Spatial Dataset of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System - The Nomadic System of the Ar Horqin Grassland in Inner Mongolia
WANG Zhengxing1MIN Qingwen1
1 State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Published:Aug. 2022
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Key Words:
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS),Ar Horqin Banner,Bayanwendur Sumu,grassland nomadic system,heritage site,soil erosion
The "Ar Horqin Grassland Nomadic System (AHGNS)" was recognized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS)" on May 20, 2022. The AHGNS heritage site is located at Bayan wendur Sumu in Ar Horqin Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia of China, including 23 Gachas, 1 Forest Reserve (Hansan National Nature Reserve) and 1 Forest Protection Station, with a total area of 3,375 km². The dataset is the spatial data of the heritage site, including 8 categories: (1) Location and scope of the heritage site: Ar Horqin Banner; Bayan wendur Sumu; 23 Gachas, 1 Forest Reserve, 1 forest station; (2) Grassland nomadic system zone: winter and spring pasture, Hanshan forest reserve, summer and autumn pasture; (3) Elevation classification and slope; (4) Land use: 8 classes; (5) 3 major rivers and 3 nomadic routes; (6) NDVI in July 2018; (7) Soil erosion: Soil erosion intensity of forest, shrub, grassland and bare land. The dataset is archived in .kmz, .shp and .tif data formats, and consists of 108 data files with data size of 740 MB (Compressed into 2 file with 565 MB).Browse
Foundation Item:
Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2021YFE0117300)
Data Citation:
WANG Zhengxing, MIN Qingwen. Spatial Dataset of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System - The Nomadic System of the Ar Horqin Grassland in Inner Mongolia[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.
WANG Zhengxing, MIN Qingwen. Spatial data analysis of the grassland nomadic system in Ar Horqin, Inner Mongolia, a globally important agricultural cultural heritage site of FAO [J]. Journal of Global Change
Data & Discovery, 2022, 6(4): 597-606.
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