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Data Details

Wood Carving Figures Dataset of Immortals and Gods Archived in Luoyang Folk Museum

HE Tingting1
1 Luoyang Folk Museum,Luoyang 471000,China


Published:Jul. 2021

Visitors:7661       Data Files Downloaded:55      
Data Downloaded:18997.87 MB      Citations:

Key Words:

wood carving,figure statue,immortals,Luoyang Folk Museum


The wood carving figures dataset of immortals and gods archived in Luoyang Folk Museum collected the digital images of 210 wood carving figures of immortals and gods made by the local people in the South Shanxi Province, West Henan Province and surrounding areas during Yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties and the Republic of China. The dataset includes: (1) 210 images of woodcarving figures of immortal and gods, including 27 pieces of god of Wealth, 8 pieces of Guan Yu, 17 pieces of Door god, 5 pieces of Mountain god, 4 pieces of Thor, 36 pieces of Land god, 3 pieces of Kitchen King, 3 pieces of Ma Wangye, 71 pieces of Guanyin statues, 29 pieces of Laozi, and 7 pieces of Lv Zu; (2) attribute data on wood carving figures, including group, name, archive code, dynasty and number. The dataset is archived in .jpg and .pdf data formats, and consists of 211 data files with data size of 1.42 GB (compressed into 4 data files, 1.41 GB).Browse

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

HE Tingting. Wood Carving Figures Dataset of Immortals and Gods Archived in Luoyang Folk Museum[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.

HE Tingting. Content and composition of woodcarvings of immortals in Luoyang Folk Museum [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021, 5(4): 460-469.


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     [2] Xia, F. Folk Wood Carvings and Patterns (Statues Series) [M]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2004.
     [3] Wang, K. S. Folk Wood Carvings [M]. Beijing: China Light Industry Press, 2006.
     [4] Sheng, M. N., Jiang, X. D., Li, F. Fine Folk Wood Carvings in Ming and Qing Dynasties of China: Opera Characters [M]. Hangzhou: Xiling Seal Engraver's Society, 2006.
     [5] Wang, S. S. Gods and Beings: Folk Beliefs and Society in Taigu of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China [M]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2009.
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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Info_WoodCarvingFigures.pdf 948.11KB
2 Photos_WoodCarvingFigures_1.rar 528287.72KB
3 Photos_WoodCarvingFigures_2.rar 546936.00KB
4 Photos_WoodCarvingFigures_3.rar 412592.10KB