NPP_Season_2010_2015.rar |
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5 |
2_NPP_Season_2016_2019.rar |
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6 |
3_NPP_Anomaly_Year_1998_2019.rar |
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7 |
4_NPP_Anomaly_Season_1998_2006.rar |
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8 |
4_NPP_Anomaly_Season_2007_2015.rar |
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9 |
4_NPP_Anomaly_Season_2016_2019.rar |
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10 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_1998_2000.rar |
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11 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_2001_2003.rar |
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12 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_2004_2006.rar |
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13 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_2007_2009.rar |
337683.17KB |
14 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_2010_2012.rar |
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15 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_2013_2015.rar |
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16 |
5_NPP_Anomaly_Month_2016_2019.rar |
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