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Annual Average Seawater Transparency Dataset in the Sea Area 40 km Offshore from Chittagong (Bangladeshi) to Kyaukpyu (Myanmar) (2002-2017)

YAN Jinfeng1WANG Menghan1SU Fenzhen2ZHANG Xiaoxiao1GAO Shanshan1XU Meirong1
1 College of Geomatics,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China2 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Oct. 2018

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Key Words:

Chittagong,Kyaukpyu,seawater transparency,2002-2017


Annual average seawater transparency dataset in the sea area 40 km offshore from Chittagong (Bangladeshi) to Kyaukpyu (Myanmar) (2002-2017) covering 40km offshore seawaters from coastline of the Chittagong (Bangladeshi) - Kyaukpyu (Myanmar). The dataset was developed based on annual average global water body reflectance data (MODISA_L3m_RRS v2018). Firstly, the seawater transparency was calculated by empirical inversion model proposed by Tian Lin in 2013, and then clipped it to get the annual average seawater transparency dataset in the sea area 40 km offshore from Chittagong (Bangladeshi) to Kyaukpyu (Myanmar) (2002-2017). The data result shows that the seawater transparency from far shore to nearshore showed gradually decreasing trend. The maximum of seawater transparency from 2002 to 2017 was 32.33 m, which was in 2013; the minimum of seawater transparency was 0.44 m, which was in 2017. Regionally, the average seawater transparency in 2007 was the lowest, at 12.84 m; while the average seawater transparency in 2009 was the highest, reaching 15.86 m, with a difference of 3.02 m. The spatial resolution of the dataset is 0.084821°. The dataset is consisted of 16 data files in .tif format with data size of 1.02 MB (Compressed to one single file, 56.0 KB).

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2017ST0006)

Data Citation:

YAN Jinfeng, WANG Menghan, SU Fenzhen, ZHANG Xiaoxiao, GAO Shanshan, XU Meirong. Annual Average Seawater Transparency Dataset in the Sea Area 40 km Offshore from Chittagong (Bangladeshi) to Kyaukpyu (Myanmar) (2002-2017)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 STransp_Chittagong-Kyaukpyu.rar 56.00KB