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Data Details

1-km/daily Evapotranspiration Dataset over Heihe River Basin in China (2000-2015)

HU Guangcheng1JIA Li1ZHENG Chaolei1CUI Yaokui2
1 State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 Institute of RS and GIS,School of Earth and Space Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China


Published:Oct. 2021

Visitors:7360       Data Files Downloaded:1198      
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Key Words:

evapotranspiration,ETMonitor,daily,spatiotemporally continuous,Heihe River Basin


The 1-km/daily Evapotranspiration Dataset over Heihe River Basin in China (2000-2015) was developed using the evapotranspiration estimation model ETMonitor. The model considers land surface energy balance, water transfer and vegetation physiological processes, and is driven by a variety of biophysical parameters derived from multi-source remote sensing data. In order to fully consider the response of evapotranspiration to soil moisture conditions, a three-layer soil water transport model is added to ETMonitor, and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) data assimilation method is used to improve the simulation effect of soil moisture conditions. The coordinate system of the dataset is latitude-longitude, the spatiotemporal resolution is 0.01°/1-day, and the spatial coverage is 96.5°E-102.5°E, 37.5°N-43°N. The dataset is archived daily, and the data format is ENVI standard. The data type is single precision floating point, and the unit is mm/day. The size of annual data is 460 MB, and the total data size is 7.2 GB (compressed to 16 files with 5.37 GB).

Foundation Item:

Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA19030203);National Natural Science Foundation of China (42090014, 41801346, 41901348, 91425303)

Data Citation:

HU Guangcheng, JIA Li, ZHENG Chaolei, CUI Yaokui. 1-km/daily Evapotranspiration Dataset over Heihe River Basin in China (2000-2015)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.


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