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Experimental Dataset on Biological Mechanisms of Typhoon-induced Blooms in the South China Sea

ZHANG Yafeng1WANG Xutao2YIN Kedong1
1 School of Marine Science,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510006,China2 Scientific Institute of Pearl River Water Resources Protection,Guangzhou 510000,China


Published:Dec. 2018

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Key Words:

phytoplankton,micro-zooplankton,light,bloom,South China Sea,Acta Ecological Sinica


Most parts of the South China Sea (SCS) are oligotrophic with strong underwater irradiance and low surface layer nutrients due to the stratification. The nutrient level is too low to support a phytoplankton bloom in the surface water. However, there are numerous reports of bloom events in the SCS after typhoons every year. The experiments in South China Sea were made in May and September 2005. Firstly, the temperature, salinity and Chlorophyll concentration were obtained using CTD; secondly, the depth of DCM was concluded according to the vertical variation of Chlorophyll concentration; and then, an incubation experiment was conducted in the basin of the South China Sea; additionally, dilution experiments in different nutrient and irradiance conditions with surface and DCM water samples were conducted to explore micro-zooplankton grazing activity and their roles in the surface and DCM layers; lastly, the experimental dataset on biological mechanisms of typhoon-induced blooms in the South China Sea was developed. The data result shows that micro-zooplankton grazing rates in the surface water were significantly higher than those in the DCM, and micro-zooplankton in the surface layer preferred the large size phytoplankton. DCM phytoplankton is seed populations when the deep water is mixed upward with the surface layer in a typhoon. The dataset is consisted of the following data records: (1) The sampling stations during cruises in May and September of 2005 in the South China Sea; (2) Vertical profiles data of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and the <5 μm fraction of total chlorophyll a at station S9; (3) Comparison in chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and size distribution during the incubation of the surface samples at station S9; (4) Comparison in chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and size distribution during the incubation of the deep chlorophyll maximum layer samples at station S9; (5) Micro-zooplankton grazing rates in the surface and deep chlorophyll maximum layer water under different nutrients and light conditions. The dataset is archived in .kmz、.shp and .xlsx format, consist of 8 data files with data size of 37.1 KB (compressed to two data files with data size of 30.1 KB). The analysis paper was published in Acta Ecological Sinica, Vol. 38, No. 16, 2018.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (91328203, U1701247)

Data Citation:

ZHANG Yafeng, WANG Xutao, YIN Kedong. Experimental Dataset on Biological Mechanisms of Typhoon-induced Blooms in the South China Sea[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 BiologicalMechanismTyphoonBloomsSCS.rar 28.02KB
2 SampleSites.kmz 2.11KB