Assessment Dataset of Habitat Suitability in the Upper Reaches of Min River, China
GUO Yalin1WANG Qing1YAN Weipo1ZHOU Qin1SHI Minqiu1
1 School of Environment and Resource,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang621010,China
Published:Jul. 2016
Visitors:17951 Data Files Downloaded:252
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Key Words:
habitat assessment,suitability,spatial distribution pattern,the Upper Reaches of Min River,Journal of Mountain Science
Habitat richness influences and even determines biological diversity. Assessment dataset of plant habitat suitability could help us to understand how to keep the region sustainable development. Based on the data integration among the ASTER-DEM, a series of local maps, and the in situ data, the assessment dataset of habitat suitability in the Upper reaches of Min River, China was developed. The dataset is consisted of terrain elevation and slope data; meteorology data, soil and vegetation data, as well as the habitat suitability index and the assessment data. The dataset is archived in the .tiff format with the compressed data size of 15.1MB. The analysis resolute based on the dataset was published at the Journal of Mountain Science, No. 3, Vol.12, 2015.Browse
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (41071115), Ministry of Science and Technology of China ( 2011BAK12B04).
Data Citation:
GUO Yalin, WANG Qing, YAN Weipo, ZHOU Qin, SHI Minqiu. Assessment Dataset of Habitat Suitability in the Upper Reaches of Min River, China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.
Guo, Y. L., Wang, Q., Yan, W. P., et al. Habitat assessment dataset cover the Upper Reaches of Min River of China [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(4): 431–436. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.04.08.
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