Dataset List


Data Details

Luoyang Plaque Dataset

WANG Yangxi1
1 Luoyang Folk Museum,Luoyang 471000,China


Published:Jul. 2021

Visitors:7383       Data Files Downloaded:62      
Data Downloaded:18005.56 MB      Citations:

Key Words:

Luoyang,plaque culture,folklore,title


The Luoyang Plaque Dataset collected 319 plaques, which were from the middle and late Qing dynasty to the Republican of China and archived in the Luoyang Plaque Museum. The plaques were collected in Luoyang, Yanshi, Mengjin, Luoning, Yiyang, Yichuan and other places, respectively. The titles have 33 types and two categories, female and male. The information includes merit, prestige, imperial examinations, medical virtue, teaching, official family and many other aspects. The dataset includes: (1)image data of the Luoyang Plaques; (2) information on the content of plaques, including ID, name, archived code, dynasty, collected place, title in the preface and postscript, inscribes and thumbnails. The dataset is archived in .jpg and .xls data formats, and consists of 320 data files with data size of 1.12 GB (compressed to four data files with 1.12 GB).

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

WANG Yangxi. Luoyang Plaque Dataset[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Info_Plaque.pdf 2202.85KB
2 Photos_Plaque_1.rar 406546.80KB
3 Photos_Plaque_2.rar 388606.22KB
4 Photos_Plaque_3.rar 377617.52KB