Dataset of Influence of Simulated Warming on Spatial Distribution of Herbaceous Plant Species Diversity in Forest Communities of Luliang Mountain, China
YANG Xiaoyan1
1 Taiyuan Normal University,Jinzhong 030619,China
Published:Dec. 2018
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Key Words:
global warming,herb,species diversity,spatial distribution,Acta Ecologica Sinica
In order to study the response of plant species diversity to temperature increase and its spatial distribution in different altitude and latitude with global warming, the author selected the plots on Guancen Mountain and Wulu Mountain, which all belong to the luliang Mountains. In August 2016, three experiments were taken, they are control (CK), low temperature increase (OCT1) and high temperature increase (OCT2) at different altitudes. In August 2017, surveys on plant species diversity were conducted on forest communities in the plots. The species diversity indexes, including Simpson index, Shannon index, Pielou index and Patrick index, were calculated, and the dataset of influence of simulated warming on spatial distribution of herbaceous plant species diversity in forest community of Luliang Mountain was developed. The dataset is consisted of the following data records: (1) geo-location data of the sample sites; (2) Changes in the diversity index of vegetation species with altitude gradient under different conditions in August 2017 (growth season); (3) Changes in the diversity index of vegetation species with latitude gradient under different conditions in August 2017 (growth season); (4) Changes in the diversity index of vegetation species with temperature in August 2017 (growth season). The dataset is archived in .kmz, and .shp data formats, consist of 9 data files with data size of 57.2 KB (compressed to two files with data size of 51.5 KB). The analysis paper based on the dataset was published at Acta Ecologica Sinica, Vol. 38, No. 18, 2018.
Foundation Item:
Shanxi Province (2016021136); Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province (Jin Education Research No.4 [2016]; Jin Education No.4 [2016])
Data Citation:
YANG Xiaoyan. Dataset of Influence of Simulated Warming on Spatial Distribution of Herbaceous Plant Species Diversity in Forest Communities of Luliang Mountain, China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.
Data Product:
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SampleSites.kmz |
0.73KB |
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SimulatedWarming_HerbaceousDiversityLuliang.rar |
50.79KB |