Mingjing Lake, Qinghai Province of China
GOU Zhaojun1LIU Fenggui1
1 Department of Geographic Sciences,Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,China
Published:May 2019
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Key Words:
Mingjing Lake,Tibetan Plateau,Hoh Xil,saltwater lake,data encyclopedia
Mingjing Lake,also called as “Mailongcuo”, which means mirror-like surface, is located in the west of Hoh Xil, Qinghai Province, China. It is an inland saltwater lake on the Tibetan Plateau. Its geo-location is between 35°1′4″N and 35°6′30″N, 90°25′51″E and 90°42′8″E. It is located in the valley between Hoh Xil Mountain, Wu Lan Ula Mountain - Chaxiang Jiede Mountains, with an area of 122.97 km² and a lake shoreline of 167.97 km. There are 18 islands in the lake, among which the largest island has an area of 2.07 km² and shoreline of 11.06 km long; the smallest island has an area of 4205 m2 and shoreline of 241 m long. The lake is in the semi-arid climate zone with annual average temperature of -6 ℃ and annual average precipitation of 150-200 mm. The water in the Mingjing Lake mainly depends on surface runoff from five or six rivers, among which the Minjing West River, originated from Dongbule Mountain (5410m asl), and the Panlaigou River, originated from the Ulan Ula Mountain (5350m asl), are the two largest surface runoff. The Vegetation around the lake is mainly the alpine grassland of Stipa grandis. The dataset is developed based on Google Earth images (2015) and related maps. The dataset is archived in .kmz and .shp data formats. It is consisted of 22 data files with data size of 1.37 MB (Compressed to two data files with data size of 518 KB).
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
GOU Zhaojun, LIU Fenggui. Mingjing Lake, Qinghai Province of China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2019.04.05.V1.
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MingjingLake.kmz |
139.24KB |
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MingjingLakeshp.rar |
379.46KB |