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Data Details

Nam Co Lake Ice Period and Influencing Factors Dataset in Tibet (2000-2013)

GOU Peng1,2ZHAO Rui2YE Qinghua1
1 Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research CAS Beijing 100085 China2 Shaanxi Dijian Land Surveying Planning and Design Institute Co. Ltd.


Published:Mar. 2016

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Key Words:

Nam Co Lake,ice,freezing and melting period,temperature,wind speed,Progress in Geography


Lake ice is a sensible indicator to climate change, especially for that in the Nam Co Lake of Tibetan Plateau. The Nam Co Lake ice period and influencing factors dataset in Tibet (2000-2013) includes four data files: (1) Nam Co Lake ice period data from 2000-2013; (2) the daily most cold water temperature under lake surface water 10cm and 30cm in October and May from 2011-2012; (3) Annual mean winter air temperature record from the Baojie Metrological Station, the completely freezing duration (CFD) from 2005-2011, and (4) Mean wind speed in January from the Baojie Metrological Station, data recording the completely freezing day and beginning melting day from 2005-2011. Besides the in situ data, in the dataset development, the MODIS daily reflectivity products were used to produce the lake water temperature and lake surface brightness temperature data. The HJ-1-A satellite data were used for the data validation. The initial product from the research based on the dataset has been published at the Progress in Geography, No.10, Vol.34, 2015. The dataset is archived in the .xlsx format, the data size is 19 KB.

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

GOU Peng, ZHAO Rui, YE Qinghua. Nam Co Lake Ice Period and Influencing Factors Dataset in Tibet (2000-2013)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 NamCoLakeIce_2000-2013.xlsx 18.60KB