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Prunus mongolica Population Dataset in Helan Mountains,China

YANG Yuewen1JI Meng1LIU Xinqian1ZENG Yu2REN Jianmin1LI Yinxiang1WANG Zibo1ZHANG Fenghe1
1 Inner Mongolia Academy of Forestry Science,Hohhot 010010,Inner Mongolia,China2 The Institute of Forestry Monitoring and Planning of Inner Monglia Autonomous Region,Hohhot,010020,Inner Mongolia,China


Published:Jun. 2016

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Key Words:

The Helan Mountains,Prunus mongolica,Population Characteristic,Mountain Research


The Prunus mongolica communitie is one of the main forest covers in the Helan Mountains, which is treaded as the divide between east and west of China. The Prunus mongolica population dataset in Helan Mountains of China was developed based on the in situ data from the 3 different landscapes, Low sloped rocky mountain, shade slope and dry river bed. The dataset is consisted of the geolocation of the sample spots, as well as the ecosystem indicators of the Prunus mongolica in five tables. They are: Table1 General situations of the three samples, Table 2 Growth characteristics and Spatial patterns of different Prunus mongolica populations, Table 3 The bush height structures of different Prunus mongolica populations, Table 4 The crown width structures of different Prunus mongolica populations, and Table 5 Spatial patterns of different Prunus mongolica populations. The dataset is archived in the .kmz, .shp and .xlxs formats with the compressed data size of 31KB. The research paper based on the dataset was published at the Journal of Mountain Research, No. 1, Vo. 33, 2015.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Forestry of China (201404204)

Data Citation:

YANG Yuewen, JI Meng, LIU Xinqian, ZENG Yu, REN Jianmin, LI Yinxiang, WANG Zibo, ZHANG Fenghe. Prunus mongolica Population Dataset in Helan Mountains,China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 PrunusMongolicaPopulationHelanMt.rar 28.45KB
2 SampleSites.kmz 1.88KB