Dataset of Ice Core Deposition to Stratospheric Loading Conversion Factor and the Tropical Volcanic Forcing of the Past 1500 Years (2.0)
GAO Chaochao1GAO Ya1
1 College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China
Published:Oct. 2020
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Key Words:
Volcanic forcing reconstruction,Ice core deposition,Conversion factors,Tambora,Agung,Pinatubo,Earth System Science Data
Volcanic eruption is one of the most important natural causes of climate change. The LTD conversion factor (atmospheric-loading to icecap-deposition conversion factor) used to translate ice core based volcanic sulfate deposition into stratospheric sulfate aerosol loading is essential for estimating aerosol loading and radiative forcing from volcanic eruptions. In this dataset, the authors first used MATLAB code to calculate the average ice-core deposition of 1815 Tambora in polar regions by collecting the most comprehensive polar ice-core records for the 1815 Tambora eruption and the latest estimation of eruption magnitude, then divided the eruption magnitude (Tg) in each hemisphere by the corresponding deposition (kg/km2) to obtain a new LTD conversion factor. The resulting Tambora-based conversion factor (LTDT) was found that varied within 10% when the authors repeated the calculations for various sampling of the ice-core records. Then LTDTwas compared and verified with LTD for 1963 Agung and 1991 Pinatubo eruptions, the results from multi-model simulations, and the "1953-1955 bomb test debris" derived LTD, which suggested that the uncertainty was affected by location and size of eruption. Using the new LTDT factor, the authors updated tropical volcanic stratospheric aerosol loading reconstruction for the past 1500 years. The deposited dataset includes: (1) a collection of the conversion factors reported in different studies; (2)1815 Tambora sulfate deposition in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores; (3)1963 Agung and 1991 Pinatubo sulfate deposition in Antarctic ice cores; (4) the 1953-1955 bomb test observation data; (5) calculation of stratospheric partitioning of total β activity and the conversion factors; (6) estimates of stratospheric sulfate loading from 1815 Tambora, 1963 Agung, and 1991 Pinatubo; (7) the updated IVI2 (Ice core based Volcanic Index 2). The data is archived in one excel file with data size of 66.3 KB. The manuscript describing the dataset has been submitted to the Journal of Earth System Science Data (register number: essd-2020-279).
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (41875092)
Data Citation:
GAO Chaochao, GAO Ya. Dataset of Ice Core Deposition to Stratospheric Loading Conversion Factor and the Tropical Volcanic Forcing of the Past 1500 Years (2.0)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.
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LTD_TropicalVolcanicForcing_p1500.xlsx |
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